Chapter 4 : Hunting 2


With beginner level swordsmanship, it didn't take too long for me to gain the basics of using a sword.

I trained continuously to hone my skills. I found that my posture of holding a sword before was absurd.

A good posture and stance would not only increase the strength you put in the sword, but it will also allow you to attack the correct place which I was missing while fighting the rabbit.

After staying in the forest for 3 and half days, I killed many small fries and accumulated 210 exp points.

And today, I was finally facing my first G ranked beast, the asura bear. It was named asura due to its violent nature.

Fortunately for me, it was in the early stages and was not matured. A full-grown asura bear grows up to 3m tall and its rank varies from E to D rank.

Instead of running forward like in the previous fights, I took my stance with my eyes on the bear, looking for the slightest movement of the bear.

"Roar... Roar"

Roaring at top of its voice, it waved its paw towards me.


I used my sword to block the paw. It threw another paw toward me. Freeing the sword from its paw, I bent down on my knees.

The paw flew last over my head, ducking the paw, I kicked its chest jumping backwards.

The kick broke two of its ribs. Growling in pain, it tried to increase the distance.

To stop its movement, I threw the dagger at its legs which struck at its right thigh.

The sudden wound in the thigh caught it by surprise and it lost its balance.

In a matter of seconds, I covered the distance and appeared in front swinging the sword with all my might.


A head rolled down on the ground.

[You have gained 2000 experience]

"Ooooo. Jackpot." I mumbled.

"Finally, I can use the shop. But before that, I should get out of the forest."

"I have achieved my goals. I shouldn't wander here anymore and should go back to the city. I can check the shop in a quiet place."

I cut its body like an amateur and search for the core but to no avail, after all, it's very rare to find a core.

Clicking on the button, the tent took the shape of a ball. I placed the ball in my backpack and prepared to leave.

In this hunting, I didn't need to use a potion as I got just a few scratches which can be healed easily by the lotions in the health kits.

Tidying up my things, I walked towards the city.

One my way, I smelled something.

Sniff. Sniff.

Midway on my road, a rotten scent assaulted my nose. Although I have become used to blood still it is too much for me to handle.

I scouted my surroundings, looking for the source of the smell.

After walking around, I found a trail of blood that looked to be from humans.

Hesitating for a second I pondered whether I should probe into it or should mind my business.

Shaking my head, I decided not to follow the trail which lead to bushes.

But as I ignored it and covered a few distances what I saw shocked me to my core.

"Shit." There was a disfigured corpse lying behind on the path before me. My heart started beating frantically seeing the condition of the corpse.

Most parts of the corpse were gone, mainly the limbs.

"It must be the work of some beast."

"I should get out of here before it's late. For extra safety, I decided to send an emergency signal through the phone."

In this era, the danger of beast, monster, demon are always around. For the safety of citizens, an emergency centre has been established in every city, activating the signal, will give your current location to the public safety team of the nobles and city.

Sending the signal, I started running towards the city.


"Damn." I cursed

The worst thing that could happen finally happened, the beast seemed to be nearby waiting for the prey.

Without heeding the sound, I kept on running in my tracks without looking back.

Dash...Dash... Dash...

With a large arc in the air, a shadow passed above my head landing right in front of me.

A Brownwolf stood in front with a frightening gaze wanting to tear me down.

Sweat started trickling down from my forehead as I run my mind at full throttle, to think of any means possible to escape.

The Brownwolf was a D ranked wolf while me being a 1-star warrior with a combat strength of a G ranked, doesn't pose any harm to it.

It has thick fur skin with a long bushy tail and its canines were long and sharp pointing downwards.

"I have sent the signal. The rescue team should be on the way."

Escaping from it seems impossible, the best I can do is to stall the time.

I took the stance with a resolute look, that shows a very strong will to survive.

With a frightening speed, leaving behind after images, it appeared before me, opening its mouth and trying to tear me with its fangs.

I reacted barely with my sword, trying my best to defend.


With its strong sturdy jaw, it bite the sword and swung its head, throwing me to the side.

The force of the throw was enough to make me comatose.


I crashed into a tree on the side with a loud bang. I could feel something inside me cracking.

I tried to get up but my legs didn't listen to me.

The fear in my heart started to rise with my heart beating frantically as if it wanted to come out of my body.

The brown wolf saw me as an ant and instead of rushing towards me, walked slowly towards me with its own eyes on me seeing me as today's meal.

I tried looking for my dagger with my right hand, but an outburst of pain knocked me as my right hand has been dislocated while my legs seems to be fractured.

"Why am I so much unlucky? "

Is the world telling me not to overestimate myself? Seeing no way out I finally lost my composure which I have hardly built in this world.

"I died and after getting a second chance, am I going to die again."

All types of useless thoughts came into my mind just like people go mad on facing death.

All kinds of negative thoughts started running through my mind.

I have died once but this time I will not die uselessly.

Strengthening my resolve, I held the dagger in my left hand deciding to slash in the mouth of the brownwolf, the moment it will try to bite me.

Growl... Growl.

The wolf ran towards me wanting to give a final blow.

Grinding my teeth, I wrapped my fingers tightly around the dagger preparing myself for the impact.

Just it was trying to pounce on me, its figure disappeared in thin air but instead of appearing before me, a loud sound of a blast rang in my ear.

Turning my head to the left, I found the wolf being pinned to a large rock with a spear making a hole in its chest sticking it to the rock.

I started looking for the user of the spear.

Suddenly hot air reached my ear, turning my head I found a man squatting beside me, scanning me with sparkling eyes.

"Aaaaaahhhh" I shouted.

The sudden appearance of a man scared me to death.

"Who are you."I blurted out of my instincts.

" Tsk. The young man nowadays doesn't show any kind of respect. Instead of thanking your saviour, you are questioning my identity."The man spoke

"The world is going astray."

The word the man spoke gave me a mental shock.

Just as I was about to open my mouth.

Another voice came from behind. I looked at the source of sound and saw more than five people rushing towards us on the horses.

" Captain stop fooling around. Can't you see his condition? First, give him some treatment. "

The man jumped down from the horse and walked towards me, raising his hand to give me a potion.

'The man was casually throwing potions around like it was nothing. Just how rich he is.'I muttered inwardly.

I took the potion without any second thought and gulped it down. The potion was too bitter but I was in no condition to mind the taste.

Due to the adrenaline rush even if I was in a broken state, I was not feeling much pain.

" Hello. My name is Henery and he is captain Derrick. I am Vice-Captain of squad belonging to Viscount Langes."

Shaking his hand I replied, "I am Lucas Bright who is going to become a student of horizon academy".

"Nice to meet you all and thanks for saving my life, "I said bowing my head down.

A frown appeared on their faces on hearing my reply.

'Did I say something wrong why are they looking at me with a questioning gaze?'

Sensing my thoughts, the man replied " Don't misunderstand, we are just thinking today is Sunday and the academy is opening tomorrow "

"So why are you here in the mist city, instead of being in the capital."He asked.

" Oh! that." I scratched my head and started to explain.