Cancer’s Perspective (5)

It was so annoying…

She wasn't going away. I mean, it was the truth that she was a victim in all this, but… it felt so unreal.

Some of the girls I got to 'play' with chose me for how playful and optimistic I was. Others… differed.

They acted like they wanted to 'corrupt' me.

It was something people with differing tastes wouldn't understand. A line drawn between 'lusts'.

Sometimes, what my partners wanted wasn't the same thing I did, but to keep the atmosphere, it was best to compromise a little. As long as their tastes didn't turn me off, then it was fine.

And I, 'Drake', had a wide strike zone.

If I could go through all that, then why was this pissing me off so much? What was… the cause?

The circumstances around me were inevitable thanks to Alan being the type of person he was.

That's why… I shouldn't be THAT concerned.

Right, keep a cool head.

My eyes tried to look at things in a new perspective while looking at Kelly's back. I needed a pass time.

"Hey…" When I called out to the girl stuck on the door, she stiffened: "Come over here a sec."

She turned to look towards me with lowered eyes of submission, and walked until she was before me.

The way she stood before me made it feel like she rejected Alan's existence on a level he never knew.

Someone who… didn't want to know more of him.

My hand extended to her skirt… and pulled it low without asking or giving any warnings beforehand.

It slid down to hang on her waist. The amorous fabric were caught onto the meat of her thighs.

She didn't resist as all…

When I saw the tattoos nearer to her vagina, the information on 'his' ability finally started to appear.

There was a vase with zig-zag markings throwing water to where the 'lowest' parts of her cunt were.

She… was the apostle of the Aquarius sign.

The meaningful symbol of the 'Water Bearer'.

Similar to the 'Serpent Bearer' and 'Snake Holder' I had. That's why Alan had tightened her noose.

He could always have her under his control thanks to his lackeys keeping a close eye of her sibling.

The younger sister she loved so much…

However, there was something else there as well.

On the other side of the blue vase was a small snake. A 'Serpens' that was spitting venom.

It contaminated the blue water…

This… was Alan's own ability.

It was the power to impart powers onto another. It made those he'd sexual relations with gain abilities.

'Venom Vixens', was what he called them.

They were meant to be used as 'contracts' that locked in any promises… when used as collateral.

Meaning: Anyone who slept with the girls he put this strange ability on… wouldn't break their word.

The moment the 'Venom' of the girls he sold entered them, they wouldn't be able to resist him.

That's how his lackeys became akin to slaves…

They accepted his terms carelessly. That's why they had to take the heat when he gave an order.

Thus, he called himself a kind of 'Poison Pimp'.

It gave context to a lot of things I was curious about, but it wasn't like such a thing mattered.

For me, my eyes were locked onto the poor girl.

Her life was ruined by Alan and his desire to either control or eliminate the others 'special' like him.

Even after I ripped off her skirt, the emotion that was arising on her face wasn't the embarrassment of someone chaste. It was the uncomfortable gaze of a girl who'd only known sex as a painful activity.

Her face wasn't red. Not lively. Not cheerful. And especially not shy to present her body bare naked.

As if she was already used to it…

Oh… Oh yeah, she had a lot of experience since I'd used her to 'trap' the others in this classroom.

My lackeys had a gangbang with her once, which was how they became roped as Alan's slaves.

She's the one who tightened their leashes…

If I took away her power now, then the 'contracts' with everyone would disappear as a result.

It would be a great way to destroy all that Alan had built. The 'organisation' he'd built would fall apart.

But is that really what I wanted to do?

I touched the Serpens sign near her pussy. It was like a crotch tattoo of sorts. So kinky… So sexy…

My cold fingers made her bend her waist a little. It seemed like this 'shiver' was a bodily response.

"Why… is your face…?" The girl didn't finish her words properly, but I knew what she was saying.

My face was probably rotten right now…

I needed to make an excuse for this. Anything…!

"You're ugly."


"Skeleton clit, aren't you eating these days?"

"…But you said I was fat before."

"Did I?" Looking at her darkened face, it looked like she was more hurt than I'd expected about this.

An idea popped into my head as a result.

"Want a full makeover?" She seemed fearful at my suggestion; quickly hiding away her body from me.

"You mean… s-sex training?!"

"Did I say that?"

"…" She seemed unconvinced that I'd meant anything else. To her, Alan was the type to do that.

We needed something to break the ice between us.

Or else I'd never be able to feel her 'sincerity'.

Seeing that her legs were a bit stuck, I moved in closer with eyes that had a smile… but no joys left.

Even my face twisted to show a good face.

This kind of expression made her unconsciously back away, but trip thanks to fabric near her thigh.

It almost acted as a restraint. Kelly almost fell on the ground heavily, but I caught her just in time.

This wasn't a 'romantic' moment…

More like a predatory spider trapping the prey caught with its webs. Everything seemed to stop…

"You had back luck… being caught by me and all. A lesser person would've become 'broken' already."

"…" She didn't know what to say in response.

Perhaps the way I wasn't plunging straight inside her and pulling out when finished was alien to her.

My arm taped her right elbow while embracing her from the side, only leaving one arm left to resist.

My dead eyes looked into the false look on her face. The mask she had that couldn't trick me.

There was no way her feelings escaped my eyes.

The information in Alan's brain made things clearer.

"You hate my guts, don't you?" For her, who thought all she had to do was 'pleasure' me until I left… My words were terrifying. There was no way for her to tell what I was currently thinking about.

After all, how would she know that I had a hunch…

A instinctual belief that she wasn't really 'timid'.

That all I had to do was push a few buttons to loosen a few screws. The make things dangerous.

To make her 'wild'…

After throwing morality out, my heart became at ease when thinking about accepting my situation.

Even if it was fucked up in the end, I wanted something 'genuine' in my relationships with others. That's why I didn't even try to hide my feelings. In her free hand, I put in a knife.

"Don't lie… You've wanted to kill me so many times over the years. Do you think I'd never noticed when you put a blade in your bag? It was hard to believe a pacifist like you would want to kill someone."

"That's…! I mean, umm…"

"Not true?"

"P-please. Please spare my little sister."

"Of course~ What's happening now is between me and you? Why would I bring HER into this? Hmm~?"

"You're… lying."

"Hold onto this tightly." I made her hold the knife in her hand, then let go so she'd hold it by herself.

Kelly's legs became weaker…

"I don't… understand this."

"Really?" I tried to copy Alan's tone to continue my taunt: "I'm surprised you wanted to kill me."

"I didn't…"

"Even though I'd done so much for you. I wonder if I should go back on my word and touch your 'Sis'."


"What 'No'? You know, I wonder if she'd start to have a breakdown if I brought her here to watch."

"I'd willingly do it… Just don't touch her."

"Even if it meant she'd hate you forever?"


"Then why don't I check if she loves you as much as you do her. Don't worry, I'll give her a good-"

"NO!!!" She roared. Something snapped inside her when she turned the blade to touch my own neck.

When she realised her actions, she looked horrified and dropped the knife from her hands clumsily.

I leaned her onto a desk so she would fall.

A tiny cut appeared on my neck.

"I'm sorry! Forgive me!" She quickly surrendered despite that moment of rage and killing intent.

Her trauma was too deep…

To the point she was Alan like he was omnipotent.

She probably thought I had a counter strategy like Alan always did. Always being one step ahead.

But she was wrong.

I liked winging things more than planning them.

"Do you think I'd forgive you so easily?" Rather than assuring her, I just made things intense.

Her heartbeat was speeding up…

"P-pease… I'll do anything you want." She kneeled with her head down, and almost touched the floor.

I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her up after picking the knife. I asked the same thing from her.

The knife was placed into her hands…

"Do it." She winced when my hand made a red print on her body. The grip I had on her was too tight.

My adrenaline was pumping high, hairs were standing on end, and my senses were sharpened.

"I… I…" Her eyes were swimming. She wanted to get away, but I could feel the a candle being lit.

I just needed a little bit more of a push.

And so, I started to monologue:

"Or do have feelings for me the same way I have for you? After all, we had such a 'fated' encounter."

"You just wanted friends help people like yourself at school. Wanting to become reaaaally popular~"

"How did that work out for you?"

"You probably don't know, but it was me who isolated you from your new friends over time."

"The one who stalked you when you went home."

"How do you think I knew you had a sister? The two of your were really good at staying apart."

"Still, you're probably thankful now. If you hadn't met me, you'd still be a ugly virgin like before."

"Come on~ Say it! Tell me how your life became better when I'd arrived. Aren't you happy now?"

When I finished those words, I blatantly licked my lips in a disgusting manner to make her remember.

Her expression started to change.

She must have saw the memory of our 'first night'.

Alan had ripped her clothes after driving her into a corner. Right here when she dozed off after class.

The words she said back then now felt stinging:

"S-stop! What are you doing?!"

"D-don't rip! No! NO!"

"Move off! Stop! Move- Urgh…!"

"Stop! Argh! It hurts! Stop moving! Ahh! Ahhh!"

"I won't enjoy it. Stop, p-please just let me go. I won't tell anyone. I'll really stop crying! Please…!"

The suffering from that day was resurfacing, but the sadness was being pushed down by fury.

Yes…! This was part of the strength I knew about!

Push the 'right buttons', and she was a meek slave who'd open her pussy whenever Alan wanted.

Push the wrong ones, and you got this.

"I'll never… forgive you!" As if everything she said before was a lie, her sincerity felt so terrifying.

As if she was ready to eat out my heart.

Though the ACTUAL way she bounced back was by stabbing me in the shoulder. Then in the chest.

*Ptch!* *Ptch!* *Ptch!*

She repeatedly stabbed me after pushing me down. Both hands were used to stab my ribs.

Blood started to flow from my chest…

My consciousness was going and reviving thanks to the pain, but then… her 'power' also kicked in.

"I won't let you die…!" Her eyes were red, feeling more powerful from the way I wasn't resisting her.

The wounds on my chest completely erased…

My strength was more than enough to grapple the knife out of her hands, but I let her punish me.

I let her punish 'Alan'…

This was my first gift from me to her. The revenge she so deeply buried in her heart all these years.

The thing she probably imagined many times.

If I was going to take on his sins, then I'd accept the things I'd have to do to 'purify' his victims.

This was… my way of comforting her.

The only way that was possible to break the chains around her heart. To make her no longer 'his' slave.

It was my kindness…

Still, it really DID hurt. There was no telling what she'd do to me until she was ready to stop herself.

The night was long…