Case 06: “The Scheme of an ‘Abduction’.”

The next day, Liu Meifeng woke up much later than usual. Perhaps it's because she stayed up late at the festival last night. She had a quick wash and went to Duan Gen's room. Luckily, Duan Gen was drinking tea in his room. He heard Liu Meifeng knock on the door and told her to come in.

"Good morning, Shifu."

"Yeah-yeah, so what do you need this time?"

"I haven't said anything yet."

Liu Meifeng sat on the opposite side of Duan Gen and poured the tea to herself.

"Say, Shifu. Have you finished your business here?"

Duan Gen finished the tea when he's about to take the teapot. Liu Meifeng snatched it first and poured the tea on Duan Gen's cup. Duan Gen sighed and answered "Almost, why do you ask? Do you not like it here?"

Liu Meifeng placed the teapot back on the table and smiled, "No, it's the opposite actually." She drinks the tea calmly, while Duan Gen tries to observe her. He stared at Liu Meifeng for a good while, then he leaned closer and said cynically.

"It's a girl, isn't it?"

Liu Meifeng spurted out the tea from her mouth and it got straight into Duan Gen's face. Duan Gen closed his eyes immediately to prevent a mixture of the tea and Liu Meifeng's saliva went inside his eyes. Liu Meifeng panicked, she pulled out her handkerchief and wiped Duan Gen's face "I-I'm sorry!"

Duan Gen finally opened his eyes, his expression remained unchanged.

"My dearest disciple, Liu Meifeng."

Liu Meifeng winced and answered weakly, "Y-yes, my most attractive Shifu."

"Do you know that even canine teach their children a lesson if they have done something wrong?"

Liu Meifeng quickly strode behind Duan Gen's back and massaged his shoulder, "Sh-Shifu, you know that my body is very weak. You can't beat me."

"Yes, I can't beat you. But this one can." Duan Gen's wooden staff suddenly moved on its own and started chasing after Liu Meifeng.

Meanwhile, Zhao Yu stood in front of Yangjiang inn where Liu Meifeng and Duan Gen stayed. She walked in a circle thinking of an excuse to see Liu Meifeng.

"Should I just say 'morning, Meifeng. I came here to play.' …but what if she was in the middle of something? Based on her expert skills in medical treatment, she should be at least a physician's apprentice."

Zhao Yu kept walking in circles until suddenly she heard loud and frantic steps.

"I told you I didn't do it on purpose!" Liu Meifeng screamed as she opened the inn's door. She almost crashed into Zhao Yu who has been standing for a long time. Both of them were somewhat shocked, but Duan Gen's staff appeared behind Liu Meifeng and about to hit her butt again. Zhao Yu, who was studying some martial arts technique quickly pulled Liu Meifeng behind her and blocked the staff's attack. The staff was knocked on the ground for a while, but it raised again. Zhao Yu was astonished because it's her first time seeing a spirit weapon. Liu Meifeng snatched Zhao Yu's hand, "It's no use, that staff will keep raising again as long as my Shifu didn't stop it. Let's go!"


Liu Meifeng pulled Zhao Yu with her and the two ran away from the inn. The staff was about to chase after them, but Duan Gen's voice echoed through the room.


The staff stopped immediately and turned back to Duan Gen. He walked outside the inn and saw Liu Meifeng running away with Zhao Yu. He sighed as he pinched his wrinkled forehead, "So, it's the daughter of the Zhao family. Meifeng, you're in for a big trouble this time."


The two of them had run away to the Yangjiang's lake, they panted for a while and saw a big olive tree near the lake. Still holding Zhao Yu's hand, Liu Meifeng led her to sit under the tree.

"Let's take a break here."

Zhao Yu nodded and followed Liu Meifeng to sit on the grass soil. Luckily, the two of them were clad in darker clothes. Hence, the dirt won't look too conspicuous on their clothes.

"Say, what was that?" Zhao Yu turned to Liu Meifeng who's still panting. Liu Meifeng released Zhao Yu's hand to pull her medical pouch and took a dark-green pill from the small porcelain. She swallowed it bitterly and tried to control her breathing before she finally replied.

"I accidentally spurted out the tea I drank on my Shifu's face. He got mad and wanted to smack my butt."

"That's tough."

Liu Meifeng leaned on the olive tree behind them, "I know right?" the two of them exchanged glances, then laughed heartily. Thinking it was silly…

Feeling tired, Zhao Yu leaned on the olive tree as well. Her shoulder brushes against Liu Meifeng. The two of them enjoyed the pleasant breeze combined with the morning's sunshine. The sound of the water on the lake also created a relaxing and peaceful natural scenery.

Zhao Yu licked her lips before she said, "Have you ever thought what do you want to be when you grow up?" Liu Meifeng tilted her head and thought for a while, then she replied "Hmm… to be honest, I don't know. What about you? I saw your martial arts movement earlier. Are you going to be a Cultivator and joining the sect?"

Zhao Yu nods and displeasure is shown on her adorable puffy-cheek. Liu Meifeng noticed it and pretty much already guessed the reason behind it.

"Did your parents force you?"


Liu Meifeng threw an exasperated sigh and leaned her head on Zhao Yu's shoulder. Zhao Yu was a bit startled, but she didn't budge a single bit. Later she leaned her head on Liu Meifeng as well.

"Yu-er, have you ever wondered… what makes a parent a parent?"

"Hmm… I wonder about that too." Sometimes there are parents who loved their child, sometimes they resented them instead. Both still identified as parents.

Liu Meifeng didn't speak and just stared at the glittering clear lake before her eyes. The water appeared similar to Liu Meifeng's Aquamarine eyes. She started to feel sleepy and dozed off a few times. Later, she can no longer keep her eyes open and falls asleep on Zhao Yu's lap. Zhao Yu was pleasantly surprised, she raised her hand to poke Liu Meifeng's cheek. Liu Meifeng furrowed her eyebrows and it made Zhao Yu's heart flutter. She glanced over Liu Meifeng's pretty lashes, the more she stared at her face the more she realized how pretty Liu Meifeng is. This is her first time being attracted by a girl. Even in her previous life as Huang Liangjin, despite being popular with girls she was never interested in any of them. And she thought she wouldn't ever fall in love with anyone… at least until she met Xu Haoran. His presence was like every hero in a superhero comic book. He gave her a new reason to live and filled her grey life with colors. For the first time, she becomes depended on someone. Even gender is not a problem anymore, she just likes Xu Haoran as a person. Hence why her greatest regret is her incapability to explain everything. And her helplessness for being unable to save him, instead she was saved by him until the very end. She thought that she won't ever find someone as interesting as Xu Haoran. Yet here she is, staring at the little physician who slept comfortably on her lap. Zhao Yu had a train of mixed feelings, she was indeed happy but her happiness was mixed with guilt and self-resentment.

It's a shame that Liu Meifeng was truly asleep, hence she cannot hear the voice of agony in Zhao Yu's heart.

Zhao Yu continues staring at Liu Meifeng's face for who knows how long it is. All that she knew the sky had gotten dark the moment she regained her senses. She quickly nudged Liu Meifeng's shoulder to wake her up, "Meifeng, wake up. It's already dark… I need to return home."

Liu Meifeng frowned and grunted unhappily, "Mmhh.. hng?" She was still half asleep. But the moment she looked at the dark sky, she woke up from Zhao Yu's lap immediately and gave a bow.

"I-I'm truly sorry!"

"I-it's okay, besides my father didn't know that I sneaked out--"

"Huh?" Liu Meifeng's eyes turned wide. Zhao Yu quickly placed her delicate fingers over her glossy lips and looked away. Liu Meifeng stroked her nape and sighed, "I'll come with you and explain things to your father. It's my fault for abducting you after all, come on." She stretches out her hand to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu looked at Liu Meifeng and said weakly, "But you might get scolded as well."

"I'll scold him back." Liu Meifeng winked her eyes and smiled confidently. Zhao Yu's eyes turned wide as if she cannot believe what she just heard. Someone scolding her father? Moreover, a kid no less?

Liu Meifeng knew that Zhao Yu was doubting her; it was a pretty normal prejudice, especially when she's only a six years old kid. "Don't worry, I assure you. Everything will be fine." Liu Meifeng crouched down and patted Zhao Yu's shoulder. Zhao Yu stared at her for a while until she finally smiled, "Alright. But don't blame me, if he throws a tantrum on you."

Liu Meifeng grinned as she supported Zhao Yu to stand up, "Don't worry, my Shifu is more talkative than him." Zhao Yu shakes with laughter, she brushes her lips gracefully with her free hand.

With Zhao Yu's lead, the two of them make their way to Zhao's mansion. Zhao's mansion was located in a plateau, hence there was a stair made from stones. Just as Liu Meifeng had predicted, Zhao Yu's father, Zhao Yan. He stood in the middle of the courtyard. The courtyard was located in front of their house, that's why the first thing Liu Meifeng saw when she had climbed the stairs was a wide courtyard filled with three wooden dummies and an arrow target. Perhaps this is where the Zhao family practiced their martial arts.

Zhao Yan saw the two of them come together in joined hands. He furrowed his eyebrows and said calmly, "You finally come home." Although, the way Zhao Yan spoke was completely normal. From an outsider's view, the way Zhao Yan spoke was very tranquil. But as his daughter who had the taste of being 'disciplined', Zhao Yu knew that her father is extremely angry now. Zhao Yu didn't show any expressions on her face, but her heart was filled with anxiety and fear.

Since Liu Meifeng was still holding Zhao Yu's hand, she could hear the disturbance's voice inside Zhao Yu's heart. Hence, she tightened the grip on her hand and smiled at Zhao Yu. Seeing Liu Meifeng's reassuring smile, she finally calmed down and curved the corner of her lips. The two of them walked before Zhao Yan, the first one who spoke was Liu Meifeng.

"Good evening, Mister. I'm Meifeng, a physician apprentice, I've just arrived with my grandfather yesterday, he happens to be a very skilled physician. I met your daughter yesterday during the festival and tended her wound. Today, she came to thank me for what I did by helping me gather some herbs. I apologize for keeping your daughter until this late." Liu Meifeng gave a curtsy to Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan thought Liu Meifeng was just a commoner kid, hence why he was a bit surprised when Liu Meifeng greeted him formally. When Liu Meifeng straightened her back and stared at him in the eyes. It made Zhao Yan shocked even more. She is a mixed-blood!

Seeing that Zhao Yan didn't say anything, Liu Meifeng tilted her head to make eye contact with Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu shook her head and shrugged. Zhao Yan coughed and turned to Zhao Yu, "You should have told me about this earlier. Us Zhao family always has a motto to 'repay kindness with kindness'. It is good that you live up to it, but don't just sneak out and ask your big brother to be your accomplice."

Zhao Yu nodded and answered firmly, "I understand." She lowered her head and pondered for a while. Then, she looked up to face her father, "Father, I have a request."

Zhao Yan snapped and raised his hand, "You..! I even spared you from punishment, now you even dare to ask something in return?! Unfilial daughter!"

Still lowering her head, Zhao Yu continues to speak, "I wish to learn herbalism with Meifeng. Meifeng is around the same age as this daughter, that's why learning with her is much more fun and easier to digest."

Zhao Yan's face turned red, he swung his raised hand to Zhao Yu. Zhao Yu closed her eyes and prepared to receive the punishment. She heard the 'Pa!' sound loudly, but strangely she didn't feel anything. When she opened her eyes, she gasped. It turns out Liu Meifeng shielded her and received the punishment in her stead.

Zhao Yan was also shocked too, he quickly took a step behind "Y-you.."

Zhao Yu frantically caressed Liu Meifeng's cheek. When she saw blood coming out from the corner of Liu Meifeng's lips. Her heart hurt as if she was getting stabbed.

"Why did you step in?"

"Because you don't deserve to be punished for a mistake you didn't commit." Liu Meifeng said this as she remembered how she died in her past life. She touched Zhao Yu's hand by caressing her cheek and smiled, "I'm okay."

Zhao Yu blushes and subconsciously pulls her hand away. Liu Meifeng chuckled and turned to Zhao Yan, "You hit your daughter who wishes to learn the outside world. Is that what a father supposed to do?"

Zhao Yan flinched and this time a fit of anger surfaced on his stern face, "You! How dare you speak of me like that!"

Liu Meifeng smirked without fear and continued, "But am I wrong?"

Although, Zhao Yan is angry with Liu Meifeng. But Zhao Yu couldn't help but fear her father. She tugged on Liu Meifeng's sleeve, "Meifeng, it's best if you didn't anger my father anymore. He's.. a sect leader."

Liu Meifeng raised her eyebrows and crossed her arms, "Is that true? He's a father and a sect leader, but he dares to 'discipline' his own daughter who didn't wrong him. Are you sure you want your disciples to follow your example?"

This time Zhao Yan couldn't contain his anger anymore. He approached Liu Meifeng and lifted her by the collar, "You should watch your mouth if you want to keep living, little girl."

Zhao Yu turned even more panicked, she hugged Zhao Yan's waist and begged him to spare Liu Meifeng. She even asked to receive any kind of punishment as long as he could leave Liu Meifeng alone. Fortunately, Duan Gen, who had been secretly watching the entire time appeared behind Zhao Yan. He pointed his staff behind Zhao Yan's nape and spoke the same threatening words, "You too should keep your hands off of my fool granddaughter if you want to keep living."

Zhao Yan shivered; he could tell if he made any wrong move the elder behind him wouldn't spare him. Hence, he released Liu Meifeng and put her down. Zhao Yu quickly hugged Liu Meifeng, she felt a great relief. While Liu Meifeng's cheek smeared red, she caressed Zhao Yu's back lightly.

Zhao Yan turned his back and once again he was shocked. His body trembled and he turned speechless, "Y-you…" before he could speak. Duan Gen put his staff away and revealed a nostalgic smile, "It's been a while, Zhao Yan. How fare you?"

Zhao Yan quickly gave a kowtow to Duan Gen, "This impudent disciple greets the Shifu."

Both Zhao Yu and Liu Meifeng turned their gaze towards Zhao Yan. The two of them were shocked to hear the word 'Shifu' from him.

"Raise your head, I apologize for my adopted granddaughter's flippant attitude. She is a bit smarter and sharp-tongued than other kids her age, but she lacks common sense. I hope you don't mind?"

"O-of course not! I-I didn't know that she was Shifu's granddaughter. I truly apologize."

Duan Gen helped Zhao Yan to stand up, he stared at him then smiled proudly. He slapped Zhao Yan's shoulder, "You scoundrel, did you grow taller again?"

Zhao Yan caressed his nape and smiled awkwardly, "Y-yes." Duan Gen laughed and turned to Zhao Yu, "It seems like you were rather strict to your daughter. Is she not to your liking?" one sentence jabbed both Zhao Yan and Zhao Yu.

It's part of Duan Gen's nature to speak boldly, even sometimes Liu Meifeng got flustered over it.

"Shifu, what did I tell you about holding back when you talk?"

"Shut up, I haven't finished disciplining you for spurting out a tea on my glorious beard! Now, look at what you did! You abducted the daughter of the Xue Hu sect's leader. I've lost my pride because of you!"

"But you never got any pride to begin with! Besides, didn't I tell you I didn't do it on purpose?!"

Duan Gen pretended to be furious, "Wha—Is this how you thanked me for taking care of you?" Liu Meifeng knew that her Shifu is just keeping up a charade to lessen the heavy atmosphere, hence she went along with it, "You don't even know how to cook! Without me, you would have only eating raw Lotus root every day!"

While Duan Gen and Liu Meifeng perform their comedic-daily-argument. The other parties turned baffled just by watching them. In all Zhao Yan's life, he never saw anyone who's being this disrespectful to their Shifu. Even, he didn't dare to do the same thing to Duan Gen. Then, there's Liu Meifeng…

Zhao Yan sighed and pinched his forehead, "Alright-alright. If.. Yu-er wished to study herbalism under Shifu's granddaughter. This disciple will allow it, but she must not neglect her daily training."

Zhao Yu's face beamed with a smile, then she hugged Liu Meifeng again. "I get to see you every day now!" Liu Meifeng's body stiffened. The two adults before them were staring at her suspiciously. Then, she forced a smile and said "Yes, I will introduce you to many herbs. So, it could be any of use to you."

Zhao Yu released her hands and turned to her father. She gave a kowtow before him, "This unfilial daughter thanked the father for granting this daughter's wish." Zhao Yan sighed and swayed his hand, "Yes-yes, go back inside the house. It's getting late, you should sleep."

"Understood." Zhao Yu stood up happily and turned to Liu Meifeng, "I'll see you tomorrow." Then, she gave a slight bow to Duan Gen and entered the house.

Duan Gen turned to Liu Meifeng and tweaked her ear, "Now, we should return to the inn as well." Although, Liu Meifeng felt a sharp pain in her ear. But she didn't let any sound other than a firm, "Yes, Shifu."

Zhao Yan's impression of Liu Meifeng improved slightly. Not to mention, Duan Gen praised her for being quick-witted. Duan Gen was not someone who can easily praise someone, not even Zhao Yan. It seems like this little girl is truly special…

Zhao Yan offered to accompany Duan Gen and Liu Meifeng back to the inn. But he was refused by Duan Gen. In the end, he can only watch Duan Gen and Liu Meifeng figure getting smaller and smaller as they walk.

Zhao Yan was curious about Liu Meifeng's identity. She was a mixed-blood but in all of his lifetimes. He never saw someone with an eye like a gemstone before. There must be something peculiar about Liu Meifeng, it even drove Duan Gen to adopt her. Just who is she..?