Four Years (2)

'I understand where he's coming from, though.'

Aside from the magical side of things, this world was similar to Ly's old one. Hypnosis had always been a thing. Combined with the fact that supernatural abilities existed, it was reasonable for the man to be suspicious.

Having an ability that could help one infiltrate others' minds and make them reveal information subconsciously sounded impossible, but the man had come to doubt everything after colluding with the Duke of Rustwell. If abilities could be given artificially instead of being a gift from God, then who knows what else the Duke, or any influential figure, had come up with?

Like any other politician, Baron James' mind was protected under the Empire's oath. The 'oath' was simply a spell conducted by Goddess Avalina's Saint. Before a noble gained his title, he would travel to the Holy See to receive the oath's mark. Avalina was the Goddess that blessed the land, therefore people with the Saint's Blessed Mark will have their minds fortified, making any attempts of hypnosis or mind infiltration futile.

'The Saint is in charge of some type of special holy artifact if I'm not wrong. This one should be on another level of its own.'

"I…I wouldn't dare." Baron James' response was a little shaky, but he seemed to have made up his mind.

It might be his paranoia acting, but he could not get rid of the idea no matter what.

'The Blessed Mark protects his mind, but it might not be able to prevent communication when he's in his vulnerable state.'

'So what he wants to know is whether I'm in that category or not.'

'Yesterday's incident was not something people should know, if he still has any brain cells, that is…wait, they discovered the three bodies already? That fast?'

Adelaide was surprised that her attempt to hide the corpses was discovered faster than she expected, but she did not lose her composure. Fortunately, she already knew what incident the Baron was referring to.

Hell, she was even the cause of the said incident.

"I am not directly involved in the three soul's misfortune, nor this is the Goddess' will. They simply reaped what they sow." Adelaide explained deliberately. "Karma catches up fast, Daniel James. Your past ancestors' dedication helps you gain a second chance, but that fact doesn't apply to everyone."

"Your ancestors' hard work and blessing won't last for eternity. Are you sure you want to continue wasting the Goddess' Blessings like this?"

One of her hands was caressing the small ball of fluffy cloud on her lap. She was more sensitive to the changes in Baron James' emotions now. With each word coming out of her mouth, the power she was able to wield inside his dream world continue to rise.

The Baron's eyes opened wide in surprise. The mysterious entity in front of him actually knew what he was talking about! Not that he didn't expect it, but it was still overwhelming how they were able to understand exactly what he meant and gave him the answer he wanted to hear.

"I-I see. Please forgive me, Your Excellency. This mortal even dares to question you…"

As the dawn of realization approached him, the Baron barely had time to heave out a sigh of relief before his face whitened due to fear.

The man tried to stand up from the cloud and kneel, but he was stopped mid-air. The holy entity had stopped him from doing so using her authority.

"Don't kneel, Daniel James. You did nothing wrong." Her voice returned to its previous gentle tone. Though she sounded young, he did not dwell on the matter. Who was him to judge the holy being's preference?

"Th-Thank you, Your Excellency."

"I understand where you're coming from." Words continued to reach his ears like a soft melody. "I am not as noticeable as the others. I'm more of an independent existence. I was amused when you called for me."

'That should plant a small seed in his head for now.'

"No, no, you're magnificent, Your Excellency. I-It was a humble melody I made up in the hopes that I didn't offend you."

"Offend?" a short laugh reached his ears as if to calm his nerves down. "No, I'm not offended. Though I will not tolerate anyone that disrespects me. Ah, I tolerated the High Priest back then. The one that denied my existence. But he simply stood up for his belief. The innocence isn't at fault."

Adelaide was referring to the High Priest from hundred of years ago who believed the seventh angel Unnamed was nothing but some sort of urban legend.

"Then am I the first one that has the honor to talk to you, Your Excellency?"

"Well, yes, the first one after such a long time. I tend to fall into a slumber."

"It's…it's an honor, Your Excellency. How fortunate for a lowly mortal like me to…"

'Wow, now he's mumbling to himself.'

Converting Baron James was a long shot to Adelaide. If she managed to do that fast, then it would be very convenient, but she would also have to worry about fortifying his belief once in a while as well.

'I mean, if he could abandon the faith he grew up with so fast, then I ought to pay attention to this lamb in the future.'

'Or I could just let him be if he has no use. I mean, once Alfred becomes the duke and I grow up, gaining information should be easier.'

"Is it because of winter, James?"

"I-I'm sorry?"

"Winter," Adelaide repeated slowly. She had thought of a reason why the bodies were exposed so fast, but she needed more confirmation. "The freezing cold helped you find the three unfortunate souls quicker. I guess Avalina didn't turn her back on them."

"You're right, Your Excellency. Portula, I mean, the land that I'm in charge, has started to greet its first snowflakes." Baron James exclaimed. He didn't look all surprised anymore, for he had already thought of the being in front of him as a holy existence who had just woken up from her long slumber. "It was I, this humble mortal, that discovered them."

'You had a hobby of running around in the woods when it's winter?'

'Well, but if he was the first one then he might have covered it well. Not that it's any of my business.'

Expansion will happen to a dead body that was submerged in freezing water. However, it had only been two days, so it's safe to assume that only the surface of the lake was frozen. Adelaide did not attach any heavy objects along with the three bodies – all she did was kick them down. But the lake was deep, and a body might also never surface if it was trapped by the branches.

'If it's winter, then it should take five days minimum for the bodies to float. Ah, fuck, nevermind. It's none of my problems anyway.'

"One…one of them had a twisted neck, Your Excellency."

"But you have no idea what the cause of death was?"

"Yes. But if it's their fate, then it must've been the will of the existences from The Great Beyond. As a lowly mortal, I wouldn't dare to question your decisions."

'Shit. Don't say that. I can only afford to be the barely-to-none existent Unnamed, not the entire supreme court, damn it.'

"Not everything is decided. Every single creature has the power to do whatever they want to do – if they could bear the consequences, that is."

"Thank you for your wise words, Your Excellency."

Baron James didn't dare to look straight at the holy being's face, even if it was already covered by white fog. He knew what he was experiencing wasn't the real world, but he couldn't help but feel the immerse power belonged to her.

'This is the real authority of the sacred entities', he thought.

At the same time, Adelaide felt her control over the Baron's dreamland continued to strengthen to an immeasurable extent. She had never felt so free before, even in Alfred's dream.

'It's like I'm gaining more and more approval from him.'

"I know this is a selfish and unforgivable question, but is it possible for me to be enlightened by you more often, Your Excellency?"

It looked like it took the Baron quite an effort to ask the question. Even Adelaide was quite taken aback by him.

She was sure he would want to see her again, no doubt. If the man did not search for her actively, or if the thought of looking for her didn't surface in his mind, she was determined to shove that idea down his throat and act all elegant and tolerable as if it was him who wanted it all alone.

The thing was that Adelaide was still racking her mediocre brain for a plan when the man himself spoke up. It was as if he was solving all her problems.

'I suddenly feel proud for no reason.'

Nevertheless, Adelaide still had to act all high and mighty like how holy figures should be.

"I am still not fully awake yet, Daniel James." Baron James' eyes dimmed at the first part, but they lit up right away as she continued speaking. "But I do like your honesty. I don't mind meeting you once a week, if that's what you people still use?"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

"Then call for me this time next week. Though I am talking to you right now, I have not fully recovered." With a quick, elegant yawn, Adelaide decided to wrap things up.

"It's my pleasure, Your Excellency."

"It was a rather interesting test you gave me there. Let me give you one last piece of advice: if you behave yourself, you will survive four years from now."

"…Wait, Your Excellency. What do you-…" the Baron raised his head abruptly at the unforeseen 'prophecy'. He needed more details, but the holy being was nowhere to be found. "-mean…"

The cloud chair in front of him was empty.
