"The guards are always on high alert."



"Sniff…sniff…where have you been? Do you still remember me?"

"Young master Anthony…"

'Yes, I remember you. My memory is getting better these days.'

"I… Strangers in white clothes locked me up and did not let me go…sniff…"

"…those bastards." Anthony was angry, but he was not surprised. It was one of his guesses when the lady was being kidnapped.

She was a desirable prey. A mellow half-elf without an elemental ability like her brother. Her family was rich and powerful, but the current duke was an incompetent hypocrite.

"I d-don't know h-how I g-got here either. Something went wrong at that place, and I was able to escape."

'Not yet, but something will go wrong. I'll make sure it happens.'

Adelaide felt like she should have received an Oscar right at that moment for being able to keep her tearful expression intact. She had portrayed the image of a scared yet strong lady who did not let her tears flow down despite all the trauma excellently.

Anthony looked like he wanted to ask for more details, but he refrained from doing so as they were still in public with multiple guards around.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure it was hard for you, my lady. Let's go, I'll take you to your brother."

'He sure is emotional. Even when they cry, handsome people remain handsome.'

Anthony picked Adelaide up with a tearful expression. To keep her image of an obedient child, she did not forget to thank the guards, who were still in shock.

"Once again, thank you for your help. It would be impossible for us to reunite without you."

"No problem, mis-, my lady."

"You shouldn't have come alone by yourself, young master. The guards should have accompanied you."

"No worries, captain. They did come with me. I was just a bit too fast, so that was not their fault."

"I understand. However, please be more careful. Your safety is our utmost priority."

"Sure, sure. Thank you for helping our lady."

"It's my pleasure."

The guards knew there was a high possibility that the young child in front of them was noble, but they were still in a daze. Except for the captain who saw the heirloom, the other guards just assumed her to be a member of a normal noble family, not Winford's main line's lady.

This was the Winford Duchy they were talking about. One of the Empire's two duchies. The leader of the West. The household that remained powerful and stood for hundreds of years since the Empire was founded.

It's true that the heir was studying and living at this place where they worked. They knew young master Alfred was a rare prodigy, but it was not easy to see him in the flesh.

Adelaide shifted her attention away from the dazed guards as Anthony carried her back. She was worried he would turn on the ring on his thumb and run at full speed again, but luckily, he was considerate enough to not do that.

Anthony's face was still full of worries. He even freaked out when he saw her bare feet. Adelaide smiled weakly and shook her head when the boy asked her if her feet hurt, but all she thought about was how they could get back before dark if they were to keep this speed.

'We're not walking back, aren't we? It'll take forever.'

'Ah, never mind, a car came.'

A fancy car that looked like it was from Earth's 19th century came. It was painted in black, the same color as Anthony's vest, with the academy's logo on it.

Surprisingly, unlike Earth's early models, this one opened by itself. Anthony then climbed into the car, with her still in his lap.

Adelaide was a bit hesitant about the possible amount of sweat that Anthony accumulated while he ran. Fortunately, he smelled good.

"Back to the Department 3.1?"


"I'm sorry, but for the young lady…"

"I know the procedure. Someone from the Winford duchy will take care of it, so don't worry. Just go ahead."

'Anyone could see that you are impatient. Your emotions and state of mind are all written on your face.'

"Young master Anthony…" Adelaide whispered and tugged his sleeve lightly. She should look agitated, like how a kid would be after experiencing something horrible.

As expected, Anthony's face softened immediately. He was by Alfred's side since forever, so Adelaide knew he also considered this young, unfortunate girl family.

According to the records, Anthony Brookline was an emotional person who followed his heart.

"Please just call me Anthony, my lady."

"T…then call me Adelaide too."

'Yes, let's strengthen our bond and forget the past.'

"I can't." Anthony smiled. "I like to call you 'my lady'. Besides, I don't think Alfred likes me calling you by name."

It was understandable, considering his family's position as Winford's vessel. Calling the heir "Alfred" was only because they were childhood friends.


"Yes, my lady."

'Look at how happy you are when a kid ten years younger than you call you by name.'

"I'm s-sorry for what I've done in the past. I d-did not mean t-to yell at you that day. I should have l-listened to y…hic… you and b-brother…hic."

"Don't worry, my lady. It wasn't your fault."

Anthony's heart ached when the lady, as pretty as a doll, shed unstoppable tears. Like how a parent soothes their child, he took out his handkerchief and helped wipe her face.

"Don't cry, my lady… O-or, or else I'll cry too."

'…Are you sure you're not threatening me?'

Adelaide was amazed at how well she could produce crocodile tears. It was so fast and efficient. She knew she had to apologize to the young man for being rude on behalf of the already deceased soul. Anthony looked like he was not affected by the past, but she did not want to risk anything.

The siblings' mother died a week after she gave birth to the original Adelaide. Their parents' marriage was a political one between the Empire and the Elven Kingdom. Duke Charles IX, the current Head, hated the idea of being forced to get married. Even though his wife, the Elven Princess, was gorgeous and had perfect wife material, he was dissatisfied with her and hated her no matter how hard she tried.

The dissatisfaction was transferred to his own children. In the young Adelaide's memory, her father talked as if the duke position was a burden he did not want. He complained about how his incompetent wife just died right after she gave birth, how stressful it was for him, how his supposedly free and straightforward spirit was confined in politics like a caged bird, and how he would never find true love because he had to sacrifice for the children's future.

He complained about how normal the kids, especially Adelaide, were. He did not dare insult the emperor's decision or the elves, so he blamed it all on the ministers that pushed for the marriage.

"What's the point? We're not getting the super genes that can help humans evolve, aren't we?" he said, half-mockingly. "Look at how ordinary they are. And we wasted money just to marry the elf. The only thing that was inherited down is their ridiculously long life span!"

Yet he clung to the power he claimed he hated like a cicada. He acted like he was fed up with being a duke. He called politics dirty and acted like a lonely miserable protagonist with a hard and dark life behind the scene.

And Charles IX was proud of that. He hired a bunch of people that know nothing but flatteries and followed him blindly.

'He's someone who likes to hallucinate. A lot.'

It was hard for Adelaide to swallow her urge to laugh out loud when she read the records mentioning him the first time. As the study hall only recorded the events that happened, not the people's emotions or motives behind it, she did not know what went around in the duke's head.

However, Adelaide thought she could tell just from the details. He did not mistreat them physically. It was about the ignorance and annoying attitudes.

'No one forced the position upon him. He was not the only child back then – he had siblings! There were pictures of the uncles in the mansion. They're just all…dead.'

Contrary to the Eastern duchy Rustwell, Winford dukes only had one wife at a time. The last duchess did not die young, so they were full-blood siblings.

'What a coincidence. Their parents die, then all of a sudden, the young and healthy brothers also died. I wonder if anything interesting happened?'

The original Adelaide was a little kid, so she could not tell and even forgot it all. However, the current Adelaide was not a toddler.

Jealously was shown on his face when he discovered his son, the 'dirty' half-blood, was a talent. Alfred had it all – the appearance, the dignity, the brain and the brawns, as well as supernatural abilities inherited from his mother's side.

What the emperor's and elven king's advisors believed was true.

His claims and arguments crumpled.

Then the current duchess, Elicia, who was a commoner back then, appeared.

'It was a fucking fairy tale setting between two people who did not deserve it.'

Adelaide sighed. Her face was now dry thanks to Anthony, but anyone could see her puffy red eyes if they look close enough. She smiled shyly and thanked the boy.

"We're here, my lady."

Anthony said enthusiastically. He jumped down the car before the door fully opened and ran straight to the stairs.

'You know, I think that thing looks like an elevator.'

With his extremely good athletic ability, it did not take long for Anthony to reach his destination – the third floor. He stopped for a quick breather before walking leisurely.

'Shit, Anthony, you're good. That elevator isn't as fast as you.'

Department 3.1's corridor was lined with white gold marble. Pictures of excellent alumni were hung in golden frames. The doors to each room were also elegantly designed with graceful cravings.

"There are portraits of Alfred in the First- and Second-Years' Departments, my lady. I'll take you there tomorrow if you'd like to see them." Anthony chuckled when he saw her curious eyes.

'Ah, that's not necessary, really.'

"Really?" Adelaide's eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. She even raised her little finger so that they could make a promise.

"Really." He smiled back energetically and sped up his speed with longer strides.

It was interesting to Adelaide how the calm and collected Alfred dealt with all this energy every single day.

"Ah, the guards are quite nice, aren't they? They treated me really well…"

"Actually, I was surprised myself, my lady. The guards are always on high alert. They even treated students the same way. Even if someone is pretty and kind like my lady, they would still suspect a person that suddenly appears and calls themselves a noble. No one can't blame them, with political schemes happening right before their noses every year. It's not that I am nagging you, but you should have gone to a police station instead. Yes, it would take more time for you to meet, but it's a much safer method."

"Maybe their guard dropped because I showed them my family heirloom?"

"That's an even more valid reason to suspect you. Please, please be careful. Though I don't want the same situation to happen again."

Adelaide felt a chill run down her spine. She was careless, extremely careless. Although this new world was heading on the somewhat same track of evolution, the difference in social classes remained. She could have been held at gunpoint.

"But they were super lenient towards my lady! Maybe it's because of your charisma?" Anthony quickly changed the mood with his signature bright smile. He must have judged that since the situation was resolved somehow, he should only stop at raising her awareness.

"Don't worry about it anymore. See, they even give you this pretty pink jar full of orange juice! This is the first time I saw the guards being so kind while on duty. On second thought, it's nothing strange. My lady is so pretty, and your etiquette was so good."

"Yes, I'll be care-"

Just then, a door several steps from them opened abruptly. Adelaide turned her head towards the noise.

A handsome young student in neat uniform was looking at her, his eyes full of delight and disbelief. His hair was black, and he possessed a pair of bright blue eyes.

Just like hers.

"A…Adelaide?" Alfred's deep voice trembled lightly. At that moment, even the lively Anthony stayed quiet.

Adelaide turned her head, thinking she would need to squeeze out some crocodile tears again as fast as possible to set the scene.

Reunions were always full of tears and snot for a reason.

However, when she saw Alfred's expression, her eyes wetted instantly.