Case 19: “Even Without Memories, I’m Still Thinking About You.”

"Haoran, Haoran, is this enough?" Gu Yunxi asked expectantly to Liu Meifeng who's standing next to her. It's been two hours since their cooking lesson began. By far, our energetic princess isn't suitable to cook.

Liu Meifeng secretly sighed and wondered where she had gone wrong guiding her. She paid attention to every measurement and the quality of the ingredients. But for some reason, everything that Gu Yunxi cooks taste inexplicably weird. Even when she followed Liu Meifeng's instructions step by step, the taste never changed… it's just… weird.

"Um… Your Highness, why don't you take a break? You've been learning without rest." Liu Meifeng said carefully, she couldn't help let out a cold sweat, wondering if this wild little princess will listen to her or not.

"This is far more difficult than practicing Qinggong." Gu Yunxi said dully and frowned. She couldn't grasp where she went wrong, perhaps it needs a natural talent? If it is so, she should have been able to at least cook something average. But so far, she's very inferior to those around her. Even Ming Guanghe is better than her in this field, as a girl and a princess, she felt a bit ashamed.

Seeing the little princess pouting, Liu Meifeng chuckled and patted her head, "Don't worry, there are still two days left. If Your Highness is determined, she could do it in the expected time."

Gu Yunxi was slightly taken aback by Liu Meifeng's sudden closeness, originally, she was embarrassed at first. But seeing Liu Meifeng who looked at her like a mother hen, she felt annoyed and slap her hand lightly,

"How dare you to pat my head!"

Liu Meifeng knew this little princess hated to be treated like a kid, so she quickly retracted her hand and said playfully, "As Your Highness said."


Gu Yunxi was not in the mood to learn cooking anymore, so she decided to take a rest and went to the training field to beat some woods.

Since Gu Yunxi is no longer in the room, Ming Guanghe naturally also excused himself and followed her. On the other hand, Tang Cheng'an diligently followed Liu Meifeng's instructions without rest. He wanted to present the best dishes for his beloved woman, Gu Zhuxuan. Hence, he stayed in the kitchen with Liu Meifeng.

Liu Meifeng had a mixed feeling about this passionate young man in front of him. First of all, he's not a bad guy, in fact, he's an honest and good man, now this man who knows nothing about house chores actually is determined to learn cooking for his beloved. How could anyone not be moved? Not to mention, he had clear white skin and also looks good which filled the category of 'dream boyfriend'.

But the tree fairy's expression with a trace of helplessness surfaced on Liu Meifeng's mind. She would be blind if there's nothing going on between her and Gu Zhuxuan. But if it were so, how could Gu Zhuxuan act so estranged? And her expression was true if she was just pretending. Then, Liu Meifeng would call her a great actor who deserves an Oscar trophy.

"Haoran... Haoran?"


"You were spacing out, I wanted to ask if this should be enough." Tang Cheng'an moved the spoon close to Liu Meifeng's lips.

Liu Meifeng blows the hot soup on the spoon first, then eats it. It tastes a bit salty for Liu Meifeng, but it should be okay.

"It's a bit salty for me, but it should be okay. Not bad for your first try, fortunately, we don't produce any charcoal today." Liu Meifeng said jokingly.

Tang Cheng'an also laughed, then he remembered about some dishes that Gu Yunxi made. He asked Liu Meifeng with a cold sweat, "What should we do with Her Highness's dishes?"

If Tang Cheng'an didn't remind her, she would have forgotten the weird dishes on the table. Although the dishes were safe, no one could bear to eat three plates of food with weird combination tastes. Liu Meifeng was speechless for a while, but she suddenly remembered something.

"Oh, just let Guanghe eat it."

"I-Is he going to be alright?"

"It's not venomous, but he might get a bit nauseous after eating the whole three plates. But don't worry, I'll give him some pills later."

Tang Cheng'an nodded in agreement, he also knew that Ming Guanghe had a big crush on the second princess. That's why it would only be natural to sacrifice him.

"What if he refuses?"

"Just say it's a practice for his married life with the princess. After all, if he gets married to the princess he might occasionally encounter something like this in the future."

"You are truly the wisest man I've ever met." Tang Cheng'an applauded, at first, he thought Liu Meifeng was unpleasant. Who knows they would get along in this way.

After that, with Liu Meifeng's persuasion, Ming Guanghe agreed heartily to consume Gu Yunxi's weird dishes and later fainted until dawn.

Two days later, Gu Zhuxuan's birthday finally arrived. Thanks to the Minotaur people, the watermill construction is finished right on the same day. Now, both the White Wolf tribe and the Minotaur tribe could use clean water without fetching it directly on the lake.

Gu Jinxin originally wanted to prepare a banquet today, but Gu Zhuxuan refused and said the people deserve to rest after working tirelessly these past few days. With a heavy heart, Gu Jinxin followed his daughter's suggestion and promised to hold a banquet for celebration later. Luckily, Liu Meifeng, Gu Yunxi, Ming Guanghe, and Tang Cheng'an came at the right time. They welcomed Gu Zhuxuan who was about to return to her tent. The four of them smiled and said, 'Happy Birthday!' to her and gave her a pleasant shock.

The four walked towards Gu Zhuxuan with a fruity chiffon cake with candles on top of it. Gu Zhuxuan was both confused and aggrieved at first, how could these four put a candle on top of food? Just when she's about to reprimand them, Liu Meifeng took a step forward and explained to her that this is a way of people in her hometown celebrating their birthday.

Gu Zhuxuan was amused and couldn't help but doubt, "Really?"

Liu Meifeng smiled and said casually, "Yes, in my hometown, the people who are acquainted with the birthday person will give their blessings and sing a birthday song for them. Then, the birthday person will make a wish in their heart and blow the candle afterward, so their wish will come true."

"That's quite interesting, I've never heard such traditions before."

Of course she doesn't, this is a tradition from the ancient Greek that we took as a modernization birthday tradition all over the world.

"Yes, this tradition isn't widely known to the world after all. Now, now… let us sing a birthday song for Your Highness. You're our star today!"

Liu Meifeng arranged the other three to sing together,

…Happy Birthday to you~

…Happy Birthday to you~

…Happy Birthday dear Zhuxuan~

…Happy Birthday to you!

For the second time, Gu Zhuxuan was stunned. She never heard about this birthday song either, but she was so happy and chose not to think further.

"You guys…" Gu Zhuxuan hummed happily, obviously moved by the song.

Gu Yunxi stepped forward and moved the cake close to Gu Zhuxuan.

"Jiejie, make a wish then blow out the candle."

Gu Zhuxuan nodded and closed her eyes, she made a wish that has been lingered in her mind for a long time. Finally, she blows out the candle and hopes God will grant her wish.

"Jiejie, what did you wish for?" Gu Yunxi asked curiously, and she did feel curious because as far as she remembers, both she and Gu Zhuxuan never lacked anything. They're princesses, even if they live secluded from the outside world. They're considered living their fullest live in wealth and prosperity. So, for Gu Zhuxuan to actually wish for something is really rare. Could it be, she wished to go outside the world?

"I wish to inquire about someone..." Gu Zhuxuan said with hesitation. She wants to know about the identity of the person who gave her a wooden mannequin every night on her birthday.

It's not like she felt unpleasant, she's just curious about this person who secretly pays attention to her. She did ask the people whom she thinks had a close relationship, like her sister, her father, and her playmate. But none of them admitted it and they didn't seem to lie either. The possibility is, this must be someone outside her circle, but she couldn't figure it out who, and she couldn't ask her father either, afraid he thinks about something unnecessary and actually endangered this person's life.

There was one day, where she deliberately waited in front of her tent on the night of her birthday. But no matter how long she had waited, no one showed up. When she finally gave up and turned her back a cold wind blew behind her, when she turned again there was already a wooden mannequin on the ground. Normally, she would be terrified when she saw nobody behind her when the wooden mannequin was already delivered to her. But this time, she felt inexplicably sad and aggrieved. Even Gu Zhuxuan surprised herself, the person who gave her the wooden mannequin might not be a human. No ordinary human could place a wooden mannequin without making any sound and then disappear completely in less than seconds. It didn't seem to be thrown either, because it didn't make any sound.

Since waiting was no good and she couldn't ask her father either. She just hoped maybe she could encounter this strange person someday; she didn't care even if the person was not a human. The person clearly had no malice towards her, the wooden mannequin had no evil power in it either. So, when she met this person there's a guarantee they won't threaten or hurt her.

It's just, no matter how long she had hoped, the result was the same...

Gu Yunxi knew about this matter and felt sympathy towards her sister, "Is it about that person?"

Gu Zhuxuan nodded slightly and then smiled, "Anyway, since we have blown the candle. Why don't we eat the cake together? I can't finish it by myself."

"Oh, it's not just the cake." Ming Guanghe cut in, then he continued, "The four of us also prepared our own banquet, right?" Ming Guanghe poked Tang Cheng'an's hand with his elbow.

"Yes, thanks to Haoran we managed to create several dishes. Although, it might not be as delicious as aunt's cooking. But I guarantee it tastes pretty decent."

Gu Zhuxuan shook her head lightly and revealed a helpless smile. Then, she turned to Liu Meifeng, "You sure are talented."

Liu Meifeng smiled and replied casually, "Your Highness praised too much."

The five of them walked to the forest, where there are many trees surrounding them. Since it's still Summer the temperature is naturally high. It's better to have a grand picnic under the tree.

When Liu Meifeng was talking to the other three, she saw Gu Zhuxuan standing alone looking at the ancient Oak tree from afar. Her figure looked like a lone wolf and the sun shone on her eyes that looked like a Spessartite garnet. Her complexion showed a bit of melancholy, but she herself doesn't know where it came from.

Liu Meifeng deliberately chose a location near the ancient Oaktree, first is to secure a safe place and second is to test Gu Zhuxuan if she had ever been here before. Looking at her expression now, Liu Meifeng was convinced that she did know this place after all. But you can't ever rush things that haven't been clear yet, so Liu Meifeng took a cup of iced Chrysanthemums tea and approached Gu Zhuxuan.

"Your Highness, the temperature is kinda high, have some cold Chrysanthemums tea."

Gu Zhuxuan turned to face Liu Meifeng and smiled, "Thank you." Then, she took the cup of Chrysanthemums tea from her hand.

Liu Meifeng pretended to follow Gu Zhuxuan's gaze towards the Oaktree, and asked innocently, "Did the Oaktree fascinate Your Highness?"

Gu Zhuxuan nodded slightly and said, "Yes, in the past I used to go play in the forest. Back then, our tribe was at war with the Minotaur and my parents forbid me to go outside." She smiled and shook her head lightly, thinking she was so stupidly courageous in the past, she turned to Liu Meifeng and smiled wryly, "But I was so bored that I thought I might die out of boredom. So I decided to sneak out to the forest."

"I didn't expect Your Highness to be a disobedient child." Liu Meifeng said jokingly.

"Hey, everyone will be naughty when they're still a child. Besides, it was soon to be my mother's birthday. So, I took the opportunity to find her favorite mushrooms and berries."

"Did you encounter any wild beast or the Minotaur's soldier?"

Gu Zhuxuan shook her head and continued, "No, I know my way to the forest. So I know where to avoid danger, and after that I--"

Gu Zhuxuan suddenly turned silent, her vision was blurred, and her head felt like spinning. She didn't know what was wrong with herself, but the headache was so unbearable and knelt on the ground. Liu Meifeng was startled, she hurriedly squatted down and helped Gu Zhuxuan. But just as she touched Gu Zhuxuan's shoulder her vision suddenly turned white.

Before Liu Meifeng realized it, she had found herself lying on the ground covered by Autumn leaves. Liu Meifeng stood up and observed her surroundings, this is definitely the forest near the White Wolf tribe, but why is it suddenly Autumn? Is she hallucinating right now?


Liu Meifeng twitched her ears and looked in the direction of the voice. Then, she saw an adorable little girl holding a basket filled with mushrooms and berries. She took another look at the other party and was shocked in fright. Who else it is other than the Tree Fairy in human form.

Liu Meifeng subconsciously hides behind a tree while eavesdropping them. The two looked like they're having a pleasant chat, later she heard the girl proclaimed herself to be Gu Zhuxuan. Liu Meifeng rubbed her eyes and blinked twice. Did she just travel to the past? Or is this another hallucination?

Liu Meifeng slapped herself but she didn't feel anything. Great, how come she dreamed about other people's affairs? She sighed and just continued watching the drama in front of her while wondering when she would wake up. Later, she heard the girl said in excitement, "It's decided then. From now on, you are Jiang Xiang!"

Liu Meifeng was stunned, if it's a dream, how could she have dreamed about the Tree Fairy's name without even knowing it? No, something is definitely not right. Although, she didn't feel anything when she slapped herself just now. But even she could tell this is definitely not a dream.