Final Case II: “Hello, Mom and Dad.”

"How did you know?",

Gu Yunxi said as she moved one of her blades close to Liu Meifeng's neck. Her eyes seemed to be emotional added with her trembling hand, Liu Meifeng could easily guess that this girl didn't mean to kill her. But rather hate to be deceived or left behind…

"Yunxi, let me explain everything to you…",


Gu Zhuxuan stands in between the two, she knew who came and for what.

"I don't want my little sister to be involved. Your identity is too dangerous for us.",

Gu Yunxi tilted her head and seemed to be confused, but curiosity killed her will to stay safe,

"What do you mean? Who is he, jiejie?",

Gu Zhuxuan didn't dare to say anything, she just made eye contact with Liu Meifeng to not speak at all. However, even if Liu Meifeng stays silent, the crowds outside screamed her real identity,

"BRING BACK OUR PRINCESS!", said the general of Qianghai kingdom, Zhu Xinpeng.

The three hear those shouts clearly, for some reason Gu Yunxi who usually slow to grasp everything, now, finally understand why Liu Meifeng's real identity is dangerous for them. Although, the White Wolf clan is secluded from the main kingdom, but they are people of the earth, Zuguo Kingdom.

"Y-you.. you're a girl?", Gu Yunxi said with her lips trembling, all this time, the very first person she loves actually a girl.

Gu Zhuxuan sighed and say, "Just tell her… but, I won't forgive you if you hurt my family."

"Very well, listen…",

As Liu Meifeng talk, Duan Gen outside was busy fighting the Qianghai's armies. However, he didn't kill them, just made them in a coma state. Knowing that the Grandmaster is too strong for normal armies, Liu Yongchang finally showed up along with Liu Xiurong.

"Referred Grandmaster, please return our daughter right away." Liu Xiurong said with a gentle voice, making anyone who listen to it got captivated. However, behind those words there's a strong warning in it.

"I told you Liu Meifeng is dead.",

"No, you're lying. I could feel the spell I cast on my daughter, for as long as she's alive I could feel where is she. But I know the one who disturbed the connection is you." Liu Xiurong said this time with a bit of anger in it.

"Mother, please stop."

Liu Meifeng came out of the tent, her clothes were universal, so no one barely knows what gender she is. Gu Zhuxuan and Gu Yunxi came out of the tent.

"Shifu… why did you lie to my parents and… me?",

"All to protect you…",

"Protect me from what? My own parents?",

"From your bitter fate… I've already found out your real identity.",

Liu Meifeng's face went pale, then, she heard a voice came through her heart,

"This is Shifu, I know you're not from this world. You're from another world, a man whom killed by his own best friend.",

"Don't change the topic.", Liu Meifeng said through her heart.

While the two busies communicating through heart, Liu Xiurong activated her spell and make Liu Meifeng's symbol on her nape glows.

"I knew it.",

"My daughter!",

Gu Zhuxuan and Gu Yunxi hurriedly stood in front of Liu Meifeng, as if protecting her.

"I won't let Haoran got killed by his own parents.", said Gu Yunxi with her rare bravery.

"What do you mean?", said Liu Yongchang.

Liu Meifeng placed her hands on those two's shoulders,

"Calm down, all this is just a misunderstanding.", Liu Meifeng said calmly with her usual natural smile.

"Father, Mother, Shifu, let's talk… wait, and of course, Your Majesty the king of White Wolf clan.",

Gu Jinxin who was hiding for momentum to attack finally appeared from his hiding place along with some of his warriors.

"I know that all these were plotted by the Grandmaster, but you too were wrong to deceive us.",

"—And which is why the King has to follow us and know the truth. As for—",

"We don't have to know." Said Gu Yunxi, then she continues, "As long as you don't have any grudge or evil towards our clan, I will think of you as Xu Haoran."

"My little sister has grown up." Said Gu Zhuxuan with admiration.

"Thank you…", Liu Meifeng gave a curtsy that she remembered back in the castle.

"Let us talk in my tent, my warriors will guard outside." Gu Jinxin said as he beckoned to the 'uninvited' guests.



Four years later...

Zhao Yu who had finished her martial arts training wiped her sweats with a dry towel. It's not like she likes martial arts, but deep inside her heart, stands a strong determination to protect Liu Meifeng once she comes back.

"My sister, why don't you take a break and accompany me to drink tea?",

Zhao Yi came while taking Zhao Yu's towel. It's been four years since Liu Meifeng left, Zhao Yu's heart felt empty as if something has been taken away.

"Sure.", Zhao Yu placed her sword on the weapon rack, then slowly walked back towards Zhao Yi.

Zhao Yi flicked Zhao Yu's forehead and jokingly said, "Look at you, hurry up and take a bath. If Meifeng saw you like this, perhaps she might dislike you.",

"Then, I shall take a bath.",

"Haaaah… you still haven't forgotten Duan Meifeng?",

"Not even once.",

"You know that once you reach the age of thirteen, you will be matched by our father.",

"It has nothing to do with my friendship with Meifeng.",

"Yeah, right…", Zhao Yi said with great exhaustion.

The two went inside as the sunset began to disappear as if drowned in the sea...