Case 07: “The Attribute of a Maiden in Love.”

Ever since Duan Gen and Liu Meifeng's last visit at the Zhao mansion. Zhao Yan slowly became meek to Zhao Yu. He no longer calls her with 'you' like before, but he calls her by her name instead. Although, his strict and harsh teachings never cease but that's enough for Zhao Yu. The main point is, from now on she can visit Liu Meifeng anytime she wants. Of course, it's always after she finished her own study first. There's no more the quiet girl at the mansion, only a merry-go-round five years old girl. Obviously, this strange phenomenon appears to be foreign to her beloved two brothers. They barely saw Zhao Yu smiled, but this time they even heard her humming a strange song.



"Is Jiejie okay?"

"I'm not sure…"

Zhao Yu kept humming her favorite western song from her previous life as she flipped the next page on her book. For the first time in five years, she finally enjoyed learning something from this world.

Unfortunately, it's quite the contrary to Liu Meifeng. Last night, she got scolded while having to maintain a bowl of water on top of her head with one foot and two arms placed behind her back. After getting scolded, she was told to stay still for two hours while reflecting on herself. If the bowl fell Duan Gen's spirit staff will hit her back twice and count the time from the beginning. Thankfully, Zhao Yu didn't come to visit her this time. Or else she'll be embarrassed to death.

"Come to my room once you're done. I've got something to say to you."

Duan Gen left the room, not even leaving any seconds to argue. Liu Meifeng heaved an exhausted sigh which caused a stir to the bowl for a while until it finally maintained again. A drop of sweats flowing down on her soft and waxen face. She made sure not to move a single inch even if her whole body became numb. Besides, this kind of punishment could improve her balance. After yesterday's incident, where she saw Zhao Yu's martial art movements and her incapability to protect Zhao Yu other than become a body-shield. Liu Meifeng realized that martial arts were critical in this world. She was lucky that her opponent was her Shifu's student and Zhao Yu's father, if it was a total stranger she might die right on the spot. And who knows what would happen to Zhao Yu afterward.

Thinking this, it has opened Liu Meifeng's eyes and mind. She needs to get stronger in order to protect everyone who is dear to her. She clenched both of her fists which tied behind her back. Then, she muttered resolutely, "Let 'him' be the last one."

The spirit staff who was watching over Liu Meifeng turned silent as he didn't know who or what Liu Meifeng was talking about. But he just knew, Duan Gen didn't pick the wrong disciple this time.

Once Liu Meifeng underwent her punishment, she went to Duan Gen's room just as she was told. When she entered the room, Duan Gen was sitting near the table and drinking a cup of tea. Which reminds her about yesterday where she spurted out tea on Duan Gen's face. Frankly, it was a marvelous accident and honestly, she was quite proud of it. She walked in like a neighbor visiting the master of the house. She stood next to Duan Gen and casually greeted him, "Shifu, what do you wish to discuss with me?"

"Sit down."

Liu Meifeng sat on the opposite of Duan Gen, he poured a Chrysanthemum tea on her cup. It had a strong smell, but it isn't bad; perhaps it's because Liu Meifeng and Duan Gen were used to gathering a variety of herbs. That's why they're used with the earthy smell.

"Tell me, how did you and Zhao Yan's daughter know each other? And since when?"

Liu Meifeng held the cup. It is very hot, Liu Meifeng could feel a moderate heat from the cup on her hand. To normal people, perhaps they might need a napkin to hold this scorching clay cup. But as someone who's working closely with fire to create a medicine, she had gotten accustomed with the high temperature. Hence, she could hold it calmly just as Duan Gen did.

"I met her two days ago during the Yangjiang festival. She stumbled on the ground and no one was there to help her. So I treated her wound and.. we got along well after that."

The two of them went silent for a while, until Liu Meifeng finally asked "What about you? I never knew you had another disciple."

Duan Gen sighed as he drank his tea, he squinted his wrinkled eyes and somehow had a nostalgic expression.

"He's not that 'kind' of disciple."

Liu Meifeng tilted her head, "You mean there are other categories for a disciple?"

Duan Gen nodded, he poured another tea on both his and Liu Meifeng's cup. Then, he explained, "There are only two categories of a disciple, that is; Major and Minor. The Major disciple is pretty much like you. They were trained to be the successor of their Shifu, which is why their training is much harder than the Minor. As for Minor disciples, they're basically just a regular 'student' who was taught by many teachers for each knowledge based on the class they choose. As for Zhao Yan, he used to be a Minor disciple who often attended my lesson."

Liu Meifeng clicked her fingers, "Then, does that mean I'm in a higher rank than him?" Duan Gen smacked Liu Meifeng's head, "Foolish child, of course not. I said he 'used' to be a Minor disciple, now he's the leader of Xue Hu sect."

Liu Meifeng frowned as she patted her head where Duan Gen smacked, "Then, is that all you want to ask me? To begin with, why do you care whether we're close or not?"

"Of course I care! This is a matter about your future spouse!"

Liu Meifeng looked astounded, luckily she hadn't drunk the tea this time. or else she might spurt the tea on Duan Gen's face again. She opened her mouth but no words came out of it. Duan Gen continued, "Although, your parents gave up on you. But they didn't disown you or remove your name from the Imperial family tree. No matter what, you're still the crown princess. You are the only candidate to be their successor, and not only that I've adopted you as my grandchild and disciple as well. Naturally, you're also my successor. That's why your future is also one of my concerns."

Liu Meifeng nodded in understanding while she spoke, "Okay, so what do you want to say exactly?"

"In this world, although the relationship between same-sex was already widely known. But for a royal family, it's still a huge scandal and strictly forbidden. Do you know why?"

Liu Meifeng lowered her head dispiritedly, "Because they can't have children." Duan Gen drank his tea and poured another one, "Since you understand, don't make this hard for yourself."

Liu Meifeng shrugged and placed her chin on the table, "But she clearly likes me back." Duan Gen sneered, "How do you know? Unless you can hear the voice of her heart?"

Liu Meifeng pondered for a good while, then she nodded slightly and answered shortly "I could." Duan Gen laughed in disbelief, "Did I smack your head too hard? Can you come up with a more believable lie to convince me?"

Liu Meifeng straightened her back and said seriously, "But I really could hear the voice of people's hearts. Both of my parents knew this, but they were afraid if someone might come to harm me when they know the truth. That's why they told me to speak nothing about this and never reveal this ability."

Seeing Liu Meifeng's determined face, Duan Gen started to think seriously as well. If what Liu Meifeng said is true, then she truly is in danger if she were to reveal it.

"Then, why did you tell me?"

"Because you're my grandpa."

Once Duan Gen heard that his heart melted, his expression turned meek without him realizing it. Liu Meifeng noticed it and she smiled, she grabbed his hand and tested it out directly. Liu Meifeng listened to Duan Gen's heart for a while, she chuckled and said slowly "…you do care about me a lot, huh?"

Duan Gen's face flushed, he pulled his hand immediately, "You rascal, I didn't think you were serious."

Liu Meifeng smiled in relish, "I told you~ still, that's quite some determination there. You're willing to sacrifice yourself just to protect me, hm?" Duan Gen stood up abruptly and bumped his knee on the table, causing the cup to stir.


Liu Meifeng leaned on the table and supported her chin with her hand, "Believe me now?" Duan Gen took a deep breath to calm himself and finally sat down, he poured another tea into his cup and drank it immediately. He turned silent for a while to think, then he said seriously "About your personal affair... since this is your life, if you think she's the one then I won't intervene. I believe you won't do anything capricious either. You believe me enough to tell me about this matter, I shall believe in you as well."

Liu Meifeng grinned her teeth in satisfaction. Duan Gen continued to say, "But, about this ability of yours… did you find out why you were granted with such a dangerous ability?"

"No, I've tried to find out about it back in the Palace's grand library. But I didn't find anything, however.. I found a myth about the Goddess of the sea. It was said that she used to be a villager who can read people's hearts. However, since this ability was not widely known. She kept it a secret, not even her entire family knew about it. Until she fell in love with a boy. It was a mutual love they were so loving and caring about each other. Until one day, on the night before their wedding. The girl told the boy about her ability to read people's hearts. Of course, this was shocking news, at first the boy coaxed the girl and said she could trust him. However, the next day what's waiting for her wasn't a marriage celebration. But a group of perverted cultivators, they used blood and absorbed another cultivator's Qi power to cultivate. Later, it was found that their leader was her own spouse. The girl had such immense Qi power and unique ability, that's why they are targeting her. In the end, she refused to join their sect and drown herself to the sea. The Great Sea Dragon who ruled the entire sea pitied her and turned her as his subordinates; hence, she turned into the Sea Goddess. Shortly, a great storm came upon the village and killed those who resented her and betrayed her trust. And that's how Qianghai kingdom was made."

Duan Gen turned silent, he stroked his long beard slowly as he pondered.

"I didn't expect you to read the kingdom's folklore."

"Believe it or not, some folktales do tell the truth. Although, it does seem unrealistic.. but doesn't mean it's not true. Though, the people at the kingdom only think of it as nothing but a fairy tale."

"Well, it IS a fairy tale." Duan Gen sighed and he continued, "I'll try to gain some info regarding this matter. If it was true, then you are definitely in a more dangerous situation than I thought. Not to mention, we still haven't found a way out for you to live a normal lifespan."

"It's alright, I'm still six years old this year. We've still got twelve more years."

Duan Gen chuckled, the two of them stood up.

"When you live for more than a thousand years, twelve years is just like twelve minutes."

"Yeah, I get it old man. Now, I should go back to sleep. I promised to teach Yu-er tomorrow."

Liu Meifeng gave a slight bow and walked over to the exit door. Duan Gen chuckled, "My apprentice now had her own apprentice. Does that mean, I'm her Grand Master now?"

Liu Meifeng sneered, "No, you're just an old man who lived more than a thousand years." Duan Gen took his staff and pointed to Liu Meifeng, "You--!! Come back here!" Liu Meifeng poked her tongue at him and quickly closed the door. Duan Gen shook his head as if he's gotten dizzy, "Whatever should I do to deal with this foolish disciple of mine?"

The next day, as promised, Zhao Yu came to Yangjiang inn to study herbalism with Liu Meifeng. Different from yesterday, this time she had a reason to see Liu Meifeng. Hence, she could enter the inn without hesitation now. It was in the early morning, hence the inn is packed with guests. Everyone in Yangjiang village knew who Zhao Yu was, so they couldn't help but turned their gaze towards her. Few of them whispered to each other, making a hubbub sound. Zhao Yu was someone who never stepped outside of her house. Naturally, this kind of situation gave her a lot of pressure.

Luckily, Duan Gen just woke up and visited the inn's tavern to have some breakfast.

"Oh, if it isn't young lady Zhao."

Hearing a familiar voice, Zhao Yu's eyes glinted and answered in jovial.

"Good morning, Grand Master Duan. You don't need to be courteous with me, just call me Yu-er."

Hearing the word 'Grand Master Duan', the crowd suddenly turned silent. None of them dared to speak and returned to have their meal quietly.

Duan Gen observed Zhao Yu from her head to her feet. Not bad.. although, she's still a kid. But she will certainly grow up beautifully. No wonder that kid had an eye on this one.

"Ha-ha, very well. Yu-er, will you accompany this old man for breakfast? Meifeng is still sleeping upstairs."

Zhao Yu nodded her head obediently, "Ah, yes.. thank you very much."

The two of them sat on a large and round Oak table which could accommodate up to four people. Duan Gen ordered two warm congees and two Chrysanthemum teas while Zhao Yu only ordered Longjing tea.

"Aren't you going to have breakfast?" Duan Gen asked. Zhao Yu smiled politely and answered, "Pardon the offense, but I have already eaten breakfast at home. Since we're going to venture into the forest, I did not dare to eat more."

Duan Gen nodded his head in understanding. The two of them waiting for their food while chatting around.

"Say, Grand Master Duan. What was Liu Meifeng look like? In my eyes, she's the most intelligent person I've ever met. And… I can't help but get curious about her. But she almost never talks anything about herself.."

The waiter at the inn brought their drinks and placed it on the table. Duan Gen appeared to be smiling in front of Zhao Yu, but inside he was shocked.

..My goodness, so Meifeng was right. This girl also took an interest in her. Just what kind of sorcery did she cast on this girl?

Duan Gen cleared his throat before he finally answered, "Meifeng was… a girl filled with extraordinary intelligence and curiosity. She tends to pay attention to every detail no matter how small it is and use it for her own benefit. As for her family… They abandoned her when she was small. I took her in and adopted her as my grandchild."

Zhao Yu felt a trace of bitterness in her heart, she suddenly recalled the question Liu Meifeng asked yesterday.

'Yu-er, have you ever wondered… what makes a parent a parent?'

It turns out Liu Meifeng has been through a lot more than her. Although Zhao Yu's father disliked her, but he will never abandon her. Realizing this Zhao Yu respected her father even more. She also had this urge to protect Liu Meifeng more than ever.

The waiter brought Duan Gen's food this time, Zhao Yu looked confused and asked "Why did you order two bowls?"

Duan Gen drank his tea calmly and answered, "Because my foolish apprentice is going to appear soon." Just as he said that Liu Meifeng descended from the upstairs and approached them.

"Good morning Shifu." Liu Meifeng retrieved her gaze from Duan gen. She turned to Zhao Yu and nodded her head, "Yu-er." Zhao Yu answered her with a beaming smile, "Good morning, Meifeng."

Duan Gen shook his head in distress and spoke harshly, "How long are you going to stand up? Sit down before the congee gets cold."

Liu Meifeng ignored him and sat between the two of them. She grabbed the spoon and casually made small talk with Zhao Yu.

"Sorry to have you accompanying my Shifu, it was supposed to be my job"

Duan Gen who was about to eat stopped his movement and said, "Finally realized your duty now?"

Once again, Liu Meifeng ignored him and continued to ask, "Still, why did you come so early?"

Zhao Yu explained regretfully, "I'm sorry I had to. Because my father told me that I have to attend a martial practice this evening. You promised to teach me herbalism today, so I had to come early."

Liu Meifeng blows the congee of her spoon and eats it, "Then, I shall teach you well today. You've come so early after all."

Zhao Yu opened her mouth a little, but she quickly pressed her lips; as if she had wanted to say something but decided not to. She ended up smiling gratefully, "Thank you, I'm in your care from now on."

Liu Meifeng was busy eating her congee, so she only gave a short 'Mm', she didn't pay attention at all. On the other hand, it was completely different for Duan Gen who has been observing these two. He may not be experienced in love, but even Duan Gen knows what Zhao Yu had wanted to say earlier.

She'd rather come earlier than canceling the appointment, just so she could meet Meifeng. This young maiden is truly beyond help…

After breakfast, Liu Meifeng took her thatched basket upstairs while Zhao Yu waited in front of the inn. Duan Gen had instructed Liu Meifeng to pick a herb in several areas, so they wouldn't encounter beasts or other dangerous wild animals.

The two of them departed from the inn and headed towards the small forest located next to Yangjiang village. Liu Meifeng went full-tutor mode as she explained various herbs like; flowers, roots, and leaves. Anything they can find and use to create medicine.

"This one is for repressing fever, and this one is an antidote for allergy. Be careful not to mistake them, their appearance looked awfully similar." Liu Meifeng pointed to the leaves of one of the flowers, "The fever one had serrated leaves—" then, she took the other one flower and pointed to its leaves, "While the allergic one had smooth leaves. This is the only way to tell them apart. Because their taste is also the same, so tasting them is no use."

Zhao Yu took her note and a brush from her backpack and began to write down everything Liu Meifeng said. Perhaps it's because Liu Meifeng's teaching was clear and simple. She finds learning herbalism isn't as boring as she imagined.

For Meifeng to know these many plants… she's truly amazing!

Zhao Yu secretly praised Liu Meifeng inside her heart. Liu Meifeng tossed the herbs to her thatched basket tied behind her back. She continues to walk ahead as Zhao Yu obediently follows her behind. The two were pretty much like a mother hen teaching her small chick who's eager to learn.