Case 08: “Seeking the Truth…”

A week had passed since Zhao Yu's consecutive visit to Yangjiang inn. Although, learning herbalism was just an excuse to visit Liu Meifeng every day. But at the end of the day, they find no other topic but herbs.

Duan Gen spends no time by idling either. Just as promised, he will help Liu Meifeng to discover more about her supernatural ability and how did she obtain it. Since there has been only one person in history with the same ability. Finding its sources was quite an ordeal. Duan Gen had to make a journey to the southwest of Yangjiang village. To visit the abandoned tower. That tower was formerly the world's greatest library created specifically to keep ancient files and crucial information about the world.

Unfortunately, not all people could have access to this ancient library. Only those who are 'worthy' can enter the tower. Those who forced their way into the library instantly met their miserable end.

Since this place was really dangerous, Duan Gen didn't dare to bring Liu Meifeng with him. Besides, she got a company with her. Of course, she had to keep her promise as well. The journey to the ancient tower was quite far, it took five days to reach there. Before departing, Duan Gen gave a pouch of silver stones to Liu Meifeng which was enough to pay for the inn and meals for two weeks. Liu Meifeng almost asked Duan Gen if he had robbed the bank or something. Because she didn't remember they had much savings, but Liu Meifeng isn't stupid either. There are things that are better not to know just like a wise man once said.

'After all, ignorance is a bliss.'

Duan Gen was not worried to leave Liu Meifeng alone at the Yangjiang village. After all, that kid is sly enough to stay away from troubles. Besides she's not necessarily alone…

Liu Meifeng knew that this was for her sake. But she can't help feeling lonely. Turns out she had been accustomed to her Shifu's blabbering. Hence, when he left the atmosphere turned quiet immediately.

"I have never imagined that I would miss the old man's rambling."

Liu Meifeng sighed and drank her tea alone in her room. She thought she must get used to this loneliness. After all, sooner or later she will have to go separate ways with her Shifu. Like joining a sect for example…

"Come to think of it, I don't know about any sects other than the Xue Hu sect. Should I visit the Zhao mansion to inquire further details about it?"

"Why not? My father happens to know everything about the other sects." Zhao Yu said casually.

Liu Meifeng leans on the table supported by her left hand. She nodded her head slightly and gave a long "Hmm…"

It took her a few seconds to finally realize that Zhao Yu was sitting next to her for who knows how long. She tilted her head to look at Zhao Yu and asked, "How long have you been here?"

Still smiling Zhao Yu answered naturally, "Since you said you miss your Shifu."

"Basically, since the beginning?"

Zhao Yu nodded and poured her the tea. Liu Meifeng was startled by her action and grabbed Zhao Yu's hand which holding the teapot.

"What are you doing?"

In terms of formalities, the owner of the house was supposed to be the one who 'serve' the guest. But what Zhao Yu had done was completely the opposite especially when her status is 'higher' than Liu Meifeng.

Both Zhao Yu and Liu Meifeng knew about this. That's why Zhao Yu smiled and placed Liu Meifeng's hand that grabbed hers on the table.

"I'm technically your student, how could I not serve you? Besides, aren't you older than me by one year?"

"That's true, but it's still better if I'm the one to serve. Your status is higher than me after all.. anyway, why did you come here? I don't remember we had a lesson today."

Zhao Yu smiles as she shakes her head, "We don't have any lesson. But my father told me to check on you since the Grand Master is away."

Liu Meifeng nodded in understanding she didn't expect for that cold leader sect to actually pay attention to her. She just thought that she and Zhao Yan could get along well since there might be a chance for him to become her father-in-law. Liu Meifeng fell into a long silence with her mind wandering somewhere else. Zhao Yu poked her cheek as she called her name softly, "Meifeng..? Earth to Meifeng—"

Liu Meifeng turned her gaze to Zhao Yu before she finally regained her composure. She realized that she had been thinking about some unconventional things.

"Say, Yu-er.. is there a library here? If possible the biggest one in this village."

Zhao Yu propped her chin while thinking, then she said "I don't remember they have such a big building for a library. But if you want, we could go to my father's study room since he owns a dozen books there. But I don't know if he will allow you.."

Liu Meifeng stood up from her seat, "It's worth the try."


"Absolutely not."

Zhao Yan said harshly to the two girls who sat in the guest room, this time his reason pretty much makes sense. A person's study room kept a storage full of confidential information. This is why Zhao Yan refused Liu Meifeng's request without hesitation.

Liu Meifeng understood this as well; she remembered where she once got scolded for accidentally entering her father's study room. Hence, she changed her request…

"In that case, can I borrow some of Mr.Zhao's book instead?"

Zhao Yan considered for a while, then he nodded "Very well. What kind of book do you want to borrow?"

"I want any books or scrolls containing information regarding all the sects in the Zuguo kingdom. I'm planning to become a cultivator too, so I thought before choosing a sect I must get familiar with their style and custom."

Zhao Yan was surprised to hear this, especially before Duan Gen left; he had told Zhao Yan everything about Liu Meifeng except for her status as the royal princess of Qianghai kingdom. Zhao Yan knew how fragile and weak Liu Meifeng is, that's why he had requested Zhao Yu to visit her despite not having any scheduled lessons.

Zhao Yan sighed and stood up, "Alright, you can wait here or visit our garden. Yu-er, be sure to guide our guest well." When he saw Zhao Yu nod her head once, he retreated from the guest room.

Zhao Yu turned to Liu Meifeng and said admiringly, "Meifeng, you're really amazing. Most people would be scared or at least shaken when my father had scorn them. But you didn't even shake or startled when he had scorn you!"

Frankly, every bit of Liu Meifeng had reminded Zhao Yu about her dearest person in the previous life. Like her serious expression as she talks about various plants, or when she had stuffed her mouth with a lot of food during the festival, or when she protected her from being 'disciplined' by her father.

Zhao Yu recalled her recent memories with Liu Meifeng and had accidentally mixed them with her memories of Xu Haoran. Without realizing it, she gazed intently at Liu Meifeng. Her expression was smooth and clear like a wife looking attentively at her husband.

Liu Meifeng blushed immediately and she had subconsciously averted her gaze from Zhao Yu. "A-anyway.. I'm curious about your house… can I take a look at your garden?"

Zhao Yu replied "Sure." The gentleness on her face didn't fade even a single bit. Liu Meifeng was both happy and flustered when she saw Zhao Yu act like this. She thought Zhao Yu is still a kid, that's why she could easily take a liking to whoever caught her eyes. That's why Liu Meifeng didn't rush to start a serious relationship with her. As for now, she can only get as close as possible to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu led Liu Meifeng to her garden, unlike the empty field in front of Zhao's mansion. Their garden was full of life, there are many variations of plants across the kingdom. No, even some of the plants were from the other kingdom!

Seeing Liu Meifeng's excited face, Zhao Yu couldn't help but grinning her teeth at her. No matter how mature Liu Meifeng can be, she's still a child after all.

"Say, can I walk around the garden?" Liu Meifeng turned to Zhao Yu with full of excitement. Zhao Yu smiled and nodded her head, she walked ahead to lead Liu Meifeng so she didn't get lost. After all, the garden in Zhao's mansion was vast, almost identical to a labyrinth. Zhao Yu was afraid Liu Meifeng could go in but couldn't get out.

"Promise me not to wander alone, alright?"


The two of them trampled around the garden as they enjoyed the floral scenery before them. Most of the garden was filled with earthy plants, until she suddenly came across an artificial sea floral. It made Liu Meifeng miss her home a bit, she was excited to sightsee the garden earlier. Now that she had encountered this plant she can't help but reminisce.

Zhao Yu caught a glimpse of this gloomy expression on Liu Meifeng's ghastly pale face. She patted Liu Meifeng's shoulder without saying anything. Zhao Yu had an idea that this water plant had reminded her about her past or something. Since Liu Meifeng rarely talks anything about herself, Zhao Yu is sensible enough not to inquire further. Especially when she heard Liu Meifeng was abandoned by her parents from Duan Gen. She started to care more about Liu Meifeng.

Since Zhao Yu's hand touched Liu Meifeng's shoulder, she could hear all this from Zhao Yu's heart and sigh. That old man did speak some inessential matter about her. It's not like Liu Meifeng didn't like Zhao Yu, in fact, she liked her quite a lot. But Liu Meifeng remembers her past experience with her former best friend in the past life.

In the end, you can't really entrust everything to someone no matter how close you are to them…

The two of them walk around for a while, until they accidentally run to Zhao Yun.

"Jiejie!" Zhao Yun called out to Zhao Yu from behind. The boy's face resembled Zhao Yu but with a different frame eye. Zhao Yu's eyes appeared sharp while Zhao Yun's eyes were much rounder than her.

Zhao Yun ran towards Zhao Yu and hugged her; somehow acting a bit spoiled. Zhao Yu smiled wryly and patted Zhao Yun's head. Zhao Yun somehow reminded her about her little sister in her previous life, hence she said gently, "Xiao-Yun, what are you doing here?"

Zhao Yun smiled as well and tugged Zhao Yu's sleeve, "You've been too busy lately. Yun is lonely!" Zhao Yun buried his face on Zhao Yu's shoulder while sulking. He's completely aware of Liu Meifeng who stood next to Zhao Yu, grinning from ear to ear.

"I didn't know you have such an adorable little brother, Yu-er. Mind introduce me to this little one?"

Zhao Yu smiled and straightened Zhao Yun's body to stand in front of Liu Meifeng. Zhao Yun was reluctant at first since he secretly disliked Liu Meifeng for taking her beloved big sister from her. But now that she saw Liu Meifeng in person who was smiling beautifully.

"Xiao-Yun, this is my friend and my herbalism teacher. She is.. uh.." Zhao Yu was struggling to introduce Liu Meifeng as she never knew about Liu Meifeng's surname. Liu Meifeng forgot that she had never revealed her surname to anyone and was not allowed to. Hence, she can only pretend to smile and lied, "I'm Duan Meifeng."

That's right, Liu Meifeng decided to take the surname Duan. After all, she had been adopted as Duan Gen's granddaughter.

Zhao Yun observed Liu Meifeng from up to down, he kept staring at Liu Meifeng cynically which shows that he had a bad impression on Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng knew what was the reason, but she pretended not to know, "What about this handsome young brother?"

Zhao Yun blushed and lowered his head immediately. He tried not to make eye contact with Liu Meifeng out of embarrassment. This side of him is actually pretty identical to Zhao Yu, hence Liu Meifeng can't help but patting Zhao Yun's head gently.

"You're pretty attached to your big sister."

Only then, Zhao Yun finally looked up and stared at Liu Meifeng with irritating eyes.

"Got a problem?"

Zhao Yu frowned and scolded from behind, "Xiao-Yun, why are you being rude to Meifeng?" Liu Meifeng swayed her hand to Zhao Yu and smiled. Then she turned to Zhao Yun again, "Of course not. I just thought that you're going to grow up into a fine young man. Be sure to protect your big sister, okay?"

Zhao Yun's cheek smeared red, even though Zhao Yu often does the same thing the impact is totally different. Zhao Yu realized Zhao Yun's implicit changes and immediately stood in-between them, "S-shall we continue?"

Liu Meifeng chuckled and nodded. Zhao Yu turned to Zhao Yun, "Xiao-Yun, why don't you go back inside? I still have to accompany my friend here." Zhao Yun wanted to pester Zhao Yu to bring him along. But he doesn't want Liu Meifeng to think he's childish, hence he only nods his head regretfully.

Liu Meifeng noticed Zhao Yun wanted to join as well, she finds this little brother is actually pretty adorable and wanted to bring him along. Besides, it's not like they're here for a serious tour guide.

"How about letting this little brother come as well? The more the merrier."

Zhao Yun's eyes glinted and raised his eyebrows as well. All the excitement and happiness surfaced clearly on his complexion. This kid truly cannot hide his emotions at all…

Zhao Yu tilted her head to Liu Meifeng, "Are you sure? He's been rude to you." Liu Meifeng nods her head with a gentle smile on her face. Zhao Yu sighed and tapped Zhao Yun's shoulder lightly, "You can come with us, but you need to apologize to Meifeng."

Although, Zhao Yun was known for his high ego and rebellious attitude. But seeing that Liu Meifeng has been treating him kindly. He changed his opinion about her immediately, "Mm."

"Meifeng jiejie, I'm sorry." Zhao Yun bowed in front of Liu Meifeng. Somehow it reminded her about the people in the Qianghai kingdom. Everyone other than her family would bow like this every time they saw her. Liu Meifeng helped Zhao Yun to straighten his back and fixed his hair that had been loosened a little.

"It's fine, you don't have to bow to me. I'm just a mere apprentice while you're the youngest son of the Xue Hu sect leader. Let's be good friends, alright?"

This time Zhao Yun's heart nearly jumped out from his chest. He stared at Liu Meifeng who's half-taller than him. In the Zhao family, the only female member who would pay attention to Zhao Yun is only Zhao Yu. Their mother was someone cold and rarely came home, that's why Zhao Yun thinks highly of Zhao Yu. But what Liu Meifeng does to him, even Zhao Yu never fixed his hair this gently before.

"It's done. You have pretty hair just like your sister, I suppose it's genetic?" Liu Meifeng grinned and turned back to Zhao Yu.

"Do you have a pond in this garden?"

Zhao Yu who was frowning answered indifferently, "Yes, we do. Let me show—"

"I can show you!" Zhao Yun interrupted.

He quickly fetches Liu Meifeng's hand and pulls her along with him, "It's this way."

Liu Meifeng who had no idea what was going on, let herself get pulled by Zhao Yun. Zhao Yu felt annoyed at her own dear little brother but, she had no choice but to follow them. In the end, the three spent their time together playing in the garden. Zhao Yan who just finished taking some books witnessed the three of them playing happily in the garden. All these years, Zhao Yan never saw Zhao Yu and Zhao Yun smiling like this. Especially Zhao Yun, he never showed any interest in strangers before. But now he's laughing and even sitting next to Liu Meifeng. Zhao Yan sighed as he watched over them, he didn't realize that he was smiling.




Duan Gen who has been walking without resting for four days to reach the abandoned tower. Despite walking without rest for four days, Duan Gen didn't feel tired at all. Since he used to rarely take a break from a long journey.

Duan Gen took a step forward to the tower's courtyard and a couple of arrows flying towards him from all directions. Duan Gen skillfully dodged all the arrows, his move was pretty flexible as if he was dancing. When the arrows stopped coming, he finally landed his feet on the ground. Suddenly, there's one arrow left flying behind him. He caught the arrow and broke it with one hand.

He snorted as he continued forward, "Hmph, child's play."

The courtyard around the tower was pretty large; it might fit two large houses. But no matter how long Duan Gen walked, the distance between him and the tower's entrance door didn't reduce. Duan Gen finally realized that there's an illusion talisman placed in this place. He stopped walking and sat with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes and began to use his 'Eye of Truth' skill. This skill allowed him to see something that cannot be seen with naked eyes. The surrounding turned gray and he saw a blue flame smoldering on the left-wall. He finally opened his eyes and pulled the talisman on the wall which disperses the illusion in the tower.

"I don't have time for this. I have a dying granddaughter in Yangjiang village, if you want to challenge me go pick a proper schedule and I'll be sure to entertain you." Duan Gen said harshly.

Suddenly a black shadow from the corner revealed itself and took a figure of a small boy with pitch-black eyes. The figure was terrifying since the black colors filled his entire eyes as if it's empty. He's Yang, one of the guardians who guarded this tower for centuries. There are only two guardians in this tower, one is Yang the outer guard and the other one is Yin the inner guard.

"Welcome back, Grand Master Gen. It's been six-hundred-seventy-two years since your last visit." Yang smiled. Duan Gen snorted, "Tch, even after death you're still as annoying as I remembered. Anyhow, put aside the terrible reunion… I need to find something inside the library."

Yang chuckled and beckoned, "Sure-sure, go ahead and find Yin inside. She missed you a lot." Duan Gen didn't say anything and just proceeded to the tower. Before he entered the tower, Yang stopped him, "Gen."

Duan Gen still hasn't responded, but when Yang called his name he stopped his movement.

Yang heaved a sigh and said firmly, "It's not your fault."

Still not responding, Duan Gen went inside the tower. Yang watched him enter the tower and he couldn't help but worry about this dear old friend. But as he's only a guardian spirit in this tower, he can only perform his tasks which is to guard this place against outsiders.

Once Duan Gen entered the tower a girl in white stood at the entrance and greeted him, "Welcome back, Grand Master Gen." there's no expression on her face and her eyes were filled with white color. If Yang looked scary and terrifying, Yin was the opposite. She looked beautiful like a living statue.

"What brings you here, Gen?"

"I need to find something."

Yin turned her back and walked towards the bookshelf, her fragile hand swayed on the books playfully, "What do you want to find?"

"I want information about those who can hear people's hearts."