Cancer’s Perspective (Teaser) (Author’s Note)

Her short breaths were gradually getting more harmonious. My hands reaching under her skirt.

So this was the feeling of stocking…

My heart was in tatters, and I wanted to see her become the same as me… A slave to my lust.

A beast who only cared for his desires…


"Auegh~?" She made a confused gasp of pleasure when I bit into her skin, leaving a small hickey on her neck. Suddenly, I realised my own strength was far too powerful to truly give a good experience.

Maybe that's why Alan stuck to thrusting without anything to spice things up. He was too built.

Even though I was just stroking that bubble butt of hers, the stocking around her ass were ripped apart. It made me change the strength in my caress to bring her lower half above my crotch.

Then placed her on the table to balance her…

Kelly enthusiastically opening her legs…

Of course, this stimulation I was giving her was causing her already high 'desires' to ramp up.

Clearly, I was the worst…

Agonising her… Torturing her with what could be instead of going straight in and having my fill.

Maybe we both would feel good if I just got this over and done with. We were 'maniacs' after all.

But I wasn't going to be the first to give in.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Please… kill me or fuck me. Whatever you want to do, I'm yours." She gave herself up on the platter.

But I wasn't moved to take another bite.

Instead, my eyes were inspecting her. Hands slowly moving up her waist after going into her clothes.

Then, my frustration had gotten the better of me.


"Don't use your power." I ordered her while tearing open her clothes right down from the seams.

"W-wait!" She struggled to cover her important parts, which I didn't give a fuck about interrupting.

Each garment on her was ripped like tissues from her body and discarded like rags. From down to up.

Her shirt and bra were the first to go, revealing her plump chest underneath. It was a sensual sight.

However, what was more stunning was its touch.

My hands held up her plump breasts from the under-boobs. They squished within my palms.

She wouldn't know how much effort I was putting in not to tear them apart using this body's power.

I hated the uselessly large grip strength and muscle power this body had. It was overtrained.

Fortunately, his senses were still fine.

Good enough to see how she was holding back her desires by secretly biting her lip. Her face flushed.

I didn't start groping her without consideration.

Knowing that I had to be careful, my fingers slowly groped the balloon-like meat sacks on her chest.

I pushed them up, exposing the nipples exposed after the bra was ripped. It gave an immoral feeling.

One that seemed to be passing onto Kelly.

After my sudden grasp, her nipples protruded from their cherry cores. They made my heart restless.

Oh how I wanted to take a taste…

However, my pride wouldn't let me. It was annoying to see another act like they were better than me.

Her resistance towards pleasure was displeasing…

No… Not like this… She had to fall more… She had to beg for me to it. Only then would it be pleasing.

So surrender… Surrender yourself to the pleasure.

But why wasn't she falling? Why?!

Her pant was practically drenched in the love juices she was leaking. My cock was lubed up.

And yet, she still hadn't 'fallen' to her desires.

Rather than embracing me, she still showed reluctance to turn into an hyper instinctive animal.

It made me question the person I was becoming.

My hands continued to rip apart her clothes.

Even her skirt and stockings were taken off, leaving her bare like a newborn just arriving to the world.

Like Aphrodite when she came from the sea…

The stream of juices running down her leg…

Beautiful… She had it all. The endowment, the shape, the figure, the looks. She had everything.

Even a mind that wouldn't lose to her feelings.

But I knew that only made her a volcano.

Holding the fire in her heart only made it burn stronger under the skin. I had to keep going.

Her body was reacting the way I expected it to…

Shivering from the frigidness of this atmosphere. A chill that drove her to lean into me for warmth.

I gained greater insight onto my own desires…

To me, Kelly didn't even exist. She was only there because I wanted someone to see me as an oasis.

The desire for her to see me as her warm island.

Throwing away all her hesitation to embrace me as I was. Not forcing me to change whatsoever.

I thought Alan was different from me…

That he was only a beast that only thought of how to get his dick wet. That he was just a mere animal.

Who knew… that everything was always wrong.

Our blood was the same colour. We were both disgusting humans enslaved by fickle thoughts.

That enlightenment became a dawn of a new 'me'.

The constellation of Cancer- No, the constellation of Serperantarius. The one who took from others.

Seeing her clinging onto me with her naked body to feel some worth made me act. I grabbed her wrist.

"I dare you to let go of me." My eyes emitted an obsessive lustre when looking down her body.

She was… my possession.

The only person I'd ever acknowledge exists.

That moment, I took off my tie and wrapped it around her eyes. Her upper and bottom eyelids were covered up before knotting behind her head and depriving her vision. It tied her to my side.

Without sight, she wouldn't be able to move without fearing obstacles and potential harm.

She became fearful of letting her 'enemy' go…

Because keeping me close was better than fearing what I'd do when let go. I enjoyed her reaction.

I leaned in closer to cover her like a cloak.

My head resting upon her shoulder from behind.

The hand holding her wrist slid down her stomach.

Eventually touching her shaved cunt…

"A-ah~ Wait, take this off me… I'm feeling a bit weird." This time, her voice seemed a bit tired.

She didn't even seem to mean what she said…

My fingers started to make my way into her dripping pussy. It slid in perfectly; unresisting…

The fingers started to make short work of her. A violent throbbing sensation lost her sense of control. She groaned in 'hunger', pressing her butt against me. However unintentional the response.

This was enough for me… for now.

"Ever heard of a dominant bottom?" I chuckled and made a sex joke that went way over her head.

I couldn't see her eyes, but my senses knew that she had hit her limit. She was waiting to climax.

Sitting on the table again, I moved the desk just enough so she could crawl beneath me again.

All went right in the world afterwards…

I gave her a bit of nudging, but she ended up personally taking her time instead of leaving.

Using my cock as her own personal dildo…

The rest going the way I'd expected.


Author's Note:

Yup, I'm stopping this here. I can't seem to get in the mood to write this and have better ways to waste my time (no offence to anyone). Just getting that existential feeling you get in your late 20s.

Regardless, I'm going to be continuing my other work and will probably try to make use of whatever skill I have in writing to make a… Arifureta clone. I am actually going to put effort into reshaping this.

The skeleton of having several characters with powers relating to Zodiacs will be kept, and I'm totally serious about the Arifureta part. This is basically going to be my take on that story.

Yup, there will be a knockoff Hajime who will only have the power of 'Sleepless Stamina' as his skill.

Now, I know that this doesn't sound probable.

After all, to create a solid knockoff that isn't too much like the original and had its own unique quality to it, you needed to first understand what your taking inspiration from. Like a fanfic author.

From what I can understand, Arifureta 'From Commonplace To World Strongest', has the greatest strength of being just balls to the wall crazy after he fell into the Hell difficulty dungeon.

I was actually one of those first people who just read a translation online and fell in love with it.

The same for Dungeon Seeker.

And that says wonders about the younger me at the time who was attracted to so much… edge!

Especially with Dungeon Seeker. Anyone else remember that story that was once sued for plagiarism for copying Arifureta. Having the exact same premise but consistently getting darker.

I mean, if you guys want to read what would've happened if Hajime's story stayed dark, look no further than that piping pile of depression. I can't unread the things that Webnovel made me 'see'…

Made me vividly imagine…

So how would I write a good Arifureta knockoff if going all the way down the abyss already exists?

Going full on edge?

Maybe… but from what I've read of that Meltdown Webnovel about zombies and 'cool super and lethal badasses', then I'd be straddling the line. One half of my readers would be disappointed since I can't add a 'cool moment' every page; others skeptics.

That path would be difficult…

Maybe the most I'd be able to offer is that there'd be a lot of sex, violence, and NO aphrodisiacs.

Because fuck that fictional drug that skips character development. You guys can watch better hentai that has that stuff than in a Webnovel. I'd rather watch porn than read about the touchy-touchy stuff that happens with fictional characters.

It's the reason I can't even write this story properly.

As always, any plot I start without prior forethought always ends up being around 7 to 9 chapters.

I'm disappointed in my reliance in having a preplanned ending and being inflexible as a writer.

Those who wing entire stories make me envious.

Writers like me aren't good for this platform.

I can't imagine writing characters that don't have a few paragraphs of bio written in my GoogleDocs.

Settings that don't have a rich history beforehand.

Which is why I'm able to reuse ideas so easily-

Wait, this is going off topic.

Let me get back to my main point. Ahem…


Also, you know how I stopped writing just before they had full on intercourse. That was on purpose.

I was metaphorically screwing with you guys.

You may post your hate in the comment section.

Anyway, putting all that aside, I need some ideas on how I'm gonna make an Arifureta knockoff.

No, I am NOT adding the bunny girl and vampire girl as they are. The latter is way too Loli to me.

I don't care if you tell me she's a thousand year old vampire. Everything about her isn't my type at all.

It might be yours? Maybe, but you can write your own fanfic or knockoff Arifureta if you want her.

For now, I'm throwing that idea out the window.

What's wrong with the bunny girl then?

Nothing. And that's the point.

She's way too cute as a submissive bunny girl who does the heavy lifting. Why does Hajime treat her like trash anyway…? If I met a bunny girl in real life and she was THAT cute, I'd propose on the spot.

(Despite the understandable result.)

Anyway, it's not like Monster Musume hasn't made it abundantly clear that anything is fuck-able as long as you put your mind to it. One could likely even turn a toaster into a waifu if they wanted.

At least she might do the stereotype thing of making you a sandwich. As a submissive wife.

*Fetish intensifies*

Actually, no. I'd rather be dominated by the tsundere master race, and apparently everyone else since every LN under the sky needs one as the main heroine. Not that I ever liked the trend myself.

I've already decided to fuse some Chinese Xianxia elements into it. 'God Killing' is common as a trope in them. However, I refuse to make a harem where the main heroine is so undesirably dishonest.

Maybe a Kuudere or Himedere would be better.

So what I got in the end is Arifureta, but Xianxia RPG and only a total of 13 summoned heroes…

…or at least that's just some ideas I got.

Feel free on giving any opinions on what you guys would love to add to this. Anything is fine with me.

Though whether I add it or not is also up to me.

Have fun guys. Peace out. I'mma put my effort into updating my other work. This one hurts my head.

Happy year of 2022.

I'm working on 'Fallen Omnipotent Writer Perspective'.