Final Case I: “Our Princess.”

After telling everything she saw through Duan Gen's memory, Gu Zhuxuan buried her face on the table with smoke coming out from her head. The tree fairy scratched her cheek anxiously, she really didn't know how to handle this. On the other hand, Liu Meifeng tried her best not to laugh. I mean who would've thought the eldest princess who looked reserved and elegant actually had a thin face, it's really amusing...

"I have told you what I saw, but the rest after you escaped from the village is still unknown, because Shifu forced me out of his heart. So, I don't really know what happened after that." Liu Meifeng said then squinted at the tree fairy, "I have told her the embarrassing part, it's your turn, to tell the truth.'

The tree fairy glared at her, but after thoughtful consideration, Liu Meifeng is right. Although, Gu Zhuxuan decided to free her from the curse rather than remembering the past. But she still deserves to know the truth after all...

"Fine... I will tell you what happened after that." The tree fairy tilted her head to face the table and said, "Back then after we escaped, the two of us ran through the deepest part of the forest. Suddenly the sky began to pour down and we took shelter under a giant tree, I put a shield spell to prevent us from getting wet. After that, you... told me that you will stay with me no matter what happens, and I took your words seriously at that time." The tree fairy sighed and continued, "Which was my mistake... if that time I insisted to let you go... and willing to sever our bonds and never see each other again. Your mother might still be here... I... am the cause of your mother's death."

Some people prefer to deceive themselves by believing the sweet deceit. But those sweet lie could only give people an illusion in their life, which is the same as living a pitiful fabricated life that has not even a single genuine thing. Hence, it's Liu Meifeng's job to find out the 'truth', but the question is... how? Last time, her Shifu could force her consciousness out of his heart. It can be said, if the owner had a strong spiritual level and willingness. It could prevent Liu Meifeng from entering their hearts, unless there's a way to break through their force.

However, all these years Liu Meifeng still hasn't mastered or even improved this talent. After all those years she only spent her time studying poison and medicines under Duan Gen's watch, and in her free time, she's learning how to cook. Because Duan Gen's cooking is almost as deadly as the poison she created.

"Yes, I could... read the tree fairy's memory, but only if she won't repel my consciousness like Shifu did.",

"Wait, Zhuxuan knew about your ability?", the tree fairy said in shock.

Gu Zhuxuan raised her eyebrows and said, "Meifeng has the ability to see people's memories, right?",

Well, yes but no...

Liu Meifeng and the tree fairy looked at each other, the two of them didn't know if they should tell Gu Zhuxuan about this or just let her guess right.

Gu Zhuxuan saw the two looking at each other deeply, and she felt indescribably annoyed. So, she covers her mouth and pretends to cough.


The two heard the cough and thought Gu Zhuxuan was waiting for their answer. So, the two nodded in sync and said,

"Yes, it's exactly like you said." Liu Meifeng said with a smile.

"I was afraid you might try to retrieve your lost memory with Meifeng's ability. So I didn't tell you." The tree fairy also said with a wry smile.

The two looked rather suspicious, and Gu Zhuxuan knew clearly what that means. If someone said 'yes you are correct' after a long delay, it means it's not correct at all, or for another possibility, there's more than what you know.

But Gu Zhuxuan isn't necessarily unaware of it, she knows it has something to do with Liu Meifeng's identity, especially she's a royal princess. She shouldn't be roaming the world like this even if the Grandmaster is with her, her safety is still uncertain. Moreover, she caught this incurable disease, that Black Lotus can only prolong her life for a few years. She still had to struggle and fight her own fate, but in this world, who can escape what has already destined to happen?

Even the Grandmaster who is already immortal might not be able to escape his fate.

"Very well, just please tell me the truth." Gu Zhuxuan urged.

The tree fairy blushed and shook her hand, "I can just tell you.",

"Who knows if you were lying or not?", Gu Zhuxuan asked back.

"You don't trust me?" the tree fairy said as she frowned.

"No. Meifeng, do your magic.", Gu Zhuxuan hugged the tree fairy tightly.

"Your wish is my command." Liu Meifeng said happily, she can't wait what kind of gossip is there between these two.

"Zhuxuan, you--",

"The more you refuse, the more suspicious I become." Gu Zhuxuan said rhetorically as she stared at the tree fairy.

The tree fairy let out a long breath and finally acquiesced it.

"Alright, Your Highness, please hold my hand.", "Okay."

While still holding the tree fairy in her arms, Gu Zhuxuan linked her other hand with Liu Meifeng's. the three of them closed their eyes and darkness loomed over their vision.


The moment Liu Meifeng opened her eyes, she saw a small village similar to the village in Duan Gen's memory. However, this village is much livelier than the one in Duan Gen's memory, there are many children running around, the girls are running in circles while holding a bamboo wheel, while the boys are playing sepak takraw.

"Where are we?", Gu Zhuxuan who was standing next to Liu Meifeng asked.

Right, she almost forgot about Her Highness…

Liu Meifeng looked around and explained, "Perhaps we're at the tree fairy's earliest memory… it can be said, what we're seeing is the memories of her past before meeting you."

"Oh." Gu Zhuxuan didn't give much response, but it would be a lie if she wasn't curious about the tree fairy's past.

After the sudden bleakness, Liu Meifeng and Gu Zhuxuan found themselves in the forest. Since it's still autumn, the whole forest seemed scorching with the overflowing orange leaves.

Gu Zhuxuan looked left and right, the scenery before her eyes can't be more familiar to her, "Isn't this the same forest from the previous time?",

Liu Meifeng nodded, "Yes, after all, we're inside the fairy lady's memories. Maybe it's the continuation after you two eloped."

Gu Zhuxuan raised her pretty eyebrows, she didn't know what to feel. Is it happiness? Perhaps… is it sadness? Cause she can't remember anything? Yes, it is…

"I really don't know what to say…",

"If I were you, I'll just watch the show. Look that's you and the tree fairy." Liu Meifeng pointed at the five years old Gu Zhuxuan making flower crowns together with the tree fairy.

Suddenly, Duan Gen and Gu Jinxin approached them, Duan Gen hurriedly bound the tree fairy's whole body using his talisman. Gu Jinxin hurriedly tapped Gu Zhuxuan's meridian point and made her faint.

"What do you want from me?", the tree fairy spoke with immense anger, yet her vision remains focused on Gu Zhuxuan, as if the moment she bats an eye, the child whom she dearly loved will disappear like morning fog.

Gu Jinxin held Gu Zhuxuan in his arms and asked back, "I want my daughter back, what about you?",

"I won't lie, I fell in love with your daughter… Gu Zhuxuan.",

"…why her?", Gu Jinxin looked pretty dumbfounded and he caressed Gu Zhuxuan's smooth pearly cheek, "Do you want to be the Queen of our tribe? Knowing that it is her fate to replace me and continue the throne as a Queen?",

"I'm a demon who has undergone more than a thousand years of cultivation. If I want to be a Queen, certainly I'd rather choose between the three main Kingdom.",

The three of them went silent, Duan Gen was the first one to speak,

"Don't trust what the demon says, she's nothing but using your daughter as a tool to satisfy her bloodthirst from your clan. Because the wolf clan has unique blood that could be used in alchemy to be strong." Duan Gen added another talisman, this time it's a cursed talisman.

"I will put a curse on you, If you dare to approach the princess again or dare to attack the village, this talisman will directly burst your Qi power until your meridian points destroyed and your soul will never exist again.",

The tree fairy scoffed and said, "You know that kid also fell in love with me.",

"Oh? Okay, let me put a curse on—",

"Stop all of you!", suddenly a beautiful woman with medium lustrous brown hair approached the four of them.

Gu Zhuxuan who saw the appearance of this woman suddenly remembered everything. Yes, that is her mother, Zhang Yilian.

"All of you just want to use my daughter as a tool! You, as her father, how can you said so! It is her choice to inherit the throne or not. We had this conversation before, but why are you still insisted on Zhuxuan inheriting the throne?!",

"We don't have a choice, because within 5 years, there will be a drought and the monsters in the forest will rampage and attack our village. The minotaur will come for revenge! Only Gu Zhuxuan who is smart and knew how to settle things diplomatically.", Gu Jinxin pointed to Duan Gen, "The Grandmaster already predicted the clan's future.",

"Is that so? Then I will kill Gu Zhuxuan, so she won't become your puppet!", Zhang Yilian let out a dagger and made everyone in place panic. She took a glance at the tree fairy and widened her eyes, "You… you're really…",

The tree fairy blushed and nodded slowly.

Duan Gen understood this and knew the tree fairy wanted nothing but to have a marriage with Gu Zhuxuan, "No, I won't allow this. Demon and Human cannot be together, Demon is naturally evil. I can't trust her.",

Zhang Yilian glared at Duan Gen and said, "Since when our family affairs become your affair?",

After saying so, suddenly the whole memory shook and blurred. Without knowing it, Gu Zhuxuan and Liu Meifeng were pushed back to their own body.

"What happened?", Gu Zhuxuan asked, she looked around the room but the tree fairy was nowhere to be found. Not long suddenly there was a scream from outside saying, "WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!!!"

Gu Zhuxuan and Liu Meifeng looked at each other and rose from the ground.

"It seems like we have an uninvited guest." Gu Zhuxuan said with full confidence.

Liu Meifeng laughed, "I can't fight."

"Yeah, I will protect you—",

"No, I will.", Gu Yunxi entered the tent with two blades on both arms.

Liu Meifeng looked at Gu Yunxi's eyes, then she finally understood what she meant. Liu Meifeng chuckled and said, "No, you want to kill me."