Chapter 185:The Might Of The Protagonist[2]

Lucas wasted no more words and activated his flash steps and increased his agility to the max, before dashing forward to meet Fredrick head-on.

With each step he took, he exerted a force which made the ground shudder and cracks spread out very far and wide, the ground opened as if a huge bulky mass of a living being stepped on it.

Fredrick still seemed to be faster than Lucas and he was the one who closed the distance quicker and arrived before Lucas and stopping his body on its track, he took advantage of the remaining momentum and stabbed forward with his spear.

Fredrick's spear technique was so fierce and direct. It didn't seem to be any fancy technique that Lucas had read as described in the book rather it just looked like a normal stab.

But Lucas knew that this seemingly ordinary stab was packed with ridiculous power and if one didn't remain vigilant, he would be killed on the spot.