Author’s Note: Which path?

I can go several paths from here.

But a little clarification first: Right now, Drake is being stabbed by one of the victims Alan made after provoking her. He could seriously die if she doesn't use her restoration ability to heal him.

But if he DOES die, a few things will happen.

1. The ability that's controlling everyone will disappear, causing the school to turn into a mess.

2. Aquarius will go to jail.

There's nothing good for having him die, but how he lives will be dependant on what happens now.

His conscience is hurting since he has to 'remember' doing things he'd never do, and he believes death is the only atonement (in his head that's not able to stay calm enough to think).

His ways of surviving are:

1. Aquarius is too pure to kill him. Her wish was to heal people, so she's incapable of killing others. A girl exactly the opposite of Alan Bernville, who was a mass of evil intentions right from the start.

2. Qin, the undead 'Drake' with an no soul, could smell the blood and find them. Which splits into two routes:

2A = His soul is able to switch containers between the undead 'Qin' and the corpse 'Alan', which causes a connection that allows him to control two bodies. This would 'heal' Drake's soul a bit.

Since he could let Alan's body perish and live in Qin's body forever, he could let him die to end things… but he won't. Drake in Qin's body would already be corrupted to the point of insanity.

He would continue the charade with two bodies.

2B = Qin finds them and splits them up, which plants a seed of obsession in Aquarius as he was the only one who helped. There would be a feud between the undead body (Qin) and the reincarnated soul (Drake in Alan's body).

Any other suggestions are welcome.