Chapter 186:The Might Of The Protagonist[3]

Fredrick raised his spear and charged at Lucas again.

Lucas didn't charge at Fredrick rather he started to gather the mana around his sword and without wasting a second, he stomped on the ground which formed a loud crack, he moved forward.

Lucas tightened the grip on the hilt of the sword and raised it straight up into the sky and with a roar, he slashed downward fiercely with all his strength as if he wanted to cut everything that was before him.

The muscles in his arm bulged and as it contracted to the maximum to squeeze out all the strength in his arms.

The atmosphere rumbled and the ground was split apart by Lucas's slash and a huge blood-red crimson arc of the sword was shot at Fredrick with a frightening might.

But despite the pressure emitted by Lucas's slash, Fredeick didn't retreat but rather harnessed the might of his momentum and thrust his spear at the incoming attack.