Chapter 190:Princess Secret Place

Julian just came to oversee Lucas's condition but heard that he was unconscious and decided to wait for some time and leave if Lucas didn't wake up after some time.

As she sat down on one of the chairs and started to look around, she heard a loud clank and turned her head to see the door of the emergency room sliding.

Opening the door, Lucas's silhouette appeared.

Julian flinched back a little with astonishment as she saw that Lucas's expression which was the same as that of when he fought his first match had a sour and angry expression.

Julian stuttered a little seeing his angry and pained look.

"Princess, why are you here?"

Julian heard Lucas's question and was startled a little and but her expression went back to the same blank stoic look and she spoke.

"I came looking for you to talk about the treatment and after seeing you injured while fighting, I thought, I should give you a visit," Julian spoke.