Cancer’s Perspective (1)

Did I really die…?

My neck felt like it was stung by a mosquito, then everything seemed to 'turn off' and become numb.

Everything vanished after that…

Was Sophie doing alright?

I mean, she said she'd rub me! Who interrupted such an important moment of my life like this?!

Such a horrible person. If I did die, then I curse whoever killed me to grow mould on his dick.

Hope he gets erectile dysfunction for the rest of his life. Or maybe gets his manhood cut off.

How unpleasant…

"You and me both." Suddenly, I heard a voice. A man in a black suit appeared in front of me.

I still couldn't feel my body, so I only got the surreal feeling on only having my sight and hearing intact.

What was going on…?

"You died."

No shit, Sherlock.

"Post-death crankiness usually happens to everyone. It's probably worse since you got killed."

Did that girl with me get away safe?

"She got caught immediately."

Now that's… a real bummer to hear.

"Did you like her?"

Obviously, she had nice tits.

"I mean as a person."

Did you not hear what I said?

"This and that aren't the same thing."

Her looks are part of her anyway.

"…Fine. Anyway, I have some good news and some bad news. Which one do you want to hear first."

The bad news pu-lease!

"That girl got taken to that bastard's home and experienced a real bad time. I mean real bad."

I guess that's pretty sad… Wish I could do something for her, which could make us closer.

Also, I'm glad you recognise him for what he is.

Is there anything else?

"Due to a intense hormonal imbalance, that bastard who increased my workload died from cardiac arrest. He had a heart attack. That's what he gets for being a crackhead with no regards for laws."

Damn right. What a stupid way to go out…

Anyway, that's the good news?

"Nope. It's still a bad news. He tied her pretty tight on his bed. Since no one comes around, there's a high chance Virgo's going to starve to death in there. That is, unless someone possesses him."

And you're saying that would be me…?


"You saw how Virgo had some sort of superpower in her, right? Being able to change her body…?"

That rings some bells, but…

Who's Virgo?

"Sophie Lanlock."

Okaaay… Carry on. I'm listening.

"Actually, there are some 'Gods' that accidentally let the residue of their power slip into some mortals. For them, it was a joyous occasion of getting to see their apostles in a lesser form."

That's why she had a body morph superpower?

"Rather, she only gained that power since she was so hung up on her looks. It differs from individual."

Then why're you giving me this choice?

"You're one of the 'Zodiacs' as well."

Which one?


Does that mean anything?

"How would I know? Don't you have Google?"


"Anyway, the Gods have decided to throw Alan Bernville into Hell. For you, another chance at life."

What about my body?

"Deader than salmon roe. Decide now. Wanna go Heaven or go save that girl? The clock is ticking."

W-wait… Are there girls at Heaven?

"There's enough beauties as the eyes can see. As an apostle to the Gods, you can marry an Angel."

That's amazing!

"So you wanna go there?"

…Will she die if I go?

"Hundred percent. But don't worry about your conscience. Life is an illusion... Dreams end."

What will happen if I become that guy?

"You'll have to live out his life and go to Hell."

Huh? What? Why Hell?!

"I mean, you'll be continuing his life and taking on his sins. If you save her, you're going to Hell."

Then why give that option?!

"The God who blessed Virgo wants her to be happy in life. Anyway, that's has nothing to do with you."

Can't I tell her who I am?

"Of course… you can't! 'Drake Maxwell' is dead. An identity that's dead can't be used by the living. A con is fine, but no one should ever know that your soul is no longer that of Alan Bernville. Got it?"

That's cruel…

"I'm only a messenger. So… you want to go and flirt up some cute Angels, right? Just leave her be."

…What are you saying?

"Is there any worth saving her now? At least if she dies, she would be free of the suffering she feels."

He made it sound like it was an easy decision.

Just leave her to starve.

I mean, why wouldn't I go to Heaven when the ticket is in front of me? What was the point?

I'd already died trying to save her once already.

But was just when I got to that thought, I started to imagine the kind of feelings she'd feel right now.

Probably broken and in despair.

It didn't sit right with me… To know her death would be starving in a room made by that bastard.

Was there a point to saving her?

"The window of opportunity to possess the body is closing. Though you'll go to Heaven if you wait."


Don't rush me like this!

"That's not what I meant."

I don't want to go save her.

"Then you want to go Heaven right now?"



Let me possess him.

"I think I'm hearing things."

Isn't the window of opportunity closing already?

"True, but are you sure? Even if you fix up that bastard's life. You're still going to Hell in the end."

When life gives you lemons, you make some lemonade. I'll go chat up some Succubi then.

Don't stall.

My pride won't let me do things without going the extra mile. I'm saving her now. That's final!

"…Fine. Excellent choice. Oh, please note that another ability will be added to your current ability.

Think hard about how you feel to manifest it."

With that, the light shining on his table turned off and made him vanish. I was left in the dark void.

I started thinking about my last moments.

Even until the end, I was deprived of my rights. A person who never got the things that others had.

If I live again, then there won't be any holding back.

I'll get the girls I want regardless of whether it'd be good or bad. It's not like I'm ever going to Heaven.

The more I thought like that, the more my body started to shift through the wall of space and time.

The whole world 'flashed' for a single moment.

However, there was a difference from before and after. Now, I finally felt some of my senses kink in.

It felt like shit…

Was he on some shit? My head feels it's about to crack like an egg. Does he have some Paracetamol tablets? No? What kind of bum is this guy? Why is the information from his brain saying he has none?

What do you mean he has no medicine here?

What do you mean he thought he was superior?

Having a strong body doesn't mean you reject medicine, retard! The fuck was he doing?

A sharp pain hurt my eyes. My vision was blurry while picking myself up. Eyes were scanning about.

This bastard does the bare minimum in cleaning.

What's with putting the hoover at the side of the room? You only clean the floor when it's messy?

Isn't this shit messy?!

Well, at least he didn't collect trash and had decent common sense. He should get a roommate.

It was at that moment I finally focused downward.

The girl from earlier was tied up pretty barbarically.

Her clothes were in pieces. She had bruises and bite marks all over her, and she was still trembling.

Hot… My lower half was still burning, but it also felt embarrassingly comfortable being squeezed in her.

Though judging from the lack of wetness from her lower half, he didn't even bother doing foreplay.

She was probably feeling like hell right now.

Fuck, couldn't he at least lube her or something?

I couldn't exactly move properly. Well… all I could do was watch as my visions was expanding more.

Fuck, her mouth was gagged and her face was stained with tears. My conscience was being hit.

Why did I think of letting her die like this earlier…?

Yep, he didn't just use rope to do this. I can't believe he modified some kinky bed restraints that spread your partner open. They weren't supposed to 'really' restrain a person. It was just an act…

Like how kinky cuffs could be loosened…

The modification actually had really tight ropes binding her limbs. Putting her in an 'X' pose…

Yup, this guy had no idea how sex worked.

And what's with the gag?

Wait, this guy was the one who taught Pat and company how to hold mouths shut using tape?

Was this motherfucker trying to ruin her face?

She didn't have the strength to resist anymore, so he let it mostly fall off because of her saliva.

I didn't have the strength of mind to check the condition of her important parts in this situation.

Especially since I could feel I'd already… Well…

Just when I got my motor skills back. I tried pulling out as gently as I could without ripping her walls.

Slowly… Slowly… Not suddenly… Gently…

Her body squirmed under me with suppressed moans of pain. Wow, this wasn't sexy whatsoever.

It's the first time I'd felt sex was a bad thing.

Usually, things like this were consensual and had enough forethought to not be life-risking.

But that dead bastard made things super complicated. He really couldn't just get a girlfriend.

"Y-you're… alive?" Sophie spoke with a hoarse voice. She sounded nothing like she was earlier.

Even the vibe she gave off had differed…

"…" I didn't tell her anything. Who knew what would happen if rules placed by 'Gods' were broken.

"E-even t-though… Hehe… Why? I hate you so much…! Just die… Die… Please… Die… Don't hurt me anymore. P-please don't hurt me anymore. It hurts… It hurts…!" Her words pierced my heart.

Now I was feeling even more guilty than before…

She was truly broken. After seeing hope in me, it was broken by this son of a bitch step by step.

In fact, why was this fucker so good at 'breaking' people? Was he a demon? Was he from Hell?

I hope they're actually torturing him down there.

Well, I'll go check on him when I die anyway. Don't worry, my man. I'm coming there to torture you too.

Just wait there for me…

Still… it wasn't like I could comfort her, and the sky will fall before my mouth says a mean thing to her.

She was already even more broken over the fact that 'he' survived even after a full-on heart attack.

Almost like the Gods hated her or something…

When I'd finally slipped myself out of her, the little white liquids left over stained the front of her pus-

Fuck, she said this was an 'unsafe' day.

Fuck, fuck, fuck…! Oh fucking damn it!

…Hah. There's no point in fretting over split sperm in vagina. Since it's like this, just roll with it.

There was one thing I REALLY needed to do.

Using a knife he used to threaten her with besides her on the bed, I cut the restraints on her limbs.

Finally, blood started to flow into them.

A part of me wanted to get her consent before doing anything else, but it was a useless thought.

I mean, what would I do with her consent NOW?

The 'me' in her eyes had already took advantage of her. If I acted timid now, she'd just be confused.

Saying 'Sorry' to her was also stupid…

Yeah, she deserved an apology. Giving it was what she deserved, but that wasn't what she NEEDED.

And what she needed wasn't what I could give.

The only thing I could do… was this:

"You don't want to be hurt by me? For now, you better not resist. If you fight back, then it.will.hurt."

Seeing I was giving 'mercy', she smiled. It was the kind of face one would make from being pardoned.

Not something a victim should be having.

"P-please… m-mercy…"

"Fine. Just do as I say." I realised the mistake in my words when I saw her struggling to move her limbs.

Since she couldn't really get up, I carried her to the bathroom after taking some supplies in his draws.

At the very least, Alan was used to treating injuries.

My goal was to clean her up…

It was better if I didn't let his 'seeds' stay inside her for too long. Wouldn't want to increase the risk.

After all, we both weren't ready to have kids.

Though it, by chance, we did, then I'd have no choice but to change my plans and raise it.

Babies had no faults…

They were the only blameless creatures on Earth.

Since I was an 'evil person' now, I treated her like a doll and didn't hesitate to touch her precious place.

Even telling her to help do it herself.

When we were done. I picked up the unconscious girl, who'd somehow relaxed, to lay her on the bed.

My migraine was still hurting real hard…

I threw the knife under the bed and climbed on in with her. It didn't feel right sleeping with her, but…

I'd rather not show hypocrisy by NOT sleeping next to her. All my body wanted was some rest, anyway.

The world of dreams awaited my return…