Chapter 191:Princess Secret Hideout[2]

Lucas looked at the screen of the white abyss before him and looked at Julian who stepped up and stood beside her.

From Lucas's point of view, the opening of the shady underground passage looked quite mysterious still it looked quite welcoming and promising.

It was a short place that inspires the tales of legends and it felt as if he was on a trip to a wonderland.

He could see bright white shining light coming from the opening of the passage.

As Lucas stepped on and entered the white abyss screen before him, his eyeball widened with astonishment seeing the scene.

Blue.....Blue...Blue...Cold, crystalline, motionless.

The entire place was a tightly closed place and cold water passed through the ankles as he stepped inside.

Snow in cones under the shoot that slid down the ceiling, and icicles grew in the corner.

Lucas looked up at the ceiling to see it shining in oceanic blue light like a pale blue ocean.