Cancer’s Perspective (3)

Humans were rational and strong.

I'm sure the reason humanity got so far was thanks to their great willpower. Stubbornness to live on.

They had only one weakness…

Emotions. The complicated feelings that could become a source of strength, was also a chain.

It stopped them from being truly 'rational'.

Looking at 'Virgo' from afar, I felt like my beliefs were proven. For her, 'logic' didn't matter at all.

She believed the easier lie that she had never left school to begin with, and had fallen asleep in class.

Her parents also believed it after pulling some strings. I knew from that moment… I was… 'free'.

No matter what atrocity I committed, no one would ever know. Not her, nor anyone else on Earth.

The world was a playground to me, who was able to bend reality and distort reality's common sense.

…Shouldn't I feel relieved?

Well, for someone who never saw their lack of freedom as a burden… It wasn't really appealing.

My dad was understanding. Even if I slept around a little, he'd just ask if I was healthy and being 'safe'.

There wasn't much he'd do in terms of 'restricting' me. Even the laws weren't exactly suffocating me.

Don't murder. Don't harm. Don't put yourself in danger… Weren't laws about these kind of stuff?

For a normal person, they weren't 'chains' either.

…Okay. If you thought about it, then maybe the tribal society of 'school' had its miseries.

The social norms were a little out of whack…

At the very least, no one would ever assert their opinion on me like it was 'cool' to do this or that.

And this was thanks to his particular 'ability'.

The power that he'd awakened after realising that the world was full of liars, tricksters and deceit.

His thoughts he had as a middle schooler were complicated… purely because he was a weird guy.

Someone… 'different'.

The kind of kid who was different from others on day one. Someone who liked things in chaos.

I wasn't sure what kind of feelings birthed this power, but it was useful in 'controlling' others.

This wasn't to the extent of total brainwashing…

But was something to be feared when known…

My eyes hurt again. There was still the grogginess from having 'possessed' a new body than my own.

Adapting to Alan's strength was the hardest thing…

He was a thug with thick biceps and a muscular figure. A ten out a ten for girls who liked 'bulges'.

His 'appeal' was quite different from my own…

'Drake Maxwell' had a physique that was finely crafted to look different under different effects.

I made it so when seducing different girls, I was able to match their tastes in what they liked.

Sometimes, I was a twig-like bookworm with an average build. Other times, a 'predator' in jeans.

Clothes really made the man…

Still, I guess having this kind of unadaptable look was okay. His muscles were really powerful…

Strong enough to snap my neck instantly…

Maybe I shouldn't think about what happened…

It was still early in the morning. School hadn't started yet, and I wasn't feeling like arriving early.

Since Alan had nearly half the teachers there on his side, I focused on getting ready and having a bath.

Stepping in it caused me to notice my arm.

There was a long tattoo on my forearm…

A large cobra with a YinYang-like tattoo on its head. The latter part reminded me of something.

When did a brief skim on what the Zodiacs looked like, I also figured out the appearance of my sign.

The tattoo on the cobra was 'Cancer', so the snake should be 'Ophiuchus'? Nah, seemed different…

I'll call it by the alternate name…


Now, if the cobra and the symbol on its head had to do with MY abilities… then what was 'that'…?

In the cobra's stomach was another snake. Except this one coiled in a circle to bite on own tail.

Didn't this perfectly fit Ophiuchus?


Ah! Wait… Yeah… I think I've understood! It made sense if I put all the information in a neat line.

The constellation of Cancer was my ability.

I think I'll call it… 'Sleepless Stamina'.

That kind of name made sense… AND suited me.

After all, it was born from my desire to 'not sleep'.

The cobra was my second ability born from my desire to 'deprive' others. A last wish I'd made…

Is that why the symbolic tattoo was bigger?

Because it was more sincere?

Well… It wasn't like about it thinking would help. A normal human wouldn't know about these things.

What could be said for certain was that the ability Alan had was now my own. It belonged to me.

I'd 'deprived' Alan of his most precious ability…

Hehe… Hehehe~

Haaaah~ That's great~! Doesn't that mean he's no longer an apostle of whoever was protecting him?

That put me at ease…

It meant he wouldn't get any special service in Hell.

Wait, wasn't I going to forget him? Damn, putting things in practice was harder than I'd thought.

Anyway, I couldn't figure out his unique ability.

His brain wasn't really remembering anything important. Just people he usually picked on.

There's also 'my' funeral to worry about…

Well, I better get out of the bath now-

…Huh? Wait, is that hairy thing my junk. Gotta cut that jungle even if it mean breaking some blades.

I wish he took more care of his hygiene, man.

Hmmm… I remember something about his ability now. Immunity against poison and diseases?

No wonder he didn't care about STD.

But wouldn't the girls get it instead?

Hmmm, there was also something I could vaguely remember, but… the data wasn't clear enough.

I needed a better stimulus for my 'memories'.

After getting out of bath and making a simple breakfast to eat, I went to school with a new outfit.

Damn… Gotta change his wardrobe later.

He had a good uniform, but it looked like he was too into the 80's 'thug' look with baggy pants.

Who wore things this way?

On top of that, he usually had the belt of his pants a little down? Really? What if they fell down?

Oh yeah… This bastard found it 'cool'.

He stuck to whatever the trends were when it came to his appearance, regardless of their practicality.

This motherfucker even wore a bandana…?

He even pulled it off?

Nah, I'm NEVER doing that. Hmmm, at least he had a black t-shirt and pant like normal people did.

Wait, this fucker didn't iron his own clothes?

Why did he seem more and more like bum the more I knew about him? What were his figures?

Hmmm, his dad was paying him enough to live lavishly. Oh, relevant information popped up.

He was just a cheapskate…?


Motherfucker! You brought a car for a lackey just so he could drive you, and you can't buy an iron?

The fuck is with your goddamn priorities?! Argh!?!

Fuck, I didn't want to know… I just got on the uniform and walked out without looking back.

The stuff I needed today were already packed…

When I got down to the car park, the lackey who helped me get Sophie to school seemed tired.

He had a driving license, but he wasn't really reliable when it came to things outside a vehicle.

"Get me to school."

"Yes, Boss."

What's with this 'Boss' stick? One calling him that was fine enough, but why did everyone call him-?

…Huh? He thought it was badass…?

Wait, why does reality crash with how he thought of himself? No, this wasn't comparable to a limo.

Stop it… Stop showing me his embarrassing thoughts. I'm dying…! Just kill me already!

"U-ummm… Are you feeling okay?"

"Have I ever been ill?"

"N-no, but you seem tired."

"…Just drive." The worry in this lackey's voice stimulated the memories regarding this dude.

He had drove Alan ever since he got a license.

Even doing the dirty work for him…

I remembered his name, but I wasn't interested in socialising with him before understanding 'Alan'.

The more I talked, the easier it was to slip up.

Better not lie carelessly… and stay quiet instead.

Seeing that my mood wasn't exactly 'good', my driver lackey dropped me off and followed me.

I mean, we both headed to school after parking.

He didn't seem like the tallest, but also wasn't the shortest. Should I say this guy was 'average'?

'Paul Benedict', was it…?

I'll remember that name.

Since he was the embodiment of average-in-everything, I'd need to not lose track of him.

"Boss, there's someone who was calling. I know you don't like it when those below you act up, but it's pretty serious." He spoke to me solemnly. That expression was similar to that of a loyal butler.

I wondered what was up…

Nodding my head gently, my feet stepped where my 'personal driver' was guiding me like a servant.

There, three familiar yet injured faces had appeared. For a brief moment, my vision darkened.

The memories of the night I'd lost my life were still vivid. I still held a grudge, blaming them for my most misfortunate end. They hadn't directly killed me, but they were still ultimately 'his' lackeys.

It was then I'd regained my composure.

There was something I needed to be sure of…

Looking at their battered appearances, and the way Jake had his hair cut to make room for the plasters on his head… Ahem, looks like they had all been hit by a now lost Magical Stick of Love and Justice.

A part of me started to judge their appearances.

'Lanky Lenny', the only guy with such a nickname among them, looked pretty normal overall.

Wasn't handsome. Wasn't ugly.

Though the same could be said for the rest…

At the very least, my eyes could judge that it could look better if he just took care of his skin a little.

Pat had the same circumstance.

Fatness didn't mean ugliness. It's just there we're some who neglected taking a bath sometimes.


"Yweah?" He barely responded to me.

"Have a bath more often. You stink." Almost like being hit by a truck, he jumped in embarrassment.

His face turned red…

Hmmm, I probably wouldn't be able to mess with him like this on a normal day. Was this 'power'?


It's time for revenge!

"Lenny, can't you use a moisturiser or something. It makes me sick to look at you." His eyes popped open. His mouth was stammering and trembling weirdly, but he was able to swallow up his retort.

"…I'rll awsk mwy mum."

"And you." The incredibly normal guy did a salute.

The last among the the trio wasn't really as bad as them. His looks were more on the better side.

However, he lacked any distinctive 'flare' to him.

"Keep the bald head." He hissed when I patted the bruises on his hairless scalp. It must hurt bad…


I patted the other two as well, then watched them squirm and wince… but not dare fighting back.

No wonder Alan liked picking on people.

This was actually fun~

Anyway, I was done judging them by their looks alone. There was something important to discuss:

"Jake, tell me about it: What happened?" Since his face was injured, it looked like he could barely speak. The same could be said for Lenny. That lanky had a bruise… with some teeth knocked out.

A special service of mine…

Rather than picking on them any further, the best thing to do was to focus on why they were here.

Gotta stop myself from getting distracted again…

"That… he's… that guy is… he's alive…!"


The way he seemed to tremble when remembering back to the time unnerved me. What happened?

"When we were taking him, we ran into some bastard in a hood. He… He did something to him!"


"That guy… 'Drake'… He came back to life!"

I wasn't able to confirm what he was saying. The fact that they were here meant it wasn't a lie, but…

Why was my body alive?

Wasn't my soul here?

Did Alan switch with me?!

No, that wouldn't make sense…

From what they claimed, my body 'came back to life' BEFORE I'd been reincarnated into this body.

Meaning: Alan was still alive when 'I' revived.

Then who was inside my body?

Everything had to do with that hooded person they couldn't give a clear description of… Who was it?

Baggy clothes hid that person's physique, and the darkness of night had hidden the figure's face.

At least, that's what they insisted to me in fear.

"Relax, I won't do anything." They instantly eased when my words rang out. I felt some mercy…

After all, they already got beat up by me earlier.

Maybe if I was still angry like before, I'd thrash em' a little. It's just… all that had already passed.

Plus, they were MY lackeys now.

Had to give them at least a little leeway.

"Y-you're not going to do anything to us? Even though we couldn't… umm… 'loyally take the fall'?"

"It's fine. I just need you three to do two things."

"Yes, Boss!" The trio saluted in unison.

"First: Keep an eye out on what that guy does from now on. Report everything. You don't have to stalk him. Get the others to stay away for now. I mean, I can tell you guys are scared of him already."

"W-we're not!"

"Like I already said before: It's fine."


"Someone just came back from the dead, and it was someone I… you know… 'hurt'. Compared to you guys, it's me who should be scared here. If I'm fine with it, then you three should man up as well."


"Anyway… The second this is: You need to stay far from that Lanlock girl. The one from last night."

"Didn't you, umm… You know."

"Yeah, but I don't want her to remember yet. Don't talk about it to anyone and focus on your job."

"We can do that, Boss!"

"Good. I gotta head to class on time to study. I'll see you guys later." They nodded, and I walked off.

Good! I thought I'd nailed it!

What I didn't know was that the moment I left, the three of them suddenly looked at each other.

They had confused expressions…

"Did he say 'study'? Nah, we probably misheard what he said… right?" Jake asked the other two.

They cleaned out their ears, thinking that they'd heard something ridiculous. Then they walked off.

There was no way Alan they knew would study…