Case 12: “Tree Fairy.“

The next morning after the banquet, Liu Meifeng woke up early as usual and made a simple breakfast for two people. Liu Meifeng waited for Duan Gen, but he never showed up. In the end, Liu Meifeng rose from her seat and went to check Duan Gen in his room. She tried to enter the room without any noise as much as possible. Then, she saw Duan Gen sitting on the wooden bed strengthening his Qi. Liu Meifeng decided to bring the dishes to Duan Gen's room and put it on the table. She gobbled breakfast and proceeded to her room and made a few blueprints for the water tank and watermill.

An hour later, Liu Meifeng finally finished the blueprints; she was quite proud of it. She rolls it up into a scroll and puts it under her sleeve. When she opened the door, she saw Gu Yunxi about to knock the door.

"Greetings to your highness, is there something your highness needs?", Liu Meifeng said casually, as she looked at the girl who's a bit shorter than her. Unlike the elder sister, Gu Yunxi is apparent to be pretty girly and care much about her appearance. If the elder sister liked the simplicity, then she's the opposite of her elder sister. She enjoys dresses majestically and wears dark bear fur. Liu Meifeng finally got a chance to observe the second princess up close. Now that she takes a look at her, she's actually really cute…

"My father told me to fetch you and come to the meeting in case if you run away."

Of course, if the first princess was known for her benevolence and virtue. Then, the second princess is known for her straightforward and capricious attitude. It's like water and fire…

When Liu Meifeng heard this, she smiled almost sneering at the second princess. But she managed to hold back and spoke solemnly, "Your highness, there's no need to worry. As the disciple of Grandmaster Duan, even if my life is at stake. I will never abandon anyone."

Gu Yunxi turned her back and let out a short 'Hmph.' Then, she added, "I think you're most likely to be the one everyone will abandon."

Hearing this Liu Meifeng frowned but she quickly made a calm expression as if nothing happened. She didn't say anything, just smiling at the second princess. She had no idea why the second princess would treat her like this. To be exact, this is their first time talking to each other. When on earth did she offend the second princess?

When the two of them climbed down the mountain, Gu Yunxi jumped down dexterously just like Gu Zhuxuan yesterday. As for someone who's still foreign to martial arts, it took Liu Meifeng a lot of effort to climb down the mountain safely. Gu Yunxi frowned and urged Liu Meifeng to come down faster. Liu Meifeng can only try to place her feet step by step a bit faster. She accidentally slipped and fell, luckily Gu Yunxi caught her in time. Or else, Liu Meifeng might have one or two broken bones.

Although, it was Liu Meifeng who fell but the one who got startled the most was Gu Yunxi. Hence, when she caught her, she couldn't help but stare at Liu Meifeng in bewilderment. The atmosphere is a bit awkward, especially when Liu Meifeng is mentally a man.

"Um.. Your highness, can you.. put me down?" Liu Meifeng asked embarrassedly.

Only then, Gu Yunxi finally returned to her senses and released Liu Meifeng abruptly. Liu Meifeng fell on the ground with her buttocks crashing the ground.


"You… you really are weak." Gu Yunxi said with a great disappointment.

Liu Meifeng smiled and stood up to fix her clothes, "Forgive this grandson for being weak." Gu Yunxi sighed and the two of them went to the center village.

In the center village, there's a huge round table placed in the middle. There are also many warriors walking here and there bringing a crate of iron and steel. Before her, Gu Jinxin was busy commanding his men to bring each crate to the storage. Liu Meifeng and Gu Yunxi approached him…

"Dad, here's the Grandmaster's grandson. Can I go play with Guanghe now?"

Gu Yunxi hugged her father's right-hand and pestered him. Gu Jinxin smiled and caressed her hair gently, "Don't you want to stay around accompanying Haoran for a while?"

Gu Yunxi took a glance at Liu Meifeng unhappily, then she turned to her father again.

"Let jiejie do it… I want to play with Guanghe."

Hearing this Liu Meifeng was helpless, but she can only keep her smile as if it doesn't affect her. She can't really guess what makes the second princess despise her so much. Gu Jinxin realized that Liu Meifeng was unfavored by his youngest daughter. Since it is so, he naturally won't force the two of them to get along.

"Okay but, be sure to come back before sunset. The wild animals in the forest are restless these days. Understand?"

As if a great burden has been lifted, Gu Yunxin nodded happily and escaped. Although, Liu Meifeng didn't know what crime she did to offend the second princess. But she believes if there is love at first sight, then there is also hate at first sight which Liu Meifeng is most familiar with in her previous life. Anyhow, she doesn't even bother to think about the second princess. Right now, the most important thing is to lead this project without the slightest error. With such determination, Liu Meifeng took the blueprints on her sleeve and spread it on the table.

"I finished creating the blueprints last night. Your Majesty, do you have the map of this island?"

Gu Jinxin took a long scroll from below the table and spread it.

"This is our location, Weizhi village… and from here to the Northeast there's a large lake where we take the water. It used to be peaceful, but now the wild beasts around run amok specifically in this area."

Liu Meifeng frowned and propped her chin. At this moment, she's making a serious expression which is very rare for a kid her age. The adults around her were stunned but knowing that she's Duan Gen's 'grandson' it wasn't so surprising.

Liu Meifeng was completely unaware of the adults staring at her. She was busy arguing with her own mind, no matter how you look at it there must be something that provokes them.

After thinking for a while, Liu Meifeng turned her gaze to Gu Jinxin and asked seriously.

"Your Majesty, did someone in the village do something to provoke the wild beasts?"

Gu Jinxin licked his lips and said, "Based on the daily reports, everyone in the village is just doing their daily activities. Even the hunter didn't dare to hunt the wild beasts in the forest. We are aware of our own capabilities."

Hearing this, Liu Meifeng went back to her own mind again. If it's not the villager or the hunter, then who? Wild beasts won't attack something that never harms them. The hunter here only hunts roe, hare, and other common prey for the game.

At this rate, even if the construction was finished in a day. They won't be able to put the watermill in the lake safely. I need to investigate this matter…

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid even if we finish the construction in a day. We won't be able to install the watermill right away, because it might be destroyed by the wild beasts around."

Gu Jinxin furrowed his eyebrows and asked in distress, "Then, what should we do? Go to war?"

"No. that will only result in unnecessary loss and death for both parties. If Your Majesty is okay with it, I can go to the forest and investigate the matter myself."

The whole village gasped dumbfoundedly, how could they send Liu Meifeng who is weak going to the forest full of wild beasts alone?

Of course, this is another gamble that Liu Meifeng already thought of. Since she can hear the voice of everyone's heart. Surely, she could possibly communicate with the wild beasts through heart to heart. But the question is, how to establish the physical touch? This is the remaining question where Liu Meifeng herself didn't know the answer. But she had to try…

"Absolutely not! How could I let the Grandmaster's grandson be in danger?! What would the referred Grandmaster say?!" Gu Jinxin said harshly.

"I'd say let him give it a try."

Duan Gen showed from behind and smiled politely to Gu Jinxin. He turned to Liu Meifeng and gave her a backpack.

"Since you're going to the forest, please fetch some Black Lotus for me. I'll explain it to you later when you obtain it. Think of this as a trial for you."

Liu Meifeng smiled and took the backpack with her, "Okay."

On the other hand, Gu Jinxin looked rather dumb and didn't understand why the referred Grandmaster would send his own grandson to death's door. However, since the Grandmaster already allowed it, he can only agree with him.

"Wait. Even if you have zero knowledge about martial arts, you can't go unarmed." Gu Jinxin clapped his hands twice and a muscular warrior came with a fine-looking sword. "Take this with you."

Liu Meifeng took the sword, it was quite heavy. Even in the previous life, Liu Meifeng never once held an actual sword. She only owns the replica which often used to clash swords with Huang Liangjin to fool around.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. As for the construction, Your Majesty can show the blueprints to the woodcutter and blacksmith. They knew what to do."

Gu Jinxin nodded and patted Liu Meifeng's shoulder, "You be careful."

Liu Meifeng nodded and began to walk away from the village. When her figure completely disappeared within sight, Gu Jinxin turned to Duan Gen anxiously.

"Is this really wise?"

Duan Gen sighed, "He has to. Fate didn't show any mercy to him after all…"

"What does the referred Grandmaster mean?"

Duan Gen turned his gaze to the blueprints on the table, his expression looked very distressed and with a mix of helplessness.

"That kid will die at the age of ten."



Liu Meifeng continues to stroll around the forest with the map on her hands. Luckily, she hasn't encountered any wild beasts yet. Hence, the journey went peaceful… or at least that's what she thought.

In the midst of autumn chill, where all trees turned bright orange like a sunset. Liu Meifeng saw Ming Guanghe struggling to get out of the vines. Liu Meifeng recognized him as the second princess's playmate. She quickly strode to him and cut off the vines with her sword. Alas, the vines quickly grew one after another and refused to let Ming Guanghe go.

"You! I recognize you! You're the referred Grandmaster's grandson! Quick, call for reinforcement!"

"No, the vines here are trying to absorb your Qi power until nothing's left. By the time, I call the reinforcement you'd be already dead."

Hearing the word 'dead' Ming Guanghe shivered and looked at Liu Meifeng helplessly.

"Then, whatever you do please get me out of here!"

Liu Meifeng disliked Ming Guanghe's fierce tone as if she's his servant. But this dumb brat is the second princess's friend. Surely, she can't let him die just like that. In the end, Liu Meifeng tried to analyze her surroundings first. She took a glance at the giant old tree which is obviously not a normal tree. Liu Meifeng remembered she had read many mythology stories back in the palace. One of them tells a story about a tree fairy who cultivate for thousand years and become the forest's protector.

Liu Meifeng moved her glance to Ming Guanghe and observed him. He held a dagger and there's half-burned dry hay on the ground. He must've tried to lit a fire near this tree which provoked the tree fairy. Liu Meifeng sighed and threw her sword to the ground, she raised both of her hands in surrender. "I know you are a tree fairy and this… the guy has angered you by accident. Can we talk first? I mean no harm."

Seeing Liu Meifeng threw her weapon on the ground, Ming Guanghe was astonished and roared at her "You stupid! Why did you throw your sword?! Quick! Grab it and cut the tree!"

Liu Meifeng glared at Ming Guanghe, "Shut up!"

Ming Guanghe was a spoiled child just like Gu Yunxi. Naturally, he has never been reprimanded so harshly in his entire life. Therefore, when Liu Meifeng glared at him angrily; anger and fear were mixed together. Since Liu Meifeng is his only lifesaver he can only shut his mouth and let Liu Meifeng handle the situation.

Seeing this, the tree fairy chuckled and appeared before Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng thought that the tree fairy was an older man like Duan Gen. But the tree fairy turned out to be a stunning woman!

The tree fairy dressed all in white without wearing any hair accessories. She looked like a deity added with the charm of an adult woman. For someone who has the mentality of a man in his thirties, how could she not attract Liu Meifeng?

Fortunately, Liu Meifeng was still sane and remembered her purpose. She coughed twice before she finally spoke, "Ahem.. greetings to the fairy lady."

The tree fairy observed Liu Meifeng and was quite fascinated by her appearance. It's been a while since she last saw a mixed-blood people. Not to mention, the person in front of her had an eye like a gemstone which was very rare. The tree fairy was in a daze until Liu Meifeng spoke.

"You said you want to talk, speak quickly."

"Miss fairy, I know that this… the guy over there has angered you, but can you please spare his life?"

The tree fairy frowned when she heard this, she quickly turned her back and the vines that were grabbing Ming Guanghe's body tightened which made him groan in pain. Liu Meifeng panicked and continued, "Miss fairy, once I've read a book about you when I was two years old. In the book, you are someone who cherishes solitude and ethics. You won't harm people unless they attempt to harm you first. You clearly know this guy didn't mean to make you angry, yet you still choose to kill him. Isn't that against your principles?"

The tree fairy turned silent for a moment, then she slowly loosened the vines. Seeing this Liu Meifeng let out a relieved sigh. Suddenly, the tree fairy turned back and approached Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng was startled and subconsciously took two steps back. The tree fairy just stood there looking at Liu Meifeng, then pointed to Ming Guanghe "Very well, I'll release him. But you must never show up here again…"

Once she said this, the vines immediately released Ming Guanghe which caused his body to fall to the ground. Liu Meifeng strode to Ming Guanghe and gave him a pill to restore some of his Qi power. Ming Guanghe took it without any second thought, when half of his Qi power regenerated he could finally breathe slowly.

"I heard from His Majesty you were playing with the second princess. Where is she?"

Ming Guanghe grabbed Liu Meifeng's shoulder with both of his hands and tightened the grip which caused pain on Liu Meifeng's shoulder.

"What should I do? What should I do?!"

"Speak slowly!"

"Xiao-Xi tried to free me from the vines, but no matter what she did she couldn't cut the vines. So, she tried to go back to the village.. but I forgot that this is our first time coming to this area. She is most likely to get lost in the forest, what should I do?!"

Liu Meifeng gritted her teeth in anger, how could these two be so dumb? They're clearly still a kid. How could they stroll around the forest full of wild beasts leisurely?

Liu Meifeng wanted to punch this guy so badly, but right now the most pressing matter is to search for the second princess. Ming Guanghe suddenly stood up and grabbed his sword. He's about to run but was held back by Liu Meifeng, "Where do you think you're going?"

He looked at Liu Meifeng with anger, "I'm going to search Yunxi of course! What else?!"

"Do you know where she went?"

Once this question landed, Ming Guanghe turned speechless but even so he's about to run again and was held back by Liu Meifeng again.

"Don't stop me! Even if I don't know I have to search for her!"

"If this forest is like any other normal forest, I don't mind letting you trample around the entire forest all day. But there are many wild beasts in this forest or other dangerous creatures. I just saved you from the tree fairy, don't let my rescue go in vain."

"If you think you are so smart, then what should we do?" Ming Guanghe asked in annoyance. He clearly didn't hide his hostility towards Liu Meifeng. Which made Liu Meifeng secretly asked what she had done to make two people dislike her this much?

Liu Meifeng shook her head lightly and turned to the tree fairy who had been watching them. Liu Meifeng approached the tree lady and kneeled in front of her, "May the fairy lady be willing to lend this poor son a hand."

The tree fairy stared at Liu Meifeng and asked indifferently, "Why should I help you? What benefit will I get from helping this princess you spoke about?"

"I will do anything you ask for a whole day. Though this son is physically weak, but this son had traveled around the world and knew many things. Surely, there must be something I can do for the fairy lady."

"Hmph, didn't you say you read a book about me that I cherish solitude and ethics? Now you offered yourself to me for a day, isn't that going to disrupt the solitary I seek?"

Liu Meifeng chuckled and found it funny. The tree fairy may be more than a thousand years old, but her temper is just like a young maiden. Hence, Liu Meifeng looked up to the tree fairy and replied with a smile "It is true. But that doesn't mean you never feel lonely, yes? Besides, you've been living in seclusion for more than a thousand years. Don't you want to know how the world has changed?"

The tree fairy looked at Liu Meifeng and she could tell that this kid won't go away until she agreed to help her. Besides, it would be lying to say she's not interested in how the world looks like now. The tree fairy sighed and made a compromise, "Very well. I shall assist you to find the second princess, but in exchange, you have to be my servant for a week."

Liu Meifeng blinked twice,
