Chapter 72 : Bootlicking For The First Time

In the endeavour's building.

In a magnificent room decorated will all types of luxuries, a boy was sitting on the sofa which was made of finest wood with inscriptions of gold carved on it.

Beside him, a line of boys standing along with a butler.

Taking a sip of the latte, he glared at the boy standing before him with a hungry look like he has killed someone close to him.

"Do you think you are a big shot just because you were able to defeat a second year?" The boy spoke with an irritated voice.

"Remember this, you are nothing but dust in my eyes. A bug that I can crush at any time I want."

The boy who was standing before him was none other than Lucas.

Lucas raised his head to look at the boy, if not for they were inside the Academy, all the people present in this room would have already become headless corpses before they can even know.