Chapter 9 : Life at Horizon

Entering my room, I took a long shower letting go of my worries for some time.

I bathed till I got rid of the sweaty smell coming from me. By the time my training finished, I was drenched in sweat.

Sniff... Sniff.

Feeling the pleasant smell, I walked out of the bathroom laying on the bed.

I have to think of ways to earn money constantly.

Hunting is my topmost priority as it will help in gain experience. I can buy a potion with experience.

No, I must save the experience for the bloodline potion. I can't waste it here.

God knows how long will it take to get experience to upgrade my bloodline to golden than platinum and ultimately diamond.

"I have to somehow achieve a diamond bloodline before the fourth year."

" The academy will be in disarray once the flames of war will begin."

"Good night to me," I said to myself.

As there was no one to wish good night to me.


The day followed without much difference.

Starting classes was usually boring.

The main subjects have still not started.

Every teacher was going on around giving an introduction.

Except for training myself nothing much was happening in the class till now.

But today something spicy was going to happen. A good show was going to happen in the cafeteria.

Fredrick who was taking his food on the second floor was going to fight.

So, I went to the second floor after stuffing my food and quickly took a seat in the corner.

Fredrick still had not made any friends so he was very much alone.

A boy walking toward Fredrick accidentally stumbled spilling food on Fredrick.

"What the hell are you doing," asked Fredrick angrily.

" I should be asking the same question."The boy shouted.

" You don't even know how to sit."

"Ohh! sorry I forgot you are an illegitimate child of Duke. How can you know the manners of nobles? How can a lowly born learn the etiquette of society?" The boy spoke wanting to annoy Fredrick.

A vein popped on Fredrick's head.

" Who gave you the right to talk about my house."

"Hahaha." The boy laughed and spoke" Everyone knows how your mother seduced Duke.

Your mother is nothing but who."

Before he can finish his words...

A punch with a force of 3 stars was thrown at the boy.

Bang! Bang! Bang.

Without any mercy, Fredrick hit his face repeatedly until other students rushed to hold him tightly pulling him back.

Bearing the full brunt of the attack, he was already unconscious with blood oozing from his nose. He was beaten until his face bulged looking like a pig.

The scene looked like some drama. It made my whole body boil wanting to do something similar.

After all who can take it, if your mother is offended in public especially if the person loves his mother the most.

The boy belonged to Charles's faction, he was sent to provoke and humiliate Fredrick in public only to be cast aside later on.

They never imagined that he will be crushed without any chance to fight back and Fredrick would dare to fight in the public.

Moreover, if you are caught in the fighting, anything can happen.

Knowing the story, the boy will not only get a severe punishment with a warning but the boy gonna be in serious trouble.

In a place where orthodox beliefs still exist, if you have no backing speaking against a noble is a serious crime.

Even Charles gonna shook his head saying he doesn't know about this.

The poor boy will be thrown after used.

'If the boy had read some manga or novel plots like me, he may not have fallen into the trap. After all, it was very much common.'I muttered.

The commotion in the cafeteria stopped with the arrival of the teacher.

The boy was sent to the infirmary while Fredrick will be in detention till the matter is not cleared.

Having enjoyed the show, I made my way to training.

Arriving at the hall, I took a 100 kg round ball starting to run in a circle holding it.

200 squat

200 push up

200 pull-ups

150 kg weight lifting.

This was my training regime I created myself to make balance my body harmony.

Completing my regime, I took out the sword manual.

[Drifting sword style]

[With each move of the sword, an air current will be created with which the sword moves will be much swifter. With a higher-level degree of mastery, you can launch wind blades at your opponents.]

"This feels good. The scripture was quite good even if it was a degraded version of grade 4."

I ejected mana over into the manual. Memories of moves flashed in my mind.

Finally, I can practice a sword without swinging the sword aimlessly.

I practised the sword for quite some time.

Whack. Swish.Tang... Clang

The sounds of metal crashing each other rang in my ear.

Stoping my practice, I peeked at the side to find Fredrick practising his spear to kill someone.

He surely looks angry. He surely has got a severe warning.

He must be thinking if I was stronger no one was gonna offend his mother blah... blah...

Something along those lines.

"Man even you do become the strongest, people will still talk on your back."

Still, you are on right track.

Get stronger for me and the world.


A training room where a dummy had been pierced with arrows.

Each arrow carrying destructive powers punctured the dummy.

Her hair fluttered with each arrow she released, spreading her elegance.

Anyone who gets a glance at her releasing arrow will undoubtedly think of her as Goddesses of archery.

Rose Seyfried can be said as one of the beauties in the first year. Many are interested in her wanting, her hand in her marriage.

Count Seyfried doesn't belong to any faction being independent and different from all nobles.

Though he has no sons, he doesn't discriminate between a girl and a boy.

If you are born in a noble house, you have to marry in the interest of the house and generally it is difficult to marry by love.

"I don't care about what the world thinks of you. Do what you feel is right. Choose the future you want for yourself, you don't need to think about others' opinions," These were the words her father said before she moved into Horizon.

She tried to maintain the mask of coldness but she treat everyone kindly irrespective of social standing.

" Miss! Have you seen what happened at the cafeteria?"The maid asked.

One of her assistants asked handing her an arrow.


" It seems Charles thinks everyone is a fool, "Rose spoke.

"Fear of his position being overtaken, he is using cowardly moves to pressurise Fredrick, trying to bring down his performance," Rose said concentrating on her target.

" Naive."


Shooting the arrow, she showed her hand towards the left asking for the arrow from the maid who seemed to be stunned.

She looked at her maid who was giving her a weird look.

"Why are looking at me like that."

Cough... Cough.

Clearing her throat the maid spoke.

" Miss this is the first time you talked so much about a boy. You never show any response when talking about others."The maid in a faint voice.

Realising her mistake, she blushed and glared at her.

"You are the one, who asked me, about him," saying this, she turned and left the training room leaving a huge misunderstanding behind.

"Miss finally you found someone. Your servant will cheer for you wholeheartedly."


In a room in a student dorm

A boy was crying on his pillow.

" Why do I have to suffer like this?"

"I was just doing what I was ordered then instead of taking care of me he threw me aside in time of need."

"I shouldn't have served him."

"Of all the things I could use to insult him, I have to use the name of Duke's household."

"I was blind to the riches. I became foolish to let others take advantage of me. If I was given a chance, I would just stay shut without any words"

"I was blind in thinking that I have a backup of someone big, with his help I can get away after doing bad things."

"My family. They have made so much sacrifice, so many expectations. Everything went to waste because of my greediness."

" If they acted my family was going to be doomed."

Cry of regret echoed in the room.


In a room, two masked men were standing behind a person.

"Did you make sure no one noticed?"

" Yes, master we entered the academy as delivery men."

"No one has taken notice. Unless we kill or interfere with any students the members shouldn't notice us."

" The dog has done his duty, throw him some money and tell him to leave the academy unless he wants to suffer the wrath of the Frosts."

"Master can't we just abandon him."

" No, we can't, if we do it will hurt our vassal houses".

"As expected of you. Master you have thought ahead".

Just like this, a student has taken leave from the academy.


" Ben Carson has left the academy, so rejoice some of your rank increase," Ami said with sarcasm on her face.

I knew this was coming but honestly, he was a golden grade bloodline. If the academy put in some effort, they could have stopped him.

Anyone with a brain can know the reason why he left.

Where are your talks about grooming students' best talents now?


This was all bullshit.

Except platinum and diamond ranked bloodline students, all others are cannon fodder or replaceable workforce.

No one cares whether they live or die except their families. They are just sheep waiting to be butchered on the frontlines if war took place with demons.