Chapter 53 : Hellish Training Program[2]

Lucas slowed down his pace as he entered the forest.

When instructors asked us to pass through the forest, most students might have thought that they have to get to the mountain cliff, on the other side of the forest but what they had never imagined in their wildest dream was that there are countless traps lay hidden in the forest.

One has to go through the forest overcoming the traps that are laid here and there in the forest.

Though Lucas was having a problem getting used to his loss of strength, still he kept on running on his track.

Making use of the physical strength of his body, he jumped over a fallen tree log and just as he was about to land, he sensed a log aiming at him coming from the side.

Bending his head in the mid-air, he avoided it and rolled on the ground as he landed. He wouldn't have been seriously injured even if he was hit by the log, as it was set in that way.