Cancer’s Perspective (6)

'There are three things all wise men fear: The sea in a storm, a night with no moon, and the anger of a gentle man.' Was a quote from a certain book I used to read. To think, I'd only understand it now.

The darkness hid criminal acts, and when the mind cooks up a storm, even a gentle person will act.

They'd become much more horrifying that a killer.

That's what I'd experienced firsthand…

Kelly went from a normal girl to someone who could do the worst things her mind could imagine.

She stabbed, healed… Repeatedly causing me harm without letting me die from the intense pain.

I felt myself grow closer to death… Unafraid.

There wasn't anything to fear from dying.

An afterlife most certainly existed for me.

What's scarier than death was a lack of a legacy.

The fireworks called 'life' was beautiful it left behind a dazzling show for the audience.

No matter what you did, dregs were left behind.

But what if your chance of a legacy was taken?

Would these be the last moments of my life?

Deep… Painful … Excruciating… Empty…

The rage that was poured down on me wasn't something I'd ever encountered in my short life.

It hurt…!

But I… no, 'he' deserved every minute of this.

The pain was what I'd deserved. So I accepted it.

Doing so only seemed to twist my mind even further than before. Shame, guilt, remorse…

Why…? Why did I have to have a conscience?

If I didn't have one, I'd rip her to shreds. I'd feast on her heart and become a demon made from filth.

Something that was proud to be unwanted trash…!

And yet, here I was… getting killed by the very same blade Alan had been holding the entire time.

To end like this… was too stupid a death.

That's… great~!

"Hehe…" My vision was dark, but I could feel that she'd stopped her actions: "Hehe… Hahahaha!"

This pain… it was becoming a pleasure to my soul.

Grief that soothed my hate.

So why did she stop?

Kill me… KILL ME!!!

"W-why… are you enjoying this?" My vision cleared to see the girl straddling me in much more pain.

Even after all she did, there was no happiness from getting 'revenge', nor the pleasure of enjoying pain.

That feeling… It was something I could recognise.

I felt the same thing ever since my soul had possessed body. The hatred of being changed.

Or was it actually… 'taint'?

"D-don't hesitate. If you don't kill me, I'll ruin you so bad…! Just get this over and done with."

"Why do you want to die so bad?" Her eyes became calm, as if she'd burnt out all her rage.

This sign was ominous… She might forgive me.

And that possibility alone was frightening.

I didn't want Alan to be forgiven. Everything he had done in his life was sickening. He didn't deserve it.

But my stupid mouth answered her honestly:

"Because I felt 'tainted'… in a spiritual sense."

"…What?" Her expression became indecipherable.

However, I still continue speaking what I'd always wanted to tell someone ever since I got this body:

"It feels like I'm dirty. Hehe… laugh. I have all the freedom in the world, but not the freedom I want.

Robbing a store is easy, but making loyal friends is impossible. Having sex is easy, but there's no one who'd love me for who I am. Not even a family member who'd understand what I've felt. I just want to die… so… kill me!" I looked into her eyes.

She looked at me with coldness and disgust. There wasn't even a hint of warmth at my confession.

"Then go commit suicide." But it didn't seem like she disagreed that I had to die. She got off of me.

Kelly used her ability on her clothes to make them go back to normal. It was a 'Complete Restoration'.

She even put her glasses back on.

This timid girl had quite the bark, didn't she?

Wether it was by choice or not, she healed me perfectly. I could get up without feeling weak.

The knife dropped to the ground loudly.

Of course, I didn't let her go. My 'Sleepless Stamina' ability kept my mind clear and focused.

The fatigue from torture hadn't affected me.

When she saw me suddenly block the exit, her eyes hopelessly widened. It was a shocking thing.

Almost as if I was being driven by madness.

"Don't you want to kill me yourself?" How was I supposed to 'comfort' her heart if she left like this?

"…I have to get my sister out of here if you're going to die." Her words brought me back to reality.

Right… Dying would only benefit me.

My eyes became emptier and arms became weaker from this realisation. Then moved out the way.

A sat on the nearest desk, not caring if Kelly left.

'So… do I end it myself? Should I jump off the highest floor?' I wasn't sure if he'd survive or not.

If possible, a swift death would be nice for an 'End'.

Torture just wasn't my thing.

Pain… If I think about it more clearly, I only felt glad about it not too long ago because 'she' gave it.

While I was in that thought, I heard the sound of the knife being picked up. It made me look up.

Kelly was completely gone from my vision.

Did she leave with knife in hand?

Just when I thought that, my eyes noticed a head under the table. Right dang in-between my legs.

She definitely wasn't here for anything sexy…

A knife tore through my pant and underwear like they were made of fresh cotton off a sheep's back.

But I didn't act like a virgin cunt who never got pussy. I'm only a guy who didn't know tomorrow.

Before I could ask, her round doe eyes looked up at me. She boldly grabbed my withered naked penis and pulled the knob out of the shaft enough to make things clear. A knife was next to the top of it.

"Instead of dying and turning this school into a scene from Hell, why don't I just castrate you?" Her eyes looked at me with a type of 'cold innocence'. It looked like she cared for the people of this place.

Even though she'd only experienced the worst after meeting me, she was able to form relationships.

Traumas Alan inflicted on her hadn't only ingrained fear. They built up her willpower to face disasters.

'When you start from the bottom, the only way forward is up.' Was the feeling I got from her.

This action, for her, was just a quick opportunity.

She could have her revenge on me

And what would I get from being castrated?

"Aaagh!" Without giving me time to even give an answer, she cut me up from my lowest point.

The pain was stronger than being tortured…!

It felt like I could die! The most sensitive part of my body ripped apart. This pain was indeed-



My body felt no pleasure, but the pain was a medicine to my soul. It was the best choice.

Alan deserved to get his rocks cut off for the things he did, and I didn't deserve to have sex anymore.

In fact, sex seemed really scary to me now.

I used to view it as 'playing', but the memories in this head made me realise there were… dark sides.

Playing could be turned into wonton desire.

The inability to feel at ease without hurting others.

It wasn't even 'my' dick that was cut off. This big thing was HIS. I never wanted to use it. Never!

"Happy?" Kelly asked, the blood on her glasses made it hard for me to read the expression she had. However, she was happy now. Right? The evil bastard who'd hurt her had finally been 'executed'.

My image would only go down from here.

My ability wouldn't disappear, and I'll be living in a hell where I couldn't even piss properly anymore.

The twisted expression on my face was the only answer given. This end was fitting for me.

Suddenly, the pain suddenly vanished…

Was this a type of acceptance to reality?

No. That wasn't the case. For some reason, she restored my junk to how it was before slashing.

The blood on her glasses disappeared…

What was revealed underneath was burning eyes.

Her hatred had become more intense… But why?

Did I do anything wrong?

"What are you up to?" I put on a fierce look, but the fear she had earlier was nowhere to be seen.

Her vengeful eyes started at me eerily…

She grabbed my rod again, then… licked.

A smooth, wet tongue touched my knob. Then she gave a deep French kiss to my lower half diligently.

My body couldn't help but react to the stimulation.

This pleasure…! Why?! Why was she giving me this sensation? Shouldn't she be giving me pain…?!

My mind wasn't even able to even think of the thought of pushing her way. It was only confusion.


"Shut up! Mmph!" The soppy sound of her sucking on my balls made me harder. Saliva was on her face. She wiped it off to slide in front of me. Her thin back was trapped between me and the table.

Her hands awkwardly grabbed to aim the rod while looking into my eyes. She never stopped glaring.

"W-what are you doing? Wait… Sto-!"

"What do you know about being tainted?!" She interrupted me and kissed me aggressively.

Both our heartbeats sped to the extremes.

One was in fear, the other in hatred.

She suppressed my words with her body. Her pussy entangling my dick and rubbing it fondly.

I could feel the walls inside her wrapping me.

The indescribable pleasure was… uncomfortable.

Did I deserve this pleasure?

I'd rather be tortured!

Just when I thought that, Kelly started to rave:

"What do you, a guy, know about being tainted?!"

"When you fucked me over that day, I felt like my world came crashing down. I'd gotten pregnant!"

"Bastard! I killed…! I killed for the first time back then because of-! Everything was 'cause of you!"

"You feel like you're tainted? I wanted to give my purity to a guy I liked, but then… you ruined it all!"

"I'll never forgive you! Never! You ruined it all!"

"You made me filthy…! I've been so 'itchy' ever since. My body… It doesn't sit still anymore!"

"I hate you so much!"

"You don't want it? 'So what'?! That's what you've always told me. Fuck me like you've always done:"

"I don't give a shit how bad you're feeling. Even if you regret it, you can never give me back that life."

"Fuck you…"

Her words cut deep. And she slapped me a few times as we were fucking. My senses became confused. Was I feeling pain, or pleasure? The way she pulled my hair and roared was so… sexy.

Was I wrong for feeling like this?

"Hngh! Huh…?" She made a confused moan when my thick puppy was getting larger inside her.

Did I awaken to masochism at this moment?

"You're quite a sadist." I grabbed her arms, making it impossible for her to escape from my grasp.

"But I'm a sadist too." Something had broken within my psyche, and I accepted the pleasure as my own. It was a kind of loss of pride and adaption born from being unable to overcome despair.

My body that had gone through so much pain recently… now decided to alter its pain receptors.


She hit me again, but I accepted her abuse. Even whistling to provoke her more. Teasing her.

"Is that all you got?"


"Is this your revenge? Looks like I'm becoming a nympho, no- a 'Satyromaniac' thanks to you."

I laughed. This was the first time a girl was willingly fucking my brains out without rejecting me at all.

She really was trying masturbate with my body.

How happy I was being hated, yet being given the mercy of pleasure. It made me fall into her hand.

That hateful face she had now radiated beauty…

Was this a form of impure love?

No, it was two animals acting upon their instincts.

"Bastard!" She tried to pull herself off my dick.

The only problem was… she was in the same position as me. Our bodies were stuck together.

Maybe giving her a slap would bring her back to reality. Where I could brutally fuck her brains out.

However, it wouldn't be 'punishment' if I did that.

She'd break… and that would be so wasteful. Kelly was the only girl in the world who'd glare so openly.

I had to cultivate this potential within her.

"Let go of me." Suddenly, I realised that I'd been too full of myself. Her eyes… They were too clear.

Even if she had her 'urges', she wasn't satisfied with me. That was… understandable and annoying.

Alan couldn't actually make a girl cum so much as he could make himself piss drunk off of crimes.

This kinda turned me off enough to make the grasp of her tightly squeezing cunt feel miserably gentle.

"Sshhh…" I stopped her from struggling, then went with her flow to slowly pull out of her while turning.

We were finally disconnected…

But my pants were still ripped and my junk was still somewhat hard. A ripple appeared in my heart.

Both of us felt unsatisfied, so it couldn't end here.

Her eyes… they were driving me crazy.

I've never felt so much like an animal before…

Unable to think of anything but lust and fucking.

Once again, her clothes and my pants were restored back to their original form like before.

"I've had enough of this." Even though her cheeks were flushed, she tried leaving with a hard look.

Like I'd let that happen.

"Where do you think YOU'RE going~?" I latched onto her from behind, bringing her into my arms.

Of course, that was as far as I'd go… for now.

"Let go!"

"Oddly enough, you were the one who started this."


"You've fixed my pants, but doesn't the thing inside look unhealthy? Here, have a feel of it yourself." I pushed her waist and smacked rear onto the bulge in my pants. My 'thing' was poking from within.

"Didn't you want to die…?"

"That's then. This is now."

"You're back to your usual self…" It looked like everyone Alan met knew about his personality.

She could see the obsession in my eyes…

I turned her around to have a good look at me.

"I won't… No, I mean…"

"You're beautiful."

"…Huh?" She looked caught off-guard that someone like me would ever call her that.

After all, that bastard had always called her dull.

He had more beautiful submissives in his harem…

"I want to please you so bad today." Even saving this without jumping her was me holding my urges.

Walking up to her, a kiss was planted on her fingers. Like a knight adoring his lady in romance.

But such actions couldn't hide my filthy eyes.

The softness of her hand made me come closer to nibble her neck. Even if she tried pushing me away.

"Stop…!" I held back again to let her pry my body off of her, but the intensity was passed onto her.

She held her neck… and looked a little confused.

This was probably her first time being 'teased'.

I stuck out my tongue at her in mischief.

Her angry face was also beautiful in my eyes.

"Give me a chance. If it's just for satisfaction, then I'll give you the pleasure your aching for right now."

"…Stupid." She couldn't curse properly anymore. It was at that point she stopped running from me.

Even when I'd approached, she stood right there…

My hands wrapped around her again, but this strong embrace meant nothing in her cold eyes.

She looked like she was giving into my arrogance.

Probably thinking all I wanted was feigned moans.

My face got closer to her body, but not to her lips.

I started off by kissing.

Not on the way she expected though. My mouth attacked the sensitive spots around her nape.

"Ahh~" She started to moan involuntarily.