Case 25: “As Long as I Have You.“

Hearing the words 'your mother's death', Gu Zhuxuan widened her eyes… After all this time, her father kept telling her that her mother died of illness a year after Gu Yunxi was born. But she couldn't remember clearly when exactly.

Seeing her hesitant look, the tree fairy urged again, "It's already destined for us demons and humans to never interact, what happened in the past… was also part of my mistake. Just think of it as a fleeting dream and—",

"Undo her curse." Gu Zhuxuan said again.

"You—", "Shut up." Gu Zhuxuan threw a fierce glare towards the tree fairy, then she swept away to Duan Gen again.

"May the Grandmaster undo her curse. Whatever caused you to cast it on her, it must also be because of me. So, it's only natural if I should be responsible for it.",

Duan Gen sighed and shook his head. Even after mentioning her mother, this girl still chose this demon instead… passion really does hard to control.

Duan Gen joined his hands and spoke a few unknown words, then suddenly the invisible chains on the tree fairy's body appeared, Duan Gen swayed his right-hand and the chains broke immediately.

"Now you are free, but if you do evil things, I will demolish you immediately.", Duan Gen said coldly, he pulled Liu Meifeng along with him and left from the cottage. Liu Meifeng knew what Duan Gen's meant and let her body be dragged by him.

After the two left, the tree fairy looked at Gu Zhuxuan who happened to be looking at her too. The tree fairy pressed her lips and asked, "Why?",

"Didn't you hear what I said?",

The tree fairy looked agitated and said, "You don't even remember anything…",

"Why bother about the past?", Gu Zhuxuan asked rhetorically, it's not like she doesn't care or doesn't want to remember about her mother's death. But the dead had already left this world, as long as she still remembers the warmth from her mother, why bother trading someone else's life just for the truth that barely changes anything? And even if her mother's death was caused by someone, what should she do? Taking revenge? After that what else should she do next? It's better to cherish the living one than fussing over the one that is already dead.

The tree fairy observed Gu Zhuxuan's complexion, she had grown up a bit and her childish face had matured into an exquisite one. The tree fairy didn't say anything and just looked at her in rather a melancholy way.

Seeing the tree fairy's meek expression, it reminds her about the day where she gave her the name 'Jiang Xiang'. That day, she also made a face like this. At that time, Gu Zhuxuan only thought this Oak demon was happy by the name she gave. But turns out she was happy because it was 'her'.

"Jiang Xiang, my mother once said this to me… the world is vast and the human's life is as short as a wooden stick, while you're alive it's better to live a life full of happiness than grief. I won't deny about my curiosity regarding my mother's death, but she's already gone… as long as I still remember her, that's enough for me… but you… not only you were my cherished person, you're still here with me and it pains me to not be able to remember you. But even if I could remember about our past, what's the use if I couldn't reconcile with you? Or… Jiang Xiang, are you unwilling?" Gu Zhuxuan said, her eyes were filled with sadness.

The tree fairy was taken aback, she hurriedly said, "No, I—",

Before she knows it, Gu Zhuxuan already buried herself in her arms and sighed in relief, "Then, everything else didn't matter.",

The tree fairy's body stiffened, it's been years since Gu Zhuxuan hugged her like this. Moreover, she has gotten taller compared to before. Looking at Gu Zhuxuan happily buried her face on her chest, she felt an inexplicable tingling feeling and her heart beating really fast.

Gu Zhuxuan could hear it and laughed, "You're a thousand years older than me, but you're far more bashful than me.",

The tree fairy frowned and pretended to be angry, "Princess, please respect your elders.", she patted Gu Zhuxuan's head gently.


While the two girls had reconciled, Liu Meifeng and Duan Gen who's not far from them saw them hugging longingly. Liu Meifeng felt satisfied in her heart, but Duan Gen sighed…

"Shifu, what's the matter? Are you still troubled by their relationship?", Liu Meifeng turned to Duan Gen and crossed her arms.

"How could I not? That one is a thousand years demon, she's the strongest demon I've ever met. If she's willing, she could drown the entire island!", Duan Gen protested.

Liu Meifeng shook her head and patted Duan Gen's shoulder, "Just like you said, if she's 'willing' she could drown the entire island. But it's been years and she still had no intention to do evil. Shifu, when will you change your perspective towards the demon race? Not all demons are as evil as the one you encountered a hundred years ago."

Duan Gen slapped Liu Meifeng's hand lightly and said: "Yeah, yeah. You always have a heart for everyone. But I tell you, don't be too compassionate or someone might take the advantage out of you."

Liu Meifeng smiled and said yes.

Not long after that, the two girls who have reconciled came out of the cottage, the tree fairy looked bashful which is a rare sight, while Gu Zhuxuan showed her usual polite smile.

Gu Zhuxuan: "I shall give my thanks to Meifeng and the Grandmaster for helping us reconcile."

Hearing Gu Zhuxuan called Liu Meifeng's real name, Duan Gen shocked, "Your Highness know?", "Yes, Jiang Xiang told me about Liu Meifeng's real identity. Then, later I forced her to confess her real identity. But fret not, I shall keep this as a secret between the four of us."

Duan Gen straightened his long beard and nodded, "I see, I see…" then, he turned to gives a fierce glare towards Liu Meifeng, "Why didn't I never heard of this, I wonder?",

Liu Meifeng looked the other way and said, "Ah, I can't see the stars today. Maybe tomorrow will rain…"

Duan Gen pulled Liu Meifeng's ear back to the cottage, "Maybe we should have a 'small talk', shall we?",

"Ow, ow, ow.. Shifu, if you continue to pull my ear like this, I won't be able to hear your 'small talk'.",

"Still talking smart, huh? Tonight you shall stand with one foot and a bucket filled with water on top of your genius head.",

Liu Meifeng cried, "Old man, you're so cruel!",

The two continue to argue until they enter the cottage.

The tree fairy and Gu Zhuxuan looked at them and sighed at the same time.

"You have a peculiar friend.",

Gu Zhuxuan shrugged, "What can I say? It's fate."

Gu Zhuxuan paused for a moment, then speak again, "Still, she's an amazing one.", "True enough...", the tree fairy didn't tell Gu Zhuxuan about Liu Meifeng's ability to read people's hearts, because even a thousand years demon like her isn't so sure what kind of power it is. Whether it's a blessing or a curse, if the whole world knew about this, Liu Meifeng might be targeted everywhere...

Gu Zhuxuan noticed at the tree fairy who seemed to be out of this world, she approached her and hold her hand gently, "Is there something wrong?",

The tree fairy returned to her sense immediately and retracted her hand quickly. Her jade face now seemed to be rosy and looked rather embarrassed,

"It's nothing important, anyway I should go back. There are some important things I have to prepare to discuss with Liu-- Xu Haoran."

Gu Zhuxuan pouted her face, she knew what the tree fairy wanted to prepare for Liu Meifeng, it must have something to do with the rare Black Lotus in the woods. Still, she couldn't help but felt a bit jealous,

"You care about her but not me...",

The tree fairy looked at her and smiled helplessly, "Since I no longer be constrained, I promise I will make up to you for the wasted 5 years time.", the tree fairy caressed Gu Zhuxuan's cheek and then pinched her cheek lightly, "Speaking about make up time, I think somebody's daughter said she had a date with a handsome gentleman, today."

Gu Zhuxuan smiled wryly and begged for forgiveness, "I'm sowwy, it was Haowan's idea.. uwuwuu." Although the tree fairy already restrained her strength, Gu Zhuxuan couldn't help but still felt hurt.

"Hoo? So the daughter has already obeyed the gentleman's words? I wonder if there will be a marriage ceremony in the future.", The tree fairy stopped pinching Gu Zhuxuan's cheek and patted the swollen area gently, it's been a while since she could tease her like this. Now it's time for a comeback.

"What nonsense are you talking about? If my father found out I'm marrying a female, he'll climb to the mountain peak and cry for a whole week." Gu Zhuxuan frowned as she said that, besides though Liu Meifeng looks good, but her heart never thinks of her that way.

Hearing this, the tree fairy chuckled and accidentally spoke about the past, "Hahaha, no wonder when you proposed to me in front of everyone, your father was--",

"I what?!" Gu Zhuxuan widened her eyes in shock, but she didn't show the slightest disgust towards that sentence, in fact, it made her got extremely embarrassed.

"Ah, right. You don't remember...", the tree fairy looked towards the other way in shame.

Gu Zhuxuan felt ashamed and dumbfounded at the same time. She? A quiet girl who rarely leaves the village nowadays, proposed someone publicly? No, proposing to a female demon?! Seriously, what on earth happened in the past?! Even if she did have a grasp of her relationship with Jiang Xiang, she would never expect it was to this extent. Meifeng must know about it one or two… Gu Zhuxuan is determined to interrogate Liu Meifeng about it tomorrow.

The next day, Gu Zhuxuan invited Liu Meifeng to her tent again. Tang Cheng'an frowned again and gave a fierce glare towards Liu Meifeng. Liu Meifeng only felt her scalp become numb and entered Gu Zhuxuan's tent while pretending to be oblivious.

Once she entered Gu Zhuxuan's tent, Liu Meifeng saw the tree fairy was also present. With her usual white dress and her graceful profile making people who look at her become enticed.

"Oh, the fairy lady is also here. Are you sure I won't be a third-wheel here?" Liu Meifeng joked, which made Gu Zhuxuan blushed.

The tree fairy already used to Liu Meifeng's jest, so she just casually said, "Oh? Yeah, I seem to remember you stole my partner yesterday. Shall we settle the accounts today?"

Liu Meifeng reduced her smile and quickly said, "Didn't dare, didn't dare." Then, she took a seat in the opposite direction from the tree fairy, "So, what are we going to discuss today?"

The tree fairy flicked her finger and the rare Black Lotus immediately appeared on top of the table, "I and Zhuxuan have different business with you. As for me, this is to pay my gratitude for what you've done to make us reconcile. Even though I told you so many times not to intervene, I realized I was only thinking about myself… I failed to notice Zhuxuan's indescribable suffering, but you as an outsider managed to solve it. So, here's my gratitude… I've long known that you won't be able to retrieve it, since your body isn't compatible to learn a high-ranking skill.",

"Then, didn't you lie to me?", "I didn't, the location I told you was true. So, I didn't trick you."

Liu Meifeng wanted to complain but since the Black Lotus was right in front of her, she didn't dare to say it lest the tree fairy took it back with her.

"What about the princess?" Liu Meifeng turned to Gu Zhuxuan who was busy arranging all the wooden animal mannequins on her shelf.

"Please wait for a while." Gu Zhuxuan was too focused to arrange all the mannequins based on the year Jiang Xiang gave to her. After finished arranging, Gu Zhuxuan brought a set of teapot to the table, then she sat beside the tree fairy and said, "Sorry to make you wait."

"No problem, Shifu let me take the day off today. Since he punishes me by standing with one foot and a bucket filled with water on top of my head until midnight. My shoulder felt sore, but I could bear with it." Liu Meifeng said while sighed while pouring herself a cup of tea.

Gu Zhuxuan chuckled, "The referred Grandmaster can be such a person too." Gu Zhuxuan poured tea for both her and the tree fairy.

"He might be an immortal, but he's no different than a 12 years old kid." Right after Liu Meifeng said it, she suddenly felt a chill.

The tree fairy smirked and said casually, "It seems like your Shifu always paid attention to you anywhere.", "Yeah and I'm really grateful for it. My Shifu is naturally an amazing person.",

Once Liu Meifeng expressed her spurious complement, the chill on her body gradually lessened.

"You sure know how to talk pretty." The tree fairy said as she drank the tea in a dignified way.

Liu Meifeng also took a sip and said, "In the world of mortals, this is one of the necessary skills you must have in order to survive in the society. So, what does Your Highness had something to do with me today?",

Gu Zhuxuan peered at the tree fairy secretly, it just so happens that the tree fairy also took a glance towards her too. When the two are accidentally being discovered by each other, the two blushes at the same time. Liu Meifeng who was silently looking at them quietly gritted her teeth and wished to hire a priest or something to hold a wedding ceremony right now.

"Could the two of you invite me here to be the witness to your secret marriage ceremony?" Liu Meifeng took another sip of her tea.

"Not so fast!", "I'm not ready yet!"

The two spoke at the same time, both of them had no intention to refute the idea. Liu Meifeng smiled at the two of them, thinking this couple sure is an adorable one.

"Alright, alright… Let's get serious, Your Highness, what do you wish to discuss with me?",

Gu Zhuxuan pretended to cough and regained her composure, "I just want to know if you know the detail of my past with Jiang Xiang? You must know something through the Grandmaster's memory, could you tell me more about it?",

Liu Meifeng raised her eyebrows and asked back, "Why don't you ask the lady fairy herself?",

Gu Zhuxuan frowned at the tree fairy, "If she could do that, I won't be asking you." The tree fairy looked at the opposite way while pretending she never existed.

Liu Meifeng knew why the tree fairy refused to speak about the past. Hence, she put down the cup and began to explain what she had seen through Duan Gen's memories.

"So, it was like this…"