A contract (6)

While seeing Alfred off, Adelaide decided to study diligently. It would appear rather weird if people found out about her researching things like blood contracts by herself. With a tutor by her side, all problems would be solved.

"I'll get going, then." Alfred patted his sister's silk black hair lightly.

In the past, the duke couple would always see him off as a way to build themselves good public image.

Only the minority, also known as closed personnel, knew of their young lady's abuse as well as the real relationship between the young master and his parents. The majority of the servants, unsurprisingly, still thought of them as a rare noble harmonious family.

It was understandable that they believed so. Unlike the other powerful duchy Rustwell, as well as the royal family and other strong households, Winford's internal situation seemed simple – the entire main lineage only had a husband, wife, and two obedient children. To the commoners who knew a thing or two about the complicated world of politics and power struggles, the current Winford was a rare pure gem that they could not help but admire.

That was until yesterday.

Fortunately, the duke had stopped all the rumors from spreading out by having his butler, assistant butlers, and head maids control the servant's mouths. Unfortunately, the servants in the castle no longer admire their masters like idols.

They pitied the young lady instead. Who would have known? Their pure, beautiful young lady was actually suffering from that stepmother's jealousy.

However, far from angry, Adelaide was loving the attention.

'I feel like Cinderella.'

"Yes, brother. Please rest assured."

"I'll send you letters, okay?" Alfred's voice was slightly hoarse due to puberty, but luckily, he was still as handsome as ever. "Look after Adelaide for me."

"Yes, young master." The young maid, Mila, bowed with a sincere look on her face. She was among the new maids that knew about the incident and were chosen to be Adelaide's personal maid.

'Yes yes, let's get along well.' Adelaide glanced at Mila before urging his brother on; she didn't want the future majestic duke to run late.

Winford's black car still looked as luxurious as ever. Her eyes followed the car and its escort vehicles until she could not see them anymore with a mind was full of thoughts of what to do next.

She must be cautious in every step she would be taking.

'First of all, let's make sure the servants view me in a positive light. I'll take advantage of yesterday's incident.'

'At the same time, I'll have to urge that ignorant father to get me tutors. He signed a contract with Alfred, but who knows if he wanted to drag things out of petty? Let's make full use of him while he's still alive and kicking.'

'Knowledge is power, you know. Then…'

"Should we go in and have breakfast, my lady? I'm sure His Grace and Her Ladyship are both waiting for you." Mila mustered up her gentlest smile as she suggested in a small voice.

To her, the scene of the little girl looking to the unknown was full of loneliness that did not suit her age. Her heart ached for the six-year-old, and the determination to take care of her properly exploded like a raging fire.

As a new maid, she did not like the duke couple after witnessing last night's incident. However, certain things could not be changed. Instead of making the masters of the house angrier, Mila thought helping her lady live as comfortably as she could should be the priority.

Mila sighed. She wanted to curse the couple internally, but the Empire's deep-rooted hierarchy was engraved in her bones and prevented her from even having such vulgar thoughts.

"Sure, Mila. Let's go."

The young lady flashed a bright smile towards Mila and held her hand. The young maid's heart felt like it could not endure such cuteness anymore.

[My poor heart was aching for my lady a while ago, and now it completely melts….]

'People disrupting your thoughts sure is annoying.'

Adelaide thought as they walked towards the magnificent mansion. Her brows furrowed thinking of how busy she would be.


"How dare he…the audacity!"

Duke Charles' right hand slammed on the table. His other hand was shaking in fury, making the morning newspapers crumble in the process.

Duchess Elicia flinched as the long table shook lightly under the duke's brute force. Adelaide, on the other hand, tried to remain calm as curiosity swirled inside her.

Of course, she did not miss the chance to mock Elicia internally. Doing otherwise would taint her own pride as someone who held ridiculously long grudges.

'Hah. This is what you get for looking at me the entire time. Don't you know it's rude to stare at a lady like that? And flinch as well? Where's your noble dignity?'

It was a shame that a lot of people were presented, including the duke. If not, Adelaide would have opened her mouth and said those precious words in the stepmother's face.

"What…what's the matter, dear?" Duchess Elicia composed herself before asking her husband gently. Her voice sounded pleasant to the ear.

'Combined with that figure and face, who could tell that she's an illusional bitch?'

"Alfred told the press about what happened."

The duke put the newspapers down and rubbed his forehead lightly. Adelaide's eyes quickly skimmed through the text.

She understood immediately what Alfred's intentions were after reading several headlines.

- The lady of Winford was kidnapped? An insight into what actually happened. – Lural Brown from 'The Coastal Morning'.

- "It was fortunate that she was managed to escape. However, I'm afraid this incident will serve as a mental scar." An exclusive interview with Winford's heir. – Olive Gowen from 'The Empire's Rising Sun'.

- "We cannot allow such inhuman acts upon children to happen any longer.", Urla Rowly from Children's Rights Council.

- Even nobility could not save you from danger….


'Wow, the press' power sure is unfathomable.' Adelaide's eyes sparkled silently. The source of all these articles originated from her very own brother, Alfred.

'It was not hard to guess why all these publishers could be so bold with their words. They must have some kind of backing.'

"Did he say anything he troublesome?" Duchess Elicia asked, her heart beat fast due to panic.

"Fortunately, no." Duke Charles sighed. "He spoke about the incident. According to our intelligent network, it was because those journalists stopped him and ask for the reason why Adelaide appeared at the academy. Apparently, news about her going back from the academy got leaked."

"But how?"

"It's no surprise how people found out since she appeared and approached the guards in public. Anyone could've seen."

"Then isn't it good that Alfred spoke of the reason why the duchy kept Adelaide's disappearance was to prevent public panic and agitate the culprits? He even represented our duchy by saying we're committed to putting the criminals to light."

"…I guess so."

Contrary to his wife's relaxed reaction after reading the news, the duke and Adelaide knew what Alfred actually meant, as both of them were there at the contract-signing 'ceremony', officially or not.

'If you put it politely, then it's a reminder to the duke to hold his part of the deal. If you say it bluntly, then it's a threat.'

Alfred issued a threat by having the media's attention. A threat that he could blow the Esine incident up if anything went wrong with the deal they made. She was sure for a fact that Alfred had done a good job victimizing them as well.

'I don't know about the future, but he has no choice but to grit his teeth for now.' Adelaide thought in delight. 'Now, for Alfred's conditions… it's been a week since, and the duke didn't say anything about my education yet.'

'Should I give him a push?'


Duke Charles suddenly heard his daughter's mellow voice amidst his headache. He needed to "uphold justice", but who would take the fall?

The so-called culprit must not be someone useful to him, but it couldn't be some weak-ass bastard, either. He wanted to push the blame to the opposite forces, but it wouldn't make sense; he couldn't risk being criticized as taking advantage of his own daughter for political gains.

But taking things lightly and he would definitely be summoned and questioned by the Emperor himself.

Looking at a face similar to that imprudent son did not help relieve the stress. If anything, he wanted to yell at her. The duke swallowed his anger and tried to reign it in.

"What's the matter?"

"Can I get tutors, father?"

"Tutors?" the duke's brows arched. He was irritated at the word 'tutor' as it reminded him of the source of all issues.

"Yes. Brother said I should start my education soon. I also want to be a proper lady, like how mother always said…I should uphold a noble's dignity…isn't that right, mother?"

The hot potato was passed to Duchess Elicia, whose smile almost cracked.

She had no idea if her stepdaughter was mocking her or was innocently asking.

"Yes, my dear. Education is indeed important."

"…fine." The duke sighed; he felt like this pair of siblings were teaming up against him. "I'll get you the best tutors, like how a duchy's lady should have."

He emphasized the word 'best'. Duchess Elicia's eyes flashed with a strange light.

'Ah, trying to torment me with strict teachers?'

'It is really unfortunate that I'm not a real child.'

"Thank you, father." Adelaide smiled brightly at Duke Charles' approval.

It was finally time for her to actually understand this world.