Chapter 52 : Hellish Training Program

'Well, I guess I did well.' I muttered

Theoretically, I scored much better compared to others which even I, found hard to believe. I think except for the children associated with nobles who are forced to study from a young age, not all focus on their studies.

Still, even in the three months, I was able to score quite well except for computer informatics in which I got 43. Leaving that, I got decent marks in others.

'I don't know how Roan performed.'Lucas thought.

My rank was neither good nor bad. If I had gone all out using all my skills, I was sure I can be within the top 1000 but I relied purely on my physical aspect to get over it instead of relying on my skills.

Rubbing my forehead, I breathed the air of relief. I guess I have got a promotion and my dorms will be changed soon.

While everyone was immersed in thoughts. Miss Ami raised her voice to draw the attention.

Clearing her throat she continued.