Chapter 71: Meeting Princess[3]

Lucas was in deep thoughts contemplating the Princess's offer.

Seeing Lucas engaged in his thoughts, Julian spoke"You don't have to work as my butler for your whole life. Just work until I can fully trust you, you just have to stay under my eyes. After that, you can do as your wish."

"Now what are your thoughts on this, Mister Lucas?" She gazed at Lucas looking for an answer.

Lucas wanted to ask for some time to weigh down both the pros and cons, but he knew since she had raised this matter, there is no way she will let him leave without agreeing to her. So it's better to agree with her now rather than try to act tough.

Sighing deeply, Lucas spoke, "I agree."

"What do I have to do particularly?. I dont know the etiquette and the work of the higher society." Lucas asked Julian and waited for her reply.

"You will know about it later on. Since we have already talked about everything let's end the meeting today."Julian said.