Case 21: “It was You.”

--"Do you know who created this mannequin?"

Liu Meifeng flinched and got panicked for a moment, but luckily she had learned how to control her expression in her previous life, so even if she's in a panic state, her expression still looked indifferent.

The question is, should she tell her? Or pretend to be dumb?

After all, she didn't know the whole story yet, but Gu Zhuxuan had already seen half of those lost memories of her. Even if she didn't tell her, she could already guess. So, she asked back instead,

"Didn't Your Highness already see it with your own eyes?"


Gu Zhuxuan sighed and gestured to Liu Meifeng to sit on the bamboo rug. There was a wooden table in-between and a candle on top of it, since it's already evening, Gu Zhuxuan lighted the candle and went straight with the topic.

"Can you help me to retrieve back my memories?" Gu Zhuxuan said almost in a pleading way.

Liu Meifeng hesitated, she knew a method to retrieve her lost memory; that is by hypnosis. She had learned it in her previous life, she would occasionally use it for interrogation to those criminals who refused to say anything.

Liu Meifeng was arguing with herself whether she should help Gu Zhuxuan or not, but when she recalled the tree fairy expression and Gu Zhuxuan's determination. Liu Meifeng sighed and decided to help her, no matter what happens will happen...

"Your Highness, do you have a small thin rope? Or a thread would do."

"Wait a while, let me check it."

Gu Zhuxuan stood up and rummaged the shelf, she found a ball of yarn and took it, then she approached Liu Meifeng and gave the ball of yarn to her.

Liu Meifeng took the ball of yarn and said thank you to her. She pulled the thread, measured the length, and cut it using her teeth. Then, she took a coin from her sleeve and tied it with the thread. Gu Zhuxuan was curious and couldn't help asking,

"What is this for?"

"Hypnosis." Liu Meifeng answered truthfully without looking back at her, once she tied it to the coin she turned her gaze to Gu Zhuxuan solemnly.

"Your Highness, before we begin, there are few things Your Highness should know."

Seeing her solemn look, Gu Zhuxuan also turned solemn and nodded her head, "Say it."

"First, I don't know the reason why you lost your memories. If it was caused due to brain damage or others, it could be retrieved by hypnosis. But if it was caused by some sort of spell, I doubt this will work and I might have to try the second option."

Gu Zhuxuan propped her chin and thought for a moment, then she asked, "What's the second option?"

Liu Meifeng said without the slightest hesitation, "Your Highness has to let me enter your heart."

Gu Zhuxuan's face reddened and her expression turned rather aggrieved, Liu Meifeng didn't know what was wrong with her until she finally realized what she said earlier was quite ambiguous.

Liu Meifeng hurriedly shook her hands and explained, "Your Highness misunderstood, what I mean is my consciousness that entered Your Highness's heart, just like what happened this afternoon."

Once she heard Liu Meifeng's explanation, Gu Zhuxuan who was originally aggrieved now turned to be ashamed. She had misunderstood the meaning!

Gu Zhuxuan coughed twice and tried her best to put away her shame,

"Are there any side effects for both ways?"

As a good observer, Liu Meifeng naturally noticed this and smiled while thinking this princess in front of her is actually like an adorable hamster. But of course, she can only think of this in her heart, afraid if she offended Her Highness.

"Naturally there will be side effects. For Hypnosis, since it's a method of putting the person into a deep sleep to enter their subconscious mind, usually the person will feel confused at first, or perhaps there will be a headache after they wake up. As for the second method... honestly, I don't know what the side effect is. Since this afternoon, it was just an accident caused by the fluctuations in Your Highness's heart. This can only be triggered by something that gave a big impact to Your Highness, regardless Your Highness is aware of it or not."

Come to think of it, Gu Zhuxuan didn't know how Liu Meifeng's consciousness entered her heart. Although she had never stepped into the outside world, but she knew that this ability of hers is not something common. Gu Zhuxuan took a deep look at Liu Meifeng up and down and thought... Aside from his peculiar eye colors, there's nothing special about this boy. Though his face looked a bit feminine but there's still a trace of masculinity on his figure which made him look like a handsome prince. Nothing mystique at all…

Liu Meifeng was waiting for Gu Zhuxuan's response but only to find her observing her body. Liu Meifeng suddenly becomes a bit anxious, did she figure out her identity? No, it can't be, she hasn't grown up to her full appearance yet, naturally you can't distinguish the appearance between man and woman in her, and her chest hasn't grown too.

"Um.. is there something wrong?"

Gu Zhuxuan finally regained her sense and quickly put aside her thoughts, "Nothing, I was just wondering about this trigger you mentioned earlier. But it was probably related to my lost memories, so let's just begin with the Hypnosis."

Liu Meifeng gave a slight nod, "Okay." And put the tied coin in front of Gu Zhuxuan's face, she deliberately moved the coin left and right while giving instructions,

"Your Highness, please pay attention to the coin and follow what I say."

Gu Zhuxuan nodded and turned her focus on the coin, her eyes following the coin's movement which slowly made her feel sleepy.

"Within three seconds, Your Highness will close your eyes and slowly enter into your subconscious mind."

Just as Liu Meifeng said, in three seconds, Gu Zhuxuan really did close her eyes and she fell into darkness. Seeing that Gu Zhuxuan had entered her subconscious mind, Liu Meifeng continued, "Then, Your Highness will slowly reveal the deepest memories in your mind. It might be blurry at first, but slowly the image will become clearer."

Although Gu Zhuxuan had already gone into a deep sleep, she could still hear Liu Meifeng's voice that slowly instructed her what to do. Gu Zhuxuan saw a flash of light, it was blurry and repeatedly disappeared and reappeared, she tried to focus on it but no matter how hard she tried the light didn't seem to be clearer, instead it went dim. Gu Zhuxuan was flustered and tried to reach out to it, but the moment she touched the light, she was blocked by an invisible wall that prevented her from getting closer to the light. Gu Zhuxuan tried to break the invisible wall, but none of her efforts went successful.

On the other hand, Liu Meifeng who guarded Gu Zhuxuan's body saw her frowning. She instantly knew why and it seems like her suspicion was right, Gu Zhuxuan didn't lose her memory but someone deliberately sealed her memory and prevented her from remembering it. It seems like Liu Meifeng's secret ability was the only key to Gu Zhuxuan's memory.

Since the hypnosis wasn't successful, Liu Meifeng ended the session and slowly told Gu Zhuxuan to wake up.

Gu Zhuxuan opened her eyes and she stared at Liu Meifeng in a daze, she was confused for a while, then she realized she was laying down on the bamboo mat she usually slept on.

Gu Zhuxuan got up immediately and glared at Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng understood the meaning of her glare this time and lifted both of her hands again, "I'm not doing anything. I saw Your Highness fell asleep on the table uncomfortably and afraid of Your Highness's back to hurt, I moved Your Highness to the bamboo mat."

Hearing the young man's sincere worries, Gu Zhuxuan felt warm and the aggrieved feeling dissipated immediately.

"Since the Hypnosis didn't work, I suppose we need to proceed with the second plan?"

Liu Meifeng considered for a moment and finally nodded, "Yes, but I'm afraid I don't know how to trigger the fluctuations in Your Highness's heart..." Liu Meifeng suddenly stopped and remembered something. Then, she shifted her gaze to the wooden mannequins placed in a bee-line on top of the shelf.

Liu Meifeng stood up and took one of the wooden mannequins and went back to Gu Zhuxuan.

"Your Highness could guess who gave Your Highness this wooden doll, right?" Liu Meifeng asked rhetorically, she paid extra attention to Gu Zhuxuan's complexion.

Sure enough, Gu Zhuxuan's face turned melancholy, and was naturally confused by what she had witnessed this afternoon.

"It's that demon we encountered back in the mountain, right? Back then, I realized the moment I told her my name, she was a bit startled and there was a trace of longing in her eyes, but it was only for a moment so I thought it was just my imagination..." Gu Zhuxuan paused, then hesitantly continued, "But it seems like it wasn't my imagination... it seems like we... had a past of being together." Gu Zhuxuan remembered she saw herself shouting 'I love Jiang Xiang' in front of the village's gate, her ears suddenly reddened and her face felt like burning.

Seeing this, Liu Meifeng felt sorry for Gu Zhuxuan, she was slowly tormented by the fluctuations in her heart. But then, she remembered that her Shifu was inside her memory as well. He was cursing the tree fairy and even sneered at Gu Zhuxuan for defending her, although the matter is still unclear, Liu Meifeng had a speculation the one who caused Gu Zhuxuan to lose her memory must be her Shifu's doing. Liu Meifeng sighed and shook her head in distress,

"I remember my Shifu had anything to do with this. How about we take a rest today? I'm afraid if asking my Shifu directly will only cause some trouble, so Your Highness will rest and I'll go figure something out."

Gu Zhuxuan nodded and sent Liu Meifeng out, when Liu Meifeng bid farewell and finally left, Gu Zhuxuan stood still and seemed to be in a daze. Suddenly, a familiar wind passes by and before she knows it there's already a new wooden mannequin next to her left-foot.

It must be her...

"I know it's you..." Gu Zhuxuan said then stopped, seeing there's no response, she bit her lower lips and called, "Jiang Xiang."

Another wind blew by and suddenly a beautiful woman dressed in all-white appeared in front of her. Her long dark hairs were gently swayed by the wind, and the sunset shone towards her brightening her exquisite profile, it was very breathtaking until it made Gu Zhuxuan turn speechless for a while.

The tree fairy saw that Gu Zhuxuan made the same dazed expression just like when they first met five years ago. She couldn't help chuckles a bit and secretly thinking this princess still looked dumb.

Seeing her enchanting smile, Gu Zhuxuan finally regained her sense and pretended to cough, "It's you who gave me these wooden mannequins every year, isn't it?"

The tree fairy's smile faded and changed to her indifferent expression, she didn't acquiesce to it nor did she deny it, instead she asked back, "Did you finally remember everything?"

Gu Zhuxuan shook her head, "Only a few pieces… Xu Haoran said it's because there's something that caused a fluctuation in my heart, which let loose several forgotten memories."

The tree fairy shook her head helplessly and patted her forehead, "That girl is really troublesome…"

Gu Zhuxuan frowned and said with dissatisfaction, "I thought we were good friends?"

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about your friend called Xu Haoran."

Gu Zhuxuan was taken aback, Haoran is a girl? It's impossible! After all, it was the Grandmaster who introduced him as his own grandson! How could he be lying?!

Seeing Gu Zhuxuan's dumbfounded look, the tree fairy smiled thinking she had grown big but her personality is still pretty much the same.

"If you don't believe me, why don't you ask her by yourself? She did have a reason to hide her identity, but since she dared to intervene in my own personal affair, I'll take this as a revenge for her."

Gu Zhuxuan stared at the tree fairy and said rhetorically, "You mean 'our' personal affairs."

The tree fairy became silent and there is a trace of helplessness on her eyes. She didn't know how to deal with Gu Zhuxuan right now, considering she hadn't remembered everything, and the tree fairy personally thinks it's better for her not to remember at all. For both of their sakes…

"Regardless of our bonds in the past, I have no intention to reconcile with you… for your own good as well as mine… don't pursue this matter anymore." Once the tree fairy said this, she turned her back and was about to leave, then she heard Gu Zhuxuan speak.

"If you have no intention to reconcile with me, why bother sending me these wooden mannequins on my birthday every year? Jiang Xiang, I don't remember what happened in the past, but judging from how you treat me, it seems like someone else prevented us from getting along directly like this. Am I right?"

Hearing this, the tree fairy sighed, her Gu Zhuxuan is still as smart as ever.

The tree fairy turned around again and pretended to be mischievous, "Who knows? Perhaps I actually planted evil magic in the mannequin I gave, a human like you won't be able to detect it."

Gu Zhuxuan frowned and she felt really annoyed this time, she knew the tree fairy is just pretending right now. But when Gu Zhuxuan heard the words she spoke, she still felt inevitably annoyed.

Gu Zhuxuan trotted to the tree fairy, the tree fairy was taken aback and she forgot what to do for a while. Before she knew it, Gu Zhuxuan had already grasped her wrist tightly and pulled her closer. Perhaps it was due to her blood as people of the Earth, so her stamina and strength were above those who are at the same age as her. The tree fairy who was pulled closer was inevitably embarrassed and subconsciously turned her head the other way to avoid Gu Zhuxuan's eyes. Gu Zhuxuan didn't notice the tree fairy's shy face and continued to speak resolutely, "Really? If you do plant an evil spell in these wooden mannequins, why don't you just kill me now? As so to free me from this suffocating life!"

Only then, the tree fairy turned her face back and looked at the young girl in front of her. Right now, Gu Zhuxuan's head is around her chest height, in another five years she might be as tall as her. Thinking about this the tree fairy felt sorrow in her heart and didn't say anything.

Gu Zhuxuan won't just let her be speechless all the time, so she continues to press her, "Do you know how suffocating it is when you realize something important is missing but you can't remember what it is? Every day, every time, and everywhere, I kept thinking there's something important that I have forgotten... something that cannot be replaced even with a thousand of silvers or the most exquisite jade. But no matter how many times I tried to recall it I couldn't remember anything... I feel like I'm sinking to the bottom of the sea, only left with darkness and the shadow of the person on the surface whom I no longer remembered. Jiang Xiang, what do you think?" Gu Zhuxuan asked with a bitter smile and her eyes reddened.

The tree fairy was completely stunned, she opened her mouth but no words were able to come out. Seeing this Gu Zhuxuan heaved a depressing sigh and released the tree fairy's wrist.

"I'm sorry that was my fault. Since the memory I lost was strongly related to you, I will listen to what you said. If you say I should forget about the past... and you. Then, I will do so. From now on, let this be our final meeting and conversation. You don't have to send me any gifts for my birthday either, we will walk on our own path and live our own lives." Gu Zhuxuan took a deep breath and stepped back a little, then she gave courtesy to the tree fairy, "Although I don't remember everything about the past, but I could tell you are an important friend of mine... or perhaps more than that. But it ends now, it was nice to finally remember you even just a little. I bid my farewell here, I hope you have a pleasant evening... Ms.Xiang."

Gu Zhuxuan hurriedly turned her back and walked away to her tent. The tree fairy raised her hand and was about to prevent her from going but in the end, she held back and could only watch her leave. After all, this is the best ending for the two of them... it's impossible for humans and demons to live in harmony much less become lovers.

The tree fairy stared at Gu Zhuxuan's tent, she remembered the two of them slept together in this tent. That time it was the happiest moment in her entire life, but now she can only recall those memories fondly without revealing a single thing towards the other party.

"I hope you have a good life, Zhuxuan." The tree fairy muttered sincerely and finally left.

While the two humans and demons were finally drawing a line for good. Liu Meifeng was anxious to find her Shifu, she needed to clarify this matter with Gu Zhuxuan. If Shifu was the one who caused Gu Zhuxuan to lose her memories, then she really doesn't know what to say. But if Gu Zhuxuan's memory loss was due to the tree fairy spell, then she can only leave the matter between them.

Duan Gen who had finished meditating at the mountain peak returned to the cottage. When he entered the cottage, he saw Liu Meifeng sitting on the opposite side with Chrysanthemum tea on the table, her expression was very solemn, and Duan Gen could guess more or less what she wanted to ask.

"Shifu, could you spare some time? I have several questions to ask..."