Case 13: “Rescuing the Youngest Princess.”


Liu Meifeng couldn't help but muttered those words with a questioning look. The tree fairy had just stated that she cherishes solitary, how come she asked her to stay even longer than the original offer?

"You don't want to? Then, good luck searching for that girl by yourself."

"Wait, wait!"

Liu Meifeng stood up and grabbed the tree fairy's hand. The tree fairy couldn't help but bend the corner of her lips, but it was only momentarily. When she turned back to face Liu Meifeng, her expression returned to be indifferent.

"Fine. I will be your servant for a week." Liu Meifeng said along with a sigh. Though it's not that bad to be alone with a beautiful girl in the forest. Liu Meifeng couldn't help but feel a little guilty to Zhao Yu.

"Very well. If you dare to break your promise, I will search for you and kill you personally." The tree fairy threatened.

Liu Meifeng smiled wryly and made a surrender gesture, "Didn't dare.. didn't dare."

The tree fairy ignored her and her soul returned to the giant tree. The tree suddenly emitted a faint glow for a moment and slowly dimmed.

"I found her."

Ming Guanghe tilted his head and asked eagerly, "Where is she?!"

"She's currently being locked in a cage at the Minotaur's den near the lake."

Both Ming Guanghe and Liu Meifeng were shocked to hear that. Once again, Ming Guanghe was about to rush to the lake, but he was stopped by Liu Meifeng. Ming Guanghe turned to Liu Meifeng and asked angrily, "What now?!" Liu Meifeng frowned but still remained calm, "Do you know how many Minotaur are there? Are you planning to save the princess or die together with her?"

Ming Guanghe gritted his teeth in anger, but what Liu Meifeng said does make sense. For Gu Yunxi's sake, he will put aside his pride and willing to listen to Liu Meifeng.

"Yunxi has always been good to me… when everyone mocked my incapability, she's the only one who believed in me. If she can be saved, I'm willing to do anything… so please…"

Ming Guanghe kowtowed in front of Liu Meifeng, "Please save the princess, young master Xu!"

Liu Meifeng was astonished beyond words, she quickly helped Ming Guanghe to stand up and fixed his clothes. "You don't have to be like this. It is also part of my trial to save the princess and I'm someone who refuses to do things half-assed. So, I promise you I will save the princess no matter what it takes. Are we good?"

Ming Guanghe felt relieved after that and his opinion about Liu Meifeng slightly improved. Liu Meifeng turned to the tree fairy and asked for the Minotaur's numbers.

"There are around twenty-two adults and seven children."

"…were they civilized?"

"Yes. Though they spoke their own language and they despised humans."

Liu Meifeng chuckled sarcastically, "Wonderful."

The tree fairy sneered at Liu Meifeng and one of her roots touched Liu Meifeng's forehead. A glimpse of light emitted from the root and slowly transferred into Liu Meifeng's body.

"I transferred some of my earth spiritual roots to strengthen your body. There will be no benefit for me if you die before you serve me." The tree fairy said lightly.

Liu Meifeng smiled gratefully and kneeled on one knee, "Thanks for the fairy lady's blessing." Then, she turned to Ming Guanghe to discuss their plan. Liu Meifeng explains her plan from beginning to end carefully to Ming Guanghe. The tree fairy overheard their plan and she silently chuckled as she observed Liu Meifeng's expression. This kid really isn't afraid to die…


"You..! I command you to let me out of here!"

Gu Yunxi struggled inside a small prison made of stones. No matter how she kicks it won't bulge, she can only scream in rage. An hour later, she had exhausted herself and stopped screaming. Gu Yunxi sat pitifully on the ground and hugged her knees.

"Daddy… save Xiao-Xi…" Gu Yunxi sobbed quietly, then she suddenly heard a familiar voice outside.

"I come in peace!!!"

Gu Yunxi stood up abruptly and took a look outside from the small gap on the wall. She saw Liu Meifeng walking while raising her two hands in surrender. Seeing this, Gu Yunxi was angry and secretly cursed Liu Meifeng for being stupid. This grandson is truly an idiot! The biggest idiot! He's so weak, why did he come here alone?!

The Minotaurs hurriedly pointed their weapon on Liu Meifeng's neck. Liu Meifeng didn't dare to move but she kept talking, "Please let me see your leader."

Alas, the Minotaurs couldn't understand what Liu Meifeng said. But they didn't kill Liu Meifeng on the spot either, because Liu Meifeng didn't bring any weapon with her and she came voluntarily. Soon, the tallest Minotaur came before Liu Meifeng. The other Minotaurs quickly make way for their leader and slowly put down their weapons. The Minotaur's leader grabbed Liu Meifeng's neck with one hand and lifted her to match with his height. Seeing this, Gu Yunxi was horrified and wished to beat all those Minotaurs!

Although Liu Meifeng can't breathe normally, her smile didn't fade. She finally gets physical contact with the leader just as she planned and forms a heart-to-heart communication.

"Greetings, my lord. I'm Xu Haoran from the White Wolf tribe."

The Minotaur leader was shocked and released Liu Meifeng immediately. Liu Meifeng stumbled on the ground and started coughing. The other Minotaurs were about to execute him, but their leader stopped them. Liu Meifeng breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. She stretches her hand to the leader inducing him to grab her hand. The Minotaur leader hesitated but in the end, he took a step forward and grabbed Liu Meifeng's hand.

"You… are you a human?"

"Hahaha, to be honest I don't know. I was born with this ability with the price of a short lifespan. But that's not the reason why I came here."

"It seems like this will be long. Why don't we sit there?"

The Minotaur leader beckoned to a long wooden table and chair. Liu Meifeng followed and sat on the chair calmly. Gu Yunxin who witnessed this couldn't help but get confused. Although, she felt relieved that Minotaurs didn't kill Liu Meifeng. But she couldn't understand what's going on between them. Not to mention, why are they holding hands? Don't tell me, Haoran is…

Thinking of something outrageous, Gu Yunxin shook her head immediately. Her face was hot and she blushed so hard until smoke came out from her head. When she finally calmed down, Gu Yunxin moved her gaze back to Liu Meifeng and the Minotaur leader.

"You have abducted our youngest princess and I hope you can return her to us."

The Minotaur leader snorted, "I refuse. I caught her trampling around the lake, now she's mine and I'm going to eat her! I also want to eat you but seeing that you're the first human who can communicate with us. I'm fascinated with you and decided to keep you alive."

Liu Meifeng pinched her forehead with her other hand, "Thank you for your mercy. But, my lord… you absolutely can't eat our princess."


"It will be cannibalism!"

"Huh?! How could it be cannibalism?!"

Liu Meifeng pretended to be in distress and lied, "My lord, have you ever wondered why your physical body resembled us humans? That's because we're half-siblings!"


"You don't believe me? Then, explain why your kind resembled us except for your head!"

The Minotaur leader was dumbfounded, and he couldn't answer Liu Meifeng's question. While Liu Meifeng was busy attracting the Minotaur's attention, Ming Guanghe quietly sneaked to the Minotaur's den and stole the prison's key. On the other hand, Gu Yunxi was too focused on Liu Meifeng and didn't realize Ming Guanghe entering the prison room.


Only then, Gu Yunxi tilted her head and saw Ming Guanghe approaching her.

"Guanghe!" Gu Yunxi felt relieved and threw herself on Ming Guanghe's arm. Ming Guanghe slowly stroked Gu Yunxi's hair to calm her. "Don't worry, young master Xu and I are here to rescue you."

Gu Yunxi thinks she heard it wrong, she looked up to Ming Guanghe who's slightly taller than her. "Young master Xu? …since when did you call him that?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you once we go back to the village. For now, let's escape before those Minotaurs realize I'm here."

Gu Yunxi nodded solemnly, "Okay."

Meanwhile, the Minotaur leader is busy crying on the table. The rest of the Minotaurs also cried along with him, Liu Meifeng patted the Minotaur's leader back and sighed. Of course, this scene didn't escape from Gu Yunxi's eyes. She whispered to Ming Guanghe, "Guanghe, why are those Minotaurs crying? What on earth did Xu Haoran do?"

Ming Guanghe shook his head, "Beats me." He really didn't know. Because Liu Meifeng only tells him to fetch Gu Yunxi secretly while she attracts the Minotaur.

"I didn't realize after all this time, we're actually half-siblings! I killed so many humans, wuwuwuwuwu!"

"There.. there… it's all in the past. Just make sure you won't kill innocent humans again, okay?"

The Minotaur leader sobbed, "Okay…"

Just when things were getting right, the other Minotaur guards came and spoke in their language. Liu Meifeng couldn't understand what they're talking about, but she could tell from their expressions that they had found out about the plan. She hurriedly retrieved her hand and jumped behind. The Minotaur leader stood up in a rage, he stared at Liu Meifeng full of murderous intention. Liu Meifeng still remained calm on the outside, while on the inside she couldn't help but panicked. It seems like she had lost the bet this time…


The Minotaur leader roared and jumped to assault Liu Meifeng.

"Young master Xu!" Ming Guanghe screamed as he threw Liu Meifeng's sword.

Liu Meifeng caught her sword and blocked the Minotaur leader's attack. It was quite a heavy attack and Liu Meifeng was physically weak. She couldn't help but staggered on the ground, but she still maintained her grips on the sword.

"Xu Haoran!" Gu Yunxi yelled and came out immediately. She kicked the Minotaur leader until he staggered behind. Ming Guanghe was terrified when he saw this and quickly backed up Gu Yunxi from the other Minotaur's attack. Liu Meifeng was astonished, how could small children like them fend off an adult Minotaur?!

Gu Yunxi supported Liu Meifeng's body to stand up. She couldn't help but scolded her, "Are you stupid?! Do you want to die so badly?!"

Liu Meifeng sneered and said, "That goes for Your Highness too. Why did you come out?" Gu Yunxi gritted her teeth, obviously angry, but their current situation is so dangerous for a debate. She just held back her anger and turned to the Minotaur. The Minotaur leader seemed to be saying something, but they couldn't understand what he said. Liu Meifeng observes her surroundings again, seeing that the other Minotaurs didn't attack them. Liu Meifeng heaves a sigh of relief and walk towards the Minotaur leader. Gu Yunxi pulled her sleeves and scolded her, "Are you really bored out of your life?!" Liu Meifeng almost retracted her arm harshly, but she didn't dare to be rude to the princess. Hence, she can only force a smile and caress Gu Yunxi's arm. While doing so, she accidentally overheard the voice of Gu Yunxi's heart.

'Is this guy really bored out of his life? what would his parents think?! What would the referred Grandmaster think?! He has a weak body, but how come he's this fearless?! Are all men outside the island like him? He's so stupid that I can't help but get worried!'

Liu Meifeng was quite surprised to hear such words. It turns out the young princess just couldn't express her feelings pretty well.

"What are you smiling for?"

"Nothing. I was just thinking Your Highness is really kind-hearted."

Gu Yunxi quickly retracted her hand and stared at Liu Meifeng awkwardly, "Don't speak nonsense! Anyway, what are you doing with those Minotaur?"

Liu Meifeng explained, "Your Highness, I forgot to mention but I can perform a spiritual communication with animals and other creatures. Hence, I could understand what the Minotaur was saying. But in order to do so, I have to be in physical contact with them."

Both Gu Yunxi and Ming Guanghe were surprised, they both think Liu Meifeng is weak but she has an ability like a monster tamer which is quite unusual.

Liu Meifeng approached the Minotaur leader and held his hand once again.

"Were all the words you've spoken a lie?"

Liu Meifeng turned silent for a moment, then she remembered how Minotaur was created and replied firmly.


The Minotaur leader sneered, "You were absolutely lying!"

Liu Meifeng sighed and explained, "I'm not lying, your kind were created because one of our kind mates with an animal called a bull. That's how your kind was created. Besides, if I lied why didn't I bring the whole warrior from the village to exterminate your kind? With your small numbers we could exterminate you easily, especially with my Shifu here. He could 'clean' the entire island with his eyes closed! It is exactly because I considered your kind as half-sibling and respected them that I refuse to start a war. I know your kind must have a reason to despise us humans. But not all humans were as despicable as you think, some didn't care about the other party's race. As long as both parties respect each other despite the differences, why can't we coexist in peace? As far as I know, your kind was short of food while our kind was short of water. Both are important resources to kept us alive, say why don't we work together?"

The Minotaur leader pondered for a while, reconsidering Liu Meifeng's words. The more he thinks the more reasonable Liu Meifeng's reason is. They only contained twenty-two adults and seven children. Surely, he can't afford to let the children participate in a bloody war or their race will be completely wiped out. But he isn't sure about what Liu Meifeng said. Even if Liu Meifeng herself was different from other stinky humans. There's no guarantee those White Wolf people would be the same as her.

Liu Meifeng could hear the anxiety in the Minotaur leader's heart which is natural. You can't just trust a stranger's words after all…

"I know your worries, but fret not. I promise you, if you agree to co-exist with our people, I won't let them mistreat you."

The Minotaur leader turned silent, then looked at his people trying to communicate through eyes. The other Minotaurs understood and nodded.

"…very well. Tell me about your conditions."

Liu Meifeng smiled brilliantly and beckoned to the seat where they sat earlier.

"Why don't we sit over there as we talk about our agreement?"

"Heh, suit yourself."

Seeing Liu Meifeng smiles and the Minotaur people put down their weapon. Gu Yunxi and Ming Guanghe turned to each other in confusion. While still on guard they walked behind Liu Meifeng and sheathed their weapon. Gu Yunxi bent her body and whispered to Liu Meifeng, "Hey, what's happening?"

"The Minotaur leader wants to co-exist with your people."

Gu Yunxi sighed in relief, "I see." She straightened her back, but shortly bent down again, "Say, what--?!"

Liu Meifeng chuckled and told her not to worry. Gu Yunxi straightened her back again but couldn't help feeling anxious. The White Wolf people and the Minotaur race have been in a dispute for a long time and called them monsters. How on earth could they coexist with them?

"Firstly, just as I mentioned, our people are struggling with water resources and I have proposed a plan to build a watermill to let the water flow to our village. If your people agreed to co-exist with our people. Naturally, I will install this invention in your den as well. So, your people don't have to waste energy to fetch water back and forth. But in exchange, I also need your participation to help build the watermill. The watermill is quite huge and we need more men's power. Second, I want your kind to stop eating or assassinating humans. Since your kind was closer to the lake and forest, we will barter the food resources fairly. Lastly, I will cast a Talisman here, lest your people dare to revoke this agreement. If someone dared to disobey the rules they will be exterminated immediately with this talisman."

Liu Meifeng took out her talisman from her backpack. This Talisman is a cursed Talisman that could kill its wearer under the caster's command. Duan Gen originally gave this dangerous Talisman to Liu Meifeng to protect herself. But Liu Meifeng finds it's unnecessary to use such dangerous tools in this forest. At least, until she encountered the problem with the Minotaur race. The Minotaur leader flinched by seeing the Talisman.

"How about it my lord? Do you agree?" Liu Meifeng asked once again.