Cancer’s Perspective (2)

It was the first time I'd slept forever…

I think it was in middle school that I started to have nightmares about going to school and the like.

Then, one day, I lost my ability to sleep altogether.

Though this also came with the added benefit of never tiring out. Whether mentally or physically.

There were so many things I wanted to run away from in life. Sometimes, it was better that way.

Give and take is better than submission or domination. Both parties are satisfied then.

At least, that's how I'd lived until the day I died.

Watching porn. Reading erotica. Getting to know the things I liked, and avoiding the things I didn't.

The world turned round, but I'd stay the same.

It had been so long… That nightmare had become stale. It's not like I was the same person anymore.

I had WAY less shame.

I'm the type of guy who would ask a girl out three seconds after meeting. What was a mere dream?

Ahhh… It was the same nightmare…

"Your dad's a pervert!"

"Ewww, pervert!"



'They' repeated the same things, and it once again infuriated me. Then, I was struck with a thought:

'I might as become one.'

The dream ended there. It was shorter than I'd anticipated. Still, it was as uncomfortable as ever.

The same order of events. The same answer the young me came to. Nothing had even changed.

Now that was a letdown…

I guess my imagination wasn't vivid enough…

The people at school called me a 'playboy' nowadays, but they were just jealous of me.

Fucking virgins…

Hehe~ At least I'd had sex in my life~

Though I'm not sure if I should be happy. Did it actually matter whether I died a virgin or not?

The end didn't change…

I guess this was the nonsense people thought of after seeing for themselves if Heaven even existed.

The fact I got a free pass there was also something that made me happy… but also a little sad.

It's because I knew Heaven was out of my reach…

In fact, I knew many of Alan's 'victims'. It was me who provided them contraceptives, after all.

Injections, condoms, pills… We had those type of stuff at our store, so I did it under the table.

They wanted their identities kept a secret…

Well, business was blooming thanks to him.

I ignored him only because of that. Hearing of his actions was sad, but I didn't want to get involved.

Maybe that's why karma made me die like that?

Maybe I shouldn't have turned a blind eye…


If only…


It was then I started to blink a few times to clear the blurriness of my eyes. Just a morning thing.

When I regained my vision, the figure of a girl wrapped in my embrace appeared in my eyes.

Then, reality started to morph…

Her great beauty stimulated the information and vague memories that was inside this body's brain.

It was about what 'he' had done to her.

After dragging her here, Alan had immediately gotten to work on his plan of 'making her his own'.

That bastard's reasoning was quite twisted…

Ever since he met her, he wasn't able to stay away from her. Though she probably wouldn't know this.

After all, he stalked her outside her view…

She didn't notice how he followed her when no one was looking. Taking in her scent like it was a drug.

There seemed to be something strange…

Not about his moral compass, I already knew it was screwed long ago. Not by other, but himself.

The thing I found strange was that his obsessive behaviour… didn't match what I'd heard and could 'read' within him. There was something odd about the way she in particular had drawn him to her.

And how most his memories revolved around scent. It was to the point this became obsessive.

Did he 'awaken' something?

I smelt her myself, but I didn't find anything particularly 'sweet' like this guy could remember.

What was I missing here?

Suddenly, my stomach started churning from the memories that came after he'd brought her here.

Violence, abuse, purposeful acts of evil, and the most wicked… yet cringeworthy lines I'd heard.

It made me want to stab myself to end it all…

He didn't even let her have an opinion. He said multiple crazy things a sane person would shy at:

"You're mine. I'm never letting you leave."

"Stay here. This is your new house."

"No one can save you. Don't hope."

"I'll hurt everyone you remotely care about if you leave me. I can't live without you anymore."

"You're so cute and nice. I like you so much! You have to like me. There's no other man like me."

"Others? I'd kill them myself."

"Hey, you listening to me? Don't you dare ignore me, bitch! Do you hate me? Is that what you feel?"

"You're the one who seduced me. I'm usually more careful than this, but you… I can't wait for you."


"Wiggle your ass like- Fuck! You're still not getting wet? What? Am I not good enough for you?"

"Hehe… You're starting to be obedient. I like that look in your eyes. Fear me. Respect me like that."

"Since you aren't resisting, that means I can do it inside… right? Fuck, you're squeezing so tight!"

"It sound like you're begging. Sorry, I can't hear you. Can't hear- Hey, don't spit out the tape."

"What do you mean you'll give me everything if I stop? If I want something, then I'll take it. Do I need your opinion? Hey, stop talking to me. You're killing my boner. What's this shit about my conscience?"

"Fuck conscience."

"You seduced me first! Playing hard to get…"

"And fuck you as well. Your mouth is talking back like the bitch you are. I knew it… You're the 'bitch' here. And hey, I never knew anything about my mom. Go ahead if you want to cuss at her."

"Say whatever you want. You're staying in this room forever. Get cosy. This is your new home."

"Let's make a family together."


The last memories was the feeling of bliss he felt when he ejaculated. Then he died of a heart attack.

Finally, I didn't have to 'know' of anything else.

My emotions became darker… I wanted to go die now so I could fuck that bastard up by myself.

The knife picked up from behind my body wavered.

Maybe because I'd hit some sort of limit, but my clarity was regained after a volcanic eruption.

What I bore witness to… wasn't sex.

That was something far more cruel than that…

I'd seen porn like this, but actually seeing it in real life made me remember why this was only fantasy.

The real thing wasn't as kinky as I thought…

My knife lowered with the extinguishing flames within. I couldn't bring myself to die anymore.

Nor could I bare to keep my hatred for Alan…

It wasn't that he deserved any forgiveness. It was just that hating him would waste this new life.

If I made everything about him in the end, then he would win . Even in Hell, he'd probably just laugh.

Sure, then he better laugh it up down there…

It wasn't like me to remember dudes anyway.

My attention shifted to the girl in my bed. The ropes next to us made me think of an idea.

She was still sleeping. Was she having a nightmare as well? Looking at her face… Yup, it's for certain.

A part of me wanted to quickly get up, but the softer side of me had something else in mind.

My arms embraced her warmly, like someone who hadn't done terrible things to her not long ago.

When her face eased, I let go of her.

It wouldn't be good if she saw that the person who'd hurt her so deeply was acting like a lover.

Even I found my actions to be sickening…

My eyes turned to the ropes again…

I quickly got up to hide them somewhere else.

The things I could clean up, were cleaned, and I thought of an excuse… One that could work.

After covering her in a blanket, I found his phone and started to shift through his contact list.

Relevant information arose one by one…

Finally, I found one that might work for me.

The phone started to ring the particular person in his contacts. I knew this 'friend' would pick up.

"What? Why are you calling?" A cold voice could be heard on the other side once she answered.

"I need a uniform."

"Buy one."

"A female uniform for our school specifically."

"…Why do you need that?"

"Sophie Lanlock."

"You really did it…?"

"That's why I need the uniform from you."

"Fuck no! Why should I clean your mess? You crazy piece of shit! I told you not to act out!" She cussed at me. For me, it wasn't much of a bother to hear her swears. People rarely treated Alan like this.

"I'm going to send her to school."

"And get yourself caught?"

"I'd get caught if her parents reported her for being missing. Plus, it's not like I'd be in juvie for long."

"You Know why you can't go there! Don't forget your promise! You're supposed to guard 'her'. Not get caught like this." Memories of how this girl ended up becoming Alan's partner-in-crime arose.

It looked like I needed to persuade her.

"I have things under control. Her will is broken. She won't say anything. Is that enough for you?"

"Don't you usually take your time?"

"…I got a bit impatient."

"She better have enough of her sanity left act normal. I'll keep an eye on her for you for a while."

"So you're coming here?"

"…I'll get a 'friend' to do it for me. Fuck off. I'm not going near that place of yours. Crazy bastard."

"Then I need specific underwear as well. I'm sending you an image. Find it. It's plain anyway."

"Why are you going so far for this? Aren't you just going to throw her out? You know, like usual?"

"Umm… It's my plan to break her further."

"Fuck! Don't tell me anything else…!"

"Just get the clothes."


"Tha- I mean… Get going." I hung up on her before my stupid mouth ended up giving myself away.

Phew, that turned out well…

It didn't take long for someone to knock and leave the uniform on the floor. I quickly got to work.

Those three lackeys had turned themselves in already, and I couldn't leave her in a shifty area…

The only option was making things complicated.

I'm so glad she was a deep sleeper…

The first thing I did was check her condition. For some reason, she healed pretty fast over night.

Her hands and feet were back to normal…

As for her hymen… Let's just forget about it.

I'm not a God. If she finds out, then she will find out. There's no way this would be a secret for long.

I just needed to give her enough peace of mind to recover. That way, she can put herself together.

My hands moved quick to dress her.

As someone who had touched school girl cosplay before, this kind of thing was nothing to me.

…However, just her uniform wasn't enough.

It fit her well, but the tears she cried had messed up her makeup. Won't she wake up if I washed it?

I had to be bold…

My bet was the mental shock she experienced last night would make her sleep deeper this time.

Fuck! There wasn't any makeup here…!

I rang up the contact called 'Dawn Wretch' again.

"Listen for a bit. There's something I need you to do." Instead of hiding it, I told her my plan.

She agree to it pretty easily…

With that, things were finally set for a 'it was just a nightmare' trick. Now, just needed to get an alibi.

Needed to find a 'friend' that would vouch for me.

One that she'd believe…

"Got it." I looked at her phone. Maybe it was a good thing this stalker had already figured out her pin.

Going into the contact list, I added a new 'friend'.

Since she had gotten a lot of people's numbers from her class, all I needed was to add someone who Alan already 'caught'. Yeah… That girl. If it's said by her, then Sophie would be fooled.

I only hoped it went as well as I hoped…

The plan was ready to be set in motion. The cast was ready. The stage props and effects too.

Time to act out the worst TV Drama trope…