Case 20: “Retrieving the Lost.”

--"From now on, you are Jiang Xiang."

The little Gu Zhuxuan said, she's somehow very different from the Gu Zhuxuan whom Liu Meifeng met. If the Gu Zhuxuan that Liu Meifeng met was cautious and courteous, this one is the contrast of her future self. She didn't put on guards to the tree fairy and even invited her to stay in her room, surely you don't just stuff a stranger into your room just because she's pretty.

Liu Meifeng shook her head, she had already figured it out, this must be Gu Zhuxuan's hidden memories inside her heart. After all, she had physical contact with her before she lost consciousness. Sometimes, even if the brain cannot remember, once something is important then it stays important. Hence, the heart can only persevere the memories beyond her conscious self and only result in inexplicable emotions on her body. Since Liu Meifeng had the ability to hear the voice of people's hearts, it wouldn't be impossible if someday her ability had been subconsciously upgraded and turned from 'voice' to 'vision'.

The scene changed to Gu Zhuxuan's room, Liu Meifeng was dumbfounded first, but then she saw the little Gu Zhuxuan come in with the tree fairy.

"Ms.Xiang, Ms.Xiang, come in!" Gu Zhuxuan said excitedly while pulling the tree fairy into her room.

The tree fairy was quite troubled and actually felt nervous, damn is she horny? No one knows...

The tree fairy pretended to be calm and began surveying the room, for a child it was surprisingly a simple room and there was a mat on the ground with a jade pillow, it seemed to be her bed. The mat was large enough to accommodate two people, but even so, they have to squeeze to avoid touching the solid ground. You can't really blame a secluded primitive people to live like people from a common village, the tree fairy sighed quietly.

The scene moved forward again to Gu Zhuxuan's birthday banquet, all the villagers were having fun by drinking and feasting. Gu Zhuxuan's mother is busy taking care of Gu Yunxi who was still a baby. Liu Meifeng observed the entire banquet and found that her Shifu was sitting on the corner side, enjoying his wine as he looked at the people around. Later, Liu Meifeng spotted a tall and beautiful woman dressed in a white dress standing in front of the village's gate, she looked hesitant and didn't know what to do for a while.

Gu Zhuxuan quickly spotted her and ran towards her full with excitement,

"Ms.Xiang, Ms.Xiang! You came!"

The tree fairy didn't say anything, she just smiled and took Gu Zhuxuan's tiny hand, then she placed a wooden chick mannequin on her hand. It looked chubby and simple which makes it look pitifully adorable.

"Did you make this by yourself?" Gu Zhuxuan asked expectantly.

The tree fairy nodded her head slightly, the moment she had acquiesced it, Gu Zhuxuan was filled with immense happiness until she couldn't help hugging the tree fairy. If she was as tall as the tree fairy, perhaps she would kiss her also.

However everything couldn't last forever, their affectionate embrace was not an exception either. Duan Gen had detected a demon presence and happened to see the birthday princess embraced the demon who had a peerless beauty presence.

Duan Gen trotted to them and called out harshly, "Fiendish demon! Let go of the princess right now!"

Both the tree fairy and Gu Zhuxuan was startled and immediately retracted from each other, Gu Zhuxuan remembered that there's a Grandmaster Cultivation coming as a guest, she should be respectful to him, but hearing he had insulted the tree fairy and even called her a demon, she got a bit irritated.

"Grandmaster, how could you say such things. Ms.Xiang is my friend!"


Duan Gen sneered and shook his head the way he acted makes Gu Zhuxuan dislike him even more. She subconsciously held the tree fairy's hand tightly and said,

"Yes, she's my friend... my precious friend!"

"But, she's a demon!"

Gu Zhuxuan who never knew about the tree fairy's identity was surprised, she tilted her head to the tree fairy. She saw the tree fairy smiled bitterly at her, her eyes seemed to be apologetic and mixed with despair. Seeing the tree fairy like this, Gu Zhuxuan's heart feels like being stabbed, it hurts when she sees the tree fairy make an expression like that. Hence, she tightened her grip and made a vow.

"Whether she's a demon or human, it doesn't matter. I love Jiang Xiang!"

Gu Zhuxuan who can't distinguish between like and love shouted those words proudly as if she's announcing her wife. Duan Gen was shocked until his jaw was wide open, the villagers who were enjoying the banquet heard her declaration and everyone stopped their activities abruptly. The tree fairy blushed so hard until she looked like a boiled crab, Liu Meifeng who's watching as a spectator shook her head and she couldn't help but had a bad premonition.

Just as she thought, the next scene was where Gu Zhuxuan and the tree fairy ran to the forest. The two stopped and hid behind the tree, for the tree fairy running around for a while isn't a big deal for her, but for mortal children like Gu Zhuxuan could already make her suffocate and panting heavily. The tree fairy pressed her lips straight and used her sleeve to wipe the sweats on Gu Zhuxuan's forehead. Gu Zhuxuan tilted her head to face her and smiled, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

This strong smile made the tree fairy's heart tightened, she caressed her face softly and said, "You don't have to do this for me. Just go back to your village and forget--"


Gu Zhuxuan held the tree fairy's both hands and clasped it, "No matter what happens, I will never leave you and I refuse to forget you. Even if one day I forget you, my heart will still remember you."


The scene became blurry and slowly Liu Meifeng regained her senses.



Liu Meifeng flinched and looked around, it was the same scenery in the forest where they celebrated Gu Zhuxuan's birthday. Liu Meifeng looked at Gu Zhuxuan who's kneeling on the ground while supporting her head with one of her hands, she tilted her head and looked at Liu Meifeng, "What... what was that?"

Seeing her gaze it seems like what Liu Meifeng saw, she must have seen it too, Liu Meifeng shook her head lightly.

"I don't know, but if my guess is right that is probably Your Highness's lost memory."

"My.. lost memory?"

"Yes, do you remember the past where you're still 5 years old?"

"I-I was picking a mushroom for my mother and... and..." Gu Zhuxuan became silent, she really didn't remember much of the memory when she's 5 years old. Even when she saw the scene of her five years old self, she couldn't remember anything. It's as if she's seeing someone else's memory...

Tang Cheng'an who had called earlier didn't get any response from the two, so he rushed to them and the first thing he asked was Gu Zhuxuan.

"Your Highness are you alright?"

"Cheng'an... I'm fine... just a bit dizzy because of the heat. Haoran was just trying to help me." Gu Zhuxuan explained to him, afraid if he thinks something outrageous about the two of them.

"Your Highness, if you'd like how about I perform an examination on you after all summer is still long ahead, it would not be good if your body can't endure the heat. Don't worry I'm a physician myself, so Your Highness can rest assured." Liu Meifeng said with a deep meaning look.

Gu Zhuxuan comprehended it and agreed without the slightest hesitation, "Okay then, you can visit my tent after this."

Both Liu Meifeng and Tang Cheng'an froze in silence, Gu Zhuxuan didn't realize that her words just now were too ambiguous. Tang Cheng'an quickly threw a fierce glare at Liu Meifeng until her scalp felt numb, she smiled wryly and nodded her head. Tang Cheng'an supported Gu Zhuxuan to stand up and went back to their picnic spot, Gu Yunxi saw Gu Zhuxuan's complexion looked pale, she trotted to her and asked worriedly, "Jiejie, are you alright? Do you want to go home?"

Gu Zhuxuan smiled slightly and patted her head, "I'm fine, I just couldn't stand the heat and Haoran will run an examination on me later."

Once Gu Zhuxuan said this both Gu Yunxi and Tang Cheng'an glared at Liu Meifeng.

"Relax, I'm single-minded. There is only one woman in my heart so knock it off." Liu Meifeng said a bit angry, their glare somehow implicating Liu Meifeng will find another girl other than Zhao Yu, and that pisses her off.

Seeing her rare angry gaze, Tang Cheng'an and Gu Yunxi felt relieved. Although, when Liu Meifeng said she's single-minded, Gu Yunxi could feel her heart beating fast, but the moment she remembered that Liu Meifeng already had a woman in her heart, she felt inexplicably sad. She shook her head hurriedly and didn't dare to think further, so she snorted her nose and brought Gu Zhuxuan to sit next to her.

Liu Meifeng sat between Tang Cheng'an and Ming Guanghe, at first the five of them were casually telling stories about their old days and other funny stories. Liu Meifeng didn't realize or remember when the conversation turned into some sort of gossip.

"Brother Haoran, you said your heart had belonged to one woman. Say, could you tell us more about her?" Ming Guanghe teased while poking Liu Meifeng's shoulder.

"Ah, yes I'm curious too. Who's this poor girl-- I mean Who's this lucky girl?" Tang Cheng'an said with a smile, looking at his smile Liu Meifeng felt like she wanted to punch this kid next to her.

But this is a great opportunity to show her love towards her woman and at the same time to prove that she had no interest in other women. Hence, she happily told them how she met Zhao Yu and how they get along every day.

The four were surprised and pitied Liu Meifeng for being separated from her beloved woman so abruptly. Liu Meifeng didn't tell them about her fate to die young, so she only explained to them that her Shifu had something to do on this island while training her to cultivate. Since Liu Meifeng explained with a straight face, others think she didn't lie and just believed it. But for Gu Yunxi who had accidentally found out about her situation pitied her even more and felt jealous towards the girl named Zhao Yu, because she knew why Liu Meifeng desperately wants to prolong her life, why she came to this secluded island, and why she sought martial arts technique more than anything because it was all for being together to her beloved woman.

"You must have missed her a lot." Gu Zhuxuan said with sympathy, she poured another lemon tea on her glass and took a sip.

Liu Meifeng also drank her tea and smiled wryly, "I do, but I just left like that... I just hope she doesn't hate me."

Gu Zhuxuan pondered for a moment, then she said in one breath, "Based on what you've told me, she might be sad and aggrieved when you left, especially when she's still young. Disliking you might be an unavoidable last impression, but you know... once someone seriously loves someone, they will always remember them in their heart. Even if they can no longer remember the exact appearance, at least they must have remembered what attracts them."

Liu Meifeng nodded her head slightly, she did remember that Zhao Yu was attracted by her peculiar eye color. Especially before she left, she had given her an Aquamarine pendant which resembled her eyes. Even if Zhao Yu couldn't remember her face she must have remembered her eyes.

Recalling those days with Zhao Yu, Liu Meifeng didn't realize she was smiling beautifully. The other four were taken aback, they knew that Liu Meifeng is taller than average kids in her age and she had an attractive appearance like a handsome scholar. But this is their first time seeing her smile like that, so they couldn't help looking at her in a trance.

Tang Cheng'an coughed to dispel the strange atmosphere and change the topic to talk about martial arts. Until then, Liu Meifeng finally regained her senses and turned to her usual indifferent expression, since Liu Meifeng hadn't touched the martial arts training, she can only listen to their discussion quietly.

"Oh, yeah I remember Haoran wants to learn about Qinggong. Let's start there to let Haoran understand a bit how it works." Tang Cheng'an said, then he continued, "When you're practicing Qinggong, you have to make sure your body is fit and your inner energy is balanced, since you're not flexible enough perhaps you might want to train by jumping with your ankles for 100 times."

Liu Meifeng shook her head a few times, "What?"

Tang Cheng'an crossed his arms and said casually, "I said if you want to practice basic Qinggong, you have to start by jumping with your ankles 100 times per day."

"No way!"

Gu Yunxi chuckled and said with a bit of mocking, "Haoran, this training is still nothing compared to other techniques."

Gu Zhuxuan nodded and added, "Yes, I remember the first time father taught me the basics of fist fighting. He told me to punch a tree at least 200 times a day."

Hearing about each of their martial arts training, Liu Meifeng let out a cold sweat and thought with all those soldier-level training, how come these kids didn't grow any six-packs on their stomach or arms full of bulky muscles. Come to think of it, in her previous life, Liu Meifeng often watched Wuxia drama and she rarely saw any muscular men or women in the movie despite their martial arts mastery. But since it was a movie, Liu Meifeng didn't think too much, now that the real thing is beyond her eyes, she couldn't help wondering.

"How come all of you didn't grow any muscles?" Liu Meifeng asked with curiosity.

"What do you mean? Of course, we grew muscles. But it's not as conspicuous as those bodybuilders like bandits or bodyguards. Because we Cultivator not only depends on the strength of our physical body but also our internal energy and mind. In order to master the techniques, you have to create balance in both your body and mind. After all, your strength isn't entirely up to the size of your body, we're slightly different than normal humans." Once Tang Cheng'an done explaining, he touched Liu Meifeng's forehead between her eyebrows with his index finger.

"When meditating try to focus here and empty your mind. It's easier to strengthen your internal energy this day."

Liu Meifeng nodded obediently, she didn't expect Tang Cheng'an to be a good teacher, then she remembered the difficulty she encountered back when she tried to awaken her Spiritual eyes.

"Um, did any of you have learned Spiritual eyes?"

The four of them stare at Liu Meifeng strangely, they look at each other and ask back.

"What's Spiritual eyes?"

Liu Meifeng slapped her forehead, "No, it's nothing."

If they haven't learned it or not even knowing it, it means this technique isn't for starters.

"Did your Shifu tell you to learn it?" Gu Yunxi asked, she took a sandwich from the plate and chewed on it.

Liu Meifeng nodded and told them honestly, "Before my Shifu told me to find a Black Lotus and I managed to find its location. But in order to go to this location, apparently, you need Spiritual eyes to see the entrance."

Gu Zhuxuan propped her chin and pondered for a while, she seems to recall someone had given her a book about Spiritual places. But she couldn't remember whom, perhaps it has anything to do with her lost memory.

"I seem to recall someone had given me a book about such things. Since you're going to visit my tent later, I will lend the book to you."

Liu Meifeng's eyes sparkled and thanked Gu Zhuxuan sincerely, "Thank you, Your Highness. This has been bothering me for a while, it would be a great help for me."

Gu Zhuxuan smiled and waved her hand, "No need, just think of it as your examination payment."

The five of them continued their small picnic and talked about something pleasant. Later, just as promised, Liu Meifeng came to Gu Zhuxuan's tent while bringing her medical bag. She stood nervously in front of the tent and called, "Your Highness, it's Xu Haoran."

There was a momentary silence, then she heard the words 'come in' from inside the tent. Liu Meifeng entered the tent and the first thing she saw was a wooden cabinet with a few wooden animal mannequins on top of it. The shape was unique and different, no matter how many times she looked at it, it's obviously carved by the tree fairy.

Gu Zhuxuan saw Liu Meifeng stare at her wooden mannequins, the way she looked it seemed like she knew the creator of this mannequin.


Liu Meifeng returned to her senses and turned to look at Gu Zhuxuan, "Yes?"

Gu Zhuxuan pressed her lips, then said, "Do you know who created this mannequin?"