Case 18: “Boys.”

Once the tree fairy told Liu Meifeng the location of the Black Lotus, Liu Meifeng wasted no time and went to the location immediately. She followed the tree fairy's instruction carefully and wittily avoided encountering monsters. However, just as the tree fairy said, you need to unlock your spiritual vision to see the hidden door on the Cloughmore. Without the spiritual vision, you can't find the hidden door no matter how hard you try. Liu Meifeng caressed the Cloughmore gently and walked around it. After an hour of inspection, she still couldn't figure it out, she originally thought if you don't have the 'key' then try to 'lockpick' it. Liu Meifeng who is proficient in unlocking all doors like a professional thief, couldn't find the way into the Cloughmore.

"I guess some things can't be cheated, huh?" can't believe the lockpicking skill she learned painstakingly in the previous life would become useless in this world.

"So that's how it is, Shifu."

Liu Meifeng told everything about what the tree fairy said. Duan Gen sat on the opposite and propped his chin, "Are you sure she's not playing tricks on you?"

"Well, that could be possible. But it is worth trying, you said it yourself this is one of my trials. If I get tricked and trapped inside the Cloughmore forever, then I'll just ask you to deliver a message to young lady Zhao as my last wish."

"Honestly, look at you…" Duan Gen sighed, then he stood up and took his staff along with him, "Since you choose to believe in the words of the demon, then this shall be your lesson. If you were tricked and in danger, I won't help you nor can I help you."

Liu Meifeng nodded her head firmly and stared at Duan Gen very seriously. Who knows if it was because of the sudden determination, or the sun's light that penetrated into the cottage. Liu Meifeng's gemstone-like eyes shine brightly, added with her unusually solemn looks, the 6 years old girl actually looked more handsome than cute.

Duan Gen chuckled and shook his head slowly, then he said, "Back in the palace, everyone said you inherited most of your mother's charm. But now I look at you, you looked more like your father." Duan Gen won't ever forget Liu Yongchang's serious and aggrieved expression when he begged him to save Liu Meifeng.

Liu Meifeng was slightly surprised, it's the first time Duan Gen talked to her about her parents. Liu Meifeng couldn't help thinking if this step-grandfather of hers actually thought she's really not going to make it.

"My dear sweet grandpa and referred master, are you trying to initiate the final conversation with me? Why brought my parents at this moment?",

"Look at you, the moment I speak about something I rarely talk about, you're already suspecting me. What kind of disciple are you?"

"A kind of disciple who can't help but put on their guards towards their Shifu's mischief."

Duan Gen lightly bopped on Liu Meifeng's head with his staff. This disciple of him sure knows how to talk back.

"Anyway, since you are determined to do so. I will teach you how to activate your spiritual eyes. But, before that… are you good with seeing something disturbing?"

Liu Meifeng thought Duan Gen meant seeing something like an Alien or monsters. If it were so, then she would be just fine.

"Yeah, don't worry about me. Whatever I'll see, I can handle it."

Duan Gen caressed his long-white beard and nodded slightly, "Very well, now let us go to the mountain peak. You need to resonate yourself with the nature around you to be able to open your spiritual senses."


The two master and disciple walked to the mountain peak where Duan Gen usually meditated. The scenery was exceptionally beautiful and some of the areas was covered by thin clouds, it's as if they were floating in the sky.

"Sit on this stone cross-legged with your eyes closed, then try to maintain your focus towards everything around you."

Liu Meifeng nodded and followed Duan Gen's instructions, this is the first time she tried to meditate, so she couldn't help but feel a bit excited.

"Try to meditate for at least two hours, I will open your Qi channel to let the power flow all over your body." Just as Duan Gen finished the sentence, he tapped on Liu Meifeng's acupuncture body.

"I don't feel anything different."

"Not yet, you have yet awakened your first stage of cultivation. Of course, you can't feel any difference. That's why let this be your warming up practice and get used to it."


"Then, I will watch over you from a certain distance lest you'll be disturbed with my presence, and a word of caution, no matter what you see, don't lose your focus. Because it'll be dangerous."

Yo, what the heck? What kind of danger if she loses her concentration? Is it life-threatening?

"Uhm… is it life-threatening?" Liu Meifeng asked anxiously.

Duan Gen saw the hesitation on the young girl's eyes and smiled, then he deliberately said, "Maybe?"

"Don't joke about something like this, old man." I don't want to die twice…

"Well, even if it is life-threatening, are you going to shrink away?" Duan Gen asked rhetorically, he must see how determined this disciple of him was.

Liu Meifeng did expect the road of cultivation could be dangerous, but she would never expect it would be so dangerous. She couldn't help feeling a bit scared, but if she doesn't try it, all the effort she had done well will be turned in vain.

"You know that I wouldn't…"

"Then, go and practice. Just try to keep your focus, as long as you can keep your focus. You'll be fine." Duan Gen said and then left before waiting for Liu Meifeng's response.

Liu Meifeng took a deep breath then let it out slowly as if trying to sweep away all her nervousness. This is the trick she often does when she's about to speak in front of a large audience during the court, and she has done well for countless times. She should be fine as long as she didn't let herself get swayed and keep her emotion stable.

"Alright, Haoran. You can do this." Liu Meifeng said quietly and prepared to begin her first practice.

Liu Meifeng closed her eyes and tried to feel her surroundings. For the first twenty minutes, she couldn't see anything but a dark vision. However, she could vaguely feel unknown energy flowing through all over her body. It feels like water keeps flowing repeatedly from her head to her toes, very weird.

Another twenty minutes later, she could vaguely see a dark blurred image. Liu Meifeng tried to focus on clearing the blurred image in front of her. However, the more she concentrated the dark image in front of her slowly became clear, and what she saw was a dark wraith with huge sharp teeth smiling in front of her. Liu Meifeng froze in place, so this is the 'disturbing' thing that her Shifu mentioned earlier. She didn't expect it would be a ghost!

Liu Meifeng might be okay to see a walking corpse like a zombie, mummy, or disordered Aliens, all except for ghosts.


The ghost flew up to the sky and disappeared, Liu Meifeng breathed a sigh of relief. However, she was relieved too soon, the ghost who she had thought disappeared suddenly crawled behind her back. She felt her scalp turned numb as if a lot of ants were crawling on her skin. Her breath quickly turned disordered and she could no longer maintain her calmness.

Feeling a tension from Liu Meifeng, Duan Gen hurriedly approached Liu Meifeng and sat cross-legged in front of her, he quickly tapped Liu Meifeng's acupuncture body to relieve her from the spiritual world.

Liu Meifeng opened her eyes abruptly, she was sweating and was in shock. Duan Gen sighed and shook his head lightly, "That is what happened if you lose your focus. Do you know what it means to resonate with nature?"

Liu Meifeng didn't answer, she just lowered her head and felt a bit wronged.

"It means you have to adapt to the things around you, both with naked eyes and those who cannot be seen. You have to adapt to it well, and I can see that you don't understand the purpose of this practice. Let me tell you, this is not just a regular meditating, but it's a spiritual meditating where your soul is separated from your body. That's why you can naturally feel the touch of that wraith. When you finally adapt with things spiritually, your eyes would naturally see what your spirit sees."

Liu Meifeng was taken aback, she looked at Duan Gen dumbfoundedly and said, "So, you mean… I was entering their spiritual realm?"

"Yes, after all the world is not limited to just one realm. There are three realms in this world, one is the mortal realm which is the one we currently live in, second is the spirit realm which was the one you were trying to see, lastly the deity realm."

"What's the difference between the spirit realm and the deity realm?"

"The spirit realm is naturally just like the mortal realm, however, they cannot be seen with naked eyes by mortals. It's like we live in the same world, but there's an invisible barrier that prevents us from having direct contact with them. Though they could see us but we cannot see them without opening our spiritual senses. As for the deity realm, they live in totally a different world than us. In order to go to the deity realm, you have to find the portal first using your spiritual senses then enter the portal using a certain talisman. After all, the deity won't just let anyone enter their domains capriciously. They only gave a talisman as the key to enter their realm, which can only be obtained when you are their trusted subordinates."

Liu Meifeng listened quietly, then finally understood. This world is truly too different from the one she lived previously…

"I see… I understand. I will try to enter the spiritual realm again and will remember your advice well."

"Sure, but don't force yourself. Qi power is only beneficial to those who can control it well, if it runs a mock, there will be counter-effects."

Liu Meifeng swallowed her saliva and nodded solemnly. She had to do this, after all she didn't have much choice to begin with.

"I'll begin."

Duan Gen nodded and went back to his original position. Liu Meifeng calmed herself and then closed her eyes slowly.

"Gah..!" Liu Meifeng panted terribly and shortly had trouble breathing. Duan Gen hurriedly took out a small porcelain from his sleeve and stuffed a green pill on Liu Meifeng's mouth.

After calming down a little, Liu Meifeng finally breaths normally, she puts her hand on her chest as if to prevent her heart from jumping from its place.

"Once again."

"No, you're already exhausted. If you keep doing this, you might die sooner before you reach the age of ten."

Liu Meifeng can only smile bitterly at Duan Gen's warning, she knew her body has already reached its limit, but she couldn't help wanting to speed things up. Since the sky is still bright, Duan Gen brought Liu Meifeng back to the cottage to take a quick break while drinking herbal tea. After sitting for an hour, Gu Yunxi and Ming Guanghe came to the cottage for yesterday's promise. Liu Meifeng almost forgot about it and immediately took a few handmade seasons she made during her journey to this island.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Gu Yunxi turned back to look at Liu Meifeng, her complexion was a bit pale, so she couldn't help but worry.

"Are you okay? You looked pale..."

Liu Meifeng smiled and reassured her,

"I'm fine, I was just done practicing in the mountain and exerted too much Qi power."

"Are you sure you can handle yourself?"

Liu Meifeng chuckled and said jokingly, "Your Highness doesn't need to worry about this grandson, although his body is weak but it's not as fragile as Your Highness thinks."

Gu Yunxi was still hesitating but seeing that Liu Meifeng was determined to teach them cooking, she decided to follow Liu Meifeng's arrangements.

"Very well, if you fainted there's Guanghe to carry you back."

Ming Guanghe who was silent the whole time finally spoke, "Huh? What?"

Liu Meifeng nodded slightly, "Hmhm, yes I might count on brother Ming if that actually happens."

Gu Yunxi chuckled and went down ahead, before Liu Meifeng climbed down, she was held by Ming Guanghe.

"Wait, I've got something to ask you."

Due to Ming Guanghe holding Liu Meifeng's hand, she could already tell what he's going to ask. Before he said anything, Liu Meifeng patted his shoulder and reassured him, "Don't worry, I only think of her as my sister. Nothing more."

Ming Guanghe was surprised but more than that, he's happy after hearing Liu Meifeng's reassurance.

"Really?! But she's a princess you know?"

"So what? The one in my heart isn't a princess, what can I do?"

Ming Guanghe released Liu Meifeng's hand and then gave her a salute,

"Brother Xu, you are wise, kind, and quick-witted. Ming Guanghe would be happy if you could become my sworn brother!"

Oh, great… now she suddenly got a sworn brother.

"If that is okay with brother Ming, then this grandson would be happy to be brother Ming's sworn brother."

Ming Guanghe smiled brilliantly and threw his fist to the air, "Yes! I got a sworn brother! Brother Xu—No, Haoran! From now on you and I are sworn brothers! You can just call me Guanghe and I will call you Haoran!"

"Haha, of course." Liu Meifeng threw a fist in front of Ming Guanghe.

Ming Guanghe went silent for a moment, he looked confused, "Um, what does this mean?"

"It's called fist bump, you can only do this with someone whom you have good terms with and can work as a team."

Ming Guanghe looked amazed and he's about to bump his fist to Liu Meifeng, but he was stopped by her.

"Wait, do it lightly or else I might have a broken hand."

"Oh, right, right!"

Ming Guanghe bumped his fist considerately on Liu Meifeng's fist. Gu Yunxi who was waiting for a while protested from below, "Hey, you two gentlemen. What are you doing to make a lady wait?!"

Both Ming Guanghe and Liu Meifeng hurriedly climbed down the mountain. When the two of them arrived down, Gu Yunxi looked at the two suspiciously.

"What were you two talking about?"

Liu Meifeng smiled and said ambiguously, "It's a matter between boys, Your Highness."

Ming Guanghe quickly nodded his head and agreed with Liu Meifeng, "Yes-yes, it is a matter between boys."

Gu Yunxi frowned because she felt like she had been left out by the two of them. In the end, she ignored the two of them. Boys are all the same! Humph!