Chapter 5 : Shopping Spree

I explained the reason for coming to the mist forest saying that I wanted to experience hunting the beasts before the school started.

I also made an excuse of being poor and I came from a normal background, lacking fighting experience so I just wanted to experience fighting before the opening of the academy.

I even explained my reason for sending the emergency signal, giving them the location of the dead bodies.

"You are surely amazing. While most students were enjoying the capital, you just came for improving your skill to give yourself a head start. Nobles' children are already far ahead in experience compared to commoners like you." said Captain Derrick flashing a smile.

" Still your thought doesn't differ much from an idiot. Even before you can walk, you want to run and you accidentally just jumped into the death door," added Henery.

My mouth twitched listening to his comment.

"Nobles train their children from an early but that doesn't mean they fought with monsters at a young age," Derrick spoke.

"You two, go and look for the corpse while you take out the corpse," Derrick pointed to the three soldiers standing at the back.

" So Lucas, let's divide the gains. If the wolf has a core we will take it, you can take the rest," suggested Derrick.

"Ok," I nodded.

" Hmmm."

"By the way why were you using horses instead of using bikes," I asked.

Seeing my curiosity. Henery replied" Because unlike beast horse you cannot use bikes in rough terrain. "

"With a horse, you get an extra companion and it can also protect you in danger."

Pondering something, I looked at the horse. It sure doesn't look normal ranked horse. It must be at least E ranked horse.

But why does the name Derrick seems familiar?

' Hmm. Where, just where have I listened to his name. 'I racked my brain for the answer.

Yes, I remembered now, Captain Derrick was a valiant warrior who was in the 6-star realm and defended the Mist city from the monster raid till the reinforcement came.

He also had excellent eyes for battle strategy. The monster tide was caused by villain society.

The Villain Society is founded by those who want to destroy the order and rule of the three kingdoms, composed mostly of murderers and thieves. Even some members of upper nobles are part of this, wanting to increase their influence and power.

With the artefact, they found in some S rank dungeon which can make monster and beast goes wild, they caused beast tide while endless amounts of monsters and beast invaded the mist city.

"There is no core here captain," the man said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"How unfortunate," Derrick pretended as if he has lost the lottery.

The other two-man returned with the corpse covered in large sheets which seemed to be used for carrying the corpse as I couldn't smell the rotten scent that the corpse gave when I found it.

"Then let's return. Shall we? We can't waste all day here." Derrick.

"Do you want a ride?" Henery asked.

" Yes, "I replied without any hesitation.

I rode the horse with one of the soldiers.

Reaching the outskirts of the city, I decided to go on my way.

"Thanks for the ride".

Thanking them we separated. I entered the city going to the monster management department in short MMD.

You can sell the monster and beast body anywhere but selling it here not only gives you money but also some points which you can use for information exchange for searching for a particular type of monster or dungeons whose information is generally blocked from the public.

You can also use the points in it to get a discount while buying monster parts from them.

"Welcome sir. What service do you want".A lady receptionist greeted me politely

" I want to sell a G rank and D rank monster parts."

"Please give your identification card."

I gave the identification card. It took several minutes for some minor procedures to finish.

"Here is your MMD card. Please go to the room on the second floor counter no 204".

Greeting the lady, I arrived at the counter and gave the asura bear and brown wolf to the man.

" Sir you will get 900R for the asura bear and 60000R for the brown wolf".

Hearing the amount my eyes started to shine brightly.

"Yeah Jackpot".Although this much money may not sound much, a person's balance is less than 5000R, it was too much for someone like me.

" Sir please give me the account you want to transfer the money to."

Nodding my head, I gave the account and within a few moments, I received the money.

I checked my balance once again, it was 65,000R.

It was enough for me at the moment. Using my knowledge of the novel I can surely make some millions easily.


Without wasting any time, I took the train to the capital.

After four hours, I finally arrived at the inn, I stayed in the capital before visiting mist city.

Now that everything is sorted. It's time to check the shop.



[Items] [Potions] [Skills]


This shop doesn't have weapons and scripture though I have somehow predicted this.

Scriptures are battle techniques that a person develops. So how can the shop have other people's scriptures

The scripture contains insight like the martial arts manual which increases the proficiency with more practice.

Skills are immediately learned by the brain. One doesn't need to practice day and night to perfect it.

I clicked on the item tab. A list of items showed on the screen.

[Beauty Comb] -100 experience

Increase your charm for one hour

[Foil Package]-100 experience

Food can be preserved for one day without losing heat

[Sleeping pillow]- 100 experience

Give you a comforting nice sleep

[..... ]

[.... ]

Seeing the list of items, I wanted to hit my head.

'After going through a life and death situation I am offered this kind shit.'

Unable to process the situation, I shook my head.

'The foil package and sleeping pillow may be somewhat useful still this was not what I was expecting. '

After feeling down for a second, I looked for the skills.


Rank : [G ]

[Flash steps]: 1000 exp

Increase your speed by one minor realm for 30 seconds. Has a cool down for 5 minutes.

[Earth shields]: 1000 exp

Make a shield using the earth's ability

[Fire ball]: 1000 exp

Makes a ball of fire that blasts on touching the target.

[Ice Lance]: 2000 exp

Help's you to shoot an ice spear

[Mana breath]:10000 exp

Mana allows you to purify the mana you breathe and absorb giving a higher quality of mana. When your Mana is exhausted, your recovery of Mana increases with each breath you take.

[The less number of skills was due to the low rank and bloodline of the user which is based on your compatibility. Increase your rank or grade of your bloodline to unlock more skills]

"What?"This was the first time, I got the remainder from the system to increase my bloodline grade.

Though it's feasible to still it much more difficult.

The novel has mentioned only two methods up to 8 volumes that I read to increase the bloodline grade.

Still, it is nice. It didn't let me down, unlike the items.

The potions are the only ones left. I don't think I will find anything interesting still I should take a sneak.



[Low ]: 500 exp

[Intermediate]: 10,000 exp

[Advanced ] : 50,000 exp


[Low ] : 500 exp

[Intermediate] : 10,000 exp

[Advanced ] : 50,000 exp


[Low ] : 500 exp

[Intermediate] : 10,000 exp

[Advanced ] : 50,000 exp

[.... ]

[.... ]


[Silver Grade] : 70,000 exp

[Gold Grade] : 200,000

[Platinum Grade ]: 1,000,000

[Diamond Grade]: 2,000,000

While scrolling my eyes noticed the bloodline potion.

Seeing the bloodline upgrade blew my mind. I rubbed my eyes a few times, pinching my cheek to wake if it is a dream.

'It's not a dream.'I pinched my cheek.

Along with the bloodline potions, there are other health potions.

It may look too much now but when I advance to 5 stars or above this much exp will be nothing.

'God finally have mercy on me.'

Though the system is neither overpowered nor omnipotent like other protagonists in the novel it is still better than nothing.

"Hmm. So what should I buy."

''I have 2210 exp. Should I buy one and save exp or buy two.''

I shouldn't act like a miser. Safety comes first.

I decide to buy flash step and fireball.

Information started flooding into my brain about skills.

Time seems to pass like minutes when in reality it has been only a few seconds.

Taking deep breaths, I started igniting a small fire on my finger.


A mini fireball almost the size of a finger started dancing in my hand.

A small smile flashed on my face seeing the fire.

Extinguishing the flame, I set the alarm at 6 AM.

Finally, tomorrow would be the day, the academy will start.

Countless schemes, conspiracies and fight gonna start tomorrow with the start of the first arc of the story.

''It surely gonna be fun tomorrow.'' I don't know why but deep in my heart, light excitation started to build up for the things to come.