Chapter 8 : Drifting Sword

Running through the corridor, I entered the classroom just in time with two minutes left to 8 AM.

Dragging my tired legs, I somehow managed to get on my seat.

Yesterday, I was exhausted from the weight training in the gravity chamber.

My energy was completely depleted on the first day. It was even difficult to raise my foot to walk.

I was so excited about using the new technology that I made a newbie mistake.

In my previous life, everyone gets a warning on the first day to take it's nice and slow, improve their basics, built a solid foundation.

I have neither time nor external help like top rankers that use a potion to quickly recover. I have to rely on myself.

With the ringing of the bell, the class started.

The first class was history class. The subject was only for first-years to give knowledge of the previous era, in honour of their achievement so that we can learn something from that.


"So first and foremost let me give you a brief of the greatest war between alliance with demons."

After speaking for half an hour about knowledge that I already knew, the important part that came now caught everyone's attention.

"After the endless war between demons and other races which left the world in shatters. The demon king finally made its move."

"Humans strongest warrior Marcus who was known as Martial God along with warriors of dwarves and elves finally killed him."

I looked at the teacher and chuckled.

The professor himself doesn't know the full story, Knowing the information from before, I started yawning but it was not his fault for not knowing the truth. It was known only to 9-star warriors or if you hold an important position in the court of the Kingdom.

The truth is the demon king is still alive but he is in a coma. During the war due to losing the war, the demon king devoured a huge number of the soul of its subordinates along with citizens forcefully breaking to what humans called the 10-star realm or Ex rank for demons.

To overcome the crisis, Marcus along with many 9-star warriors burnt their life force transferring their mana to Marcus. Using the life force power of others, he broke through to 10 stars. Still, it became difficult for him to kill the demon king so he sealed the demon king in the coffin and with the slash of his sword separated the land occupied by the demon.

The demon occupied 4/10 of land whereas humans, elves, dwarves and other minor species occupied a total of 6/10 of land with a distance of 20,000km ocean between them

Still, with modern technology, it was quite easy to cross this distance.

The professor suddenly stopped talking looking at the boy with a golden who has bored look on his face not paying any attention.

"Hey, you."

I looked at the professor pointing his fingers at my row.

I thought, he was pointing backwards.

" Why are you looking back. I am asking you?"

Clenching my teeth I stood up.

"You seem to know more than me."

"Answer how to differentiate between demons and humans."

I looked at the professor knitting my furrows.

'How is this question related to history? He surely looking for a reason to punish me.'

I ran my mind at full speed looking for any possible answer.

"Higher demon has two forms one looked like a human while other demonic form having horns and tails. "

" We can test their blood as the colour of the blood varies from human-like violet, purple, green. "

"We can also see their mana signature as their mana have demonic energy. When a human transfers mana to another it gives a relaxing feeling, while if one took demonic energy you will start feeling pain in the path of mana flow."

This is the best possible answer, I was able to come up with, without using my knowledge of the novel.

After finishing my answer, I found everyone giving me weird looks. Seeing the looks I was getting, my back was drenched in sweat.

'I probably made a mistake.'I thought.

"You have more knowledge for a 1st year."

" Huh!"Lucas exclaimed.

Unable to process the things that happened, I thought the professor was being sarcastic.

"Even if you have full knowledge of history don't doze off in class. Now sit down and focus on class."


The plan to remain low key was going to be astray if things went on like this.

The classes were finally over. Checking the time, I saw it was 4 in the evening.

I left the class quickly and ran towards the cafeteria.

My stomach had been burning with a hunger for a few hours.

There was a free meal here but it was common to think that the free meal wouldn't taste as good as the other.

I took a normal meal for 5R. The food was simply delicious which can be served in any 5-star restaurant.

Munch... Munch.

I chewed my food quickly. If anyone looked at me, he would surely think of me as someone who has not eaten for a few months.

The cafeteria has three floors.

On the first floor, the dishes that were served were decided by the staff.

The second floor is a wider area with luxurious food in the buffet system. This is mainly used by low ranked Noble or their underling.

The third floor has many rooms with bookings. Here you can book one of the rooms and can do anything you eat.

Unless you book a room or have an invitation you cannot enter here. Only higher ranked noble can be seen here.

After finishing my lunch, I went straight to the training hall.

I picked a sword from the storage.

The length and grip of the sword were perfect.

I like a long sword with long handles. I don't care whether it was a single or double edge sword.

The sword feels quite good.

Admiring it for a second, I made my way to practice with the dummy.

Strength, stamina and swordsmanship were my primary focus as my perception was at a peak of 1 star while my magic control is still lacking but I need a proper teacher in that matter.

If by mistake, I mess with my mana pathway it's going to be troublesome.

I started swinging my sword with everything I had learned so far, running countless scenarios in my mind.

The helplessness, I felt in front of the brown wolf was still in my mind.

Never again.

I don't want to experience that feeling again.


Swish... Swish

Slash... Slash

I have lost the track of time in practice.

My whole body was covered in sweat with clothes drenching in sweat making it seems like I just come out of the pools.

Huff... Huff.


Looking back I found Miss Ami staring at me, I didn't know when she was standing there.

I was too lost in practice to notice.

"Want some tips."


" There is something wrong with your body. As if your body knows the movement but you were not able to keep up with it."

"It's quite astonishing but there seems to be disharmony between your mind and body."

'You are quite right to spot it, this is not my real body after all.'I thought.

I murmured to myself.

"First decrease your sword practice. Increase your physical training after the gaps in your movement disappears, you can focus on swordsmanship."

"Thanks." I bowed.

"It's my job to guide students."

"Take this."

She threw a manual at me.

" This."

I was surprised at the manual she gave.

[Drifting blade style]: Grade 2

"This is a degraded version of sword moves I practice."

" This is too much for me to accept, "I pleaded earnestly.

Scripture generally was less costly than skills. Think of it as martial arts in the cultivation world.

" Don't think too much. I have no use for it. For me it is worthless." Miss Ami spoke.

Once you become 8 star anything below grade 4 is useless.

Anyone who becomes an 8-star warrior invents his fighting style making scripture useless for them.

It is the only guidebook for lower ranks like us, to get a suitable fighting style.

Giving me the scripture, she went back.

It was already 11 PM.

I scanned my surrounding to see Fredrick.

"He must be training inside his room."

I looked around to see the training hall has become almost empty except few second and third years.

"They must be low ranked like myself, who don't have a good training facility."

While higher ranked students seldomly visit the training hall most of them are taking slow after opening.

This place gonna be full by the time midterms arrive.

" Shall I call it day?"


On her way to the office room, she found Harris looking at the training.

"Is it worth giving it to him. You could give it to others after all he is only bronze rank".Harris asked.

" He may not have infinite potential but that doesn't forbid us from helping him, "Ami spoke.

"See, his eyes with every move his eyes glow like he is having much fun. He may be simple he has an endless thirst for power. He is not going be stop at a mere 3 or 4 stars. My senses are telling me." Ami spoke

Women sure have weird senses, Harris pondered but he was too afraid to say.

Who knows there may be news tomorrow a combat instructor was found dead in the training hall for teasing a woman.

Everyone in the hero association knows this seemingly kind lady will not take a glance if you become her enemy.

"Hey what are thinking," Ami asked raising her eyebrows.

"Nothing... Nothing" Harris waved his hand.

"Let's go to the staff room."

While walking away Harris looked back and then looked at Ami and spoke in a faint voice"Thanks."

The two walked away,leaving behind the students to train.