
" Okay, let me trust you this once." Samantha gave up arguing, Edward would win as always. Edward let out a throaty chuckle and the car pulled off.

Sam's eyes were glued on the window throughout the whole journey, she was admiring nature, smiling each time her eyes caught beautiful plants.

Edwards's luxurious car stopped outside the wooden gate, that's when her mind was pulled back to reality. She turned her head slowly to glare at Edward, their eyes met, and they smiled warmly at each other.

" Thank you for driving me home," Sam muttered softly, her thin pink lips twisting into a friendly smile. She can't thank him enough for everything he has ever done for her. He has been a very good friend to her, he held her hand through thin and thick.

" There's no thank you in our friendship, how many times do l have to remind you? I'll print it on your forehead so that you won't forget." Edward winked at her, Sam smiled upon hearing his response.

" I have to get going." Sam was about to open the car's door when Edward stopped her, " wait, I'll do it."

He grabbed two umbrellas from the backseat and stepped out of the car. He sauntered to the other side and opened the door for her.

" You didn't have to do this, now look at you. You're already drenched, you'll catch a cold." Sam grumbled, Edward ignored her completely, as if he didn't hear what she said in the first place.

He clicked the umbrella open and handed it to her.

" It's raining heavily, you've to go inside now." Edward pushed her slightly.

" Okay, fine. That was not necessary, I'm not a two years kid." She rolled her eyes playfully approaching the gate.

Samantha was about to raise her hand to twist the doorknob of the wooden gate but she stopped midway, she turned her head slowly to glare Edward one last time.

Their eyes locked and they smiled at each other timidly nodding their heads, Edward waved at her and she waved back. There was this weird attraction Edward felt towards her.

He heaved a slow sigh, shaking his head as if disagreeing with something serious.

Samantha walked inside their compound, her eyes landed on a car tyres trace.

She creased her eyebrows, they don't own a car and..... it's not the harvesting season of grapes.

"What's happening?" she raised her head gently to find the answers when her eyes landed on Skylar and her mother, hugging each other tightly in the rain.

" Mother! " She yelled at the top of her lungs, her grip loosened on the umbrella and it was blown away with the strong wind.

She ran to her mother and brother but slipped in mud and fell flat on her stomach, She groaned in pain.

She got up again and ran towards them, they were terrified and frustrated, as if they had seen a ghost.

" Your father Sam, they are going to kill him." Sam's mother muttered with difficulty.

Samantha's heart pounded wildly inside her chest as if it'll explode in the next second.

" Wait! what about father? and who took him away? " Sam asked impatiently.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings when they landed on his father's wheelchair.

Mr Jason, Samantha's father encountered a fatal accident when he was working for the most dangerous Mafia group.

Samantha's mind came to conclusion instantly when she heard what her mother said, she knows the mafia leader sent his men to abduct his father because he didn't pay his debt, " this is unbelievable."

Samantha dashed inside their house and walked to the drawer, where her father stores his weapon.

She picked up a gun and two daggers, climbed the staircase in hurry and walked into her room.

She opened her medicine package and pulled out some liquid, she smeared it on daggers before placing it back inside the bag, she returned the daggers in scabbard carefully, making sure they don't cut her skin.

Sam descended the grand staircase half running and walking.

" I'll be back, close the doors safely, don't let anyone in." She pecked her mother and brother briefly.

" Where are you going, Sam? hey, wait." Mrs Sarah tried to yell but she was already gone, she sighed in frustration and closed the doors, just like her daughter had instructed.

She doesn't know what her daughter is up to, Mrs. Sarah prayed to the heavens to protect her. So that she can return to them safe and sound.

Samantha waited outside the gate for a second but....there was no taxi. She exhaled deeply and began running, every second is precious. it'll take ages for her to find a taxi since it's raining heavily.

The rain continued to fall heavily but she didn't give a damn, she kept on running though her feet felt sore. All fighting tactics that her father taught her flashed inside her head with every step that she made, it was like walking in hellfire barefooted.

The thunder roared and the lightning flashed countless times, Samantha had run for minutes when she stopped outside the old warehouse. She leaned slightly, resting her hands on her knees.

Thanks to the heavens she used to participate in running competitions back in university. She pulled the gun from the belt of her trouser and kicked the door open using her leg.

" What the hell?" The leader mafia leader, who was sitting close to the door, on a luxurious chair, holding a glass of wine in his hand cursed.

His eyes shifted from the man on his knees to the mysterious person who just dared to disrespect him, Samantha was pointing a gun at him, gritting her teeth in anger.

" You fools, you assured me no one followed you to this place." The leader of Mafia yelled at his men, he picked the gun from the table and shoot one of his men.

Samantha shivered slightly, she tightened her grip on the gun because it's the only thing keeping her alive.

" What do you want, Woman?" The mafia leader turned around, pointing his gun at her chest. Samantha shivered slightly upon hearing his cold tone, she lowered her gun slowly, pointing it on his chest too.

She was taught how to use a gun by Edward, though she's not that perfect. She needs to pretend because it's between a matter of life and death.

" l want you to let him go."

Her eyes shifted from the mafia leader to his father who was kneeling, he wondered if his knees are strong to hold him any longer, he has nine months to recover completely.

Mr Jason was still perplexed, he blinked countless times to be sure he wasn't dreaming. How did her daughter get here?

how did she know his former mafia boss was the one who abducted him?

All sorts of questions flashed in his head but there wasn't answers, the only person who could provide the answers is Samantha, although he doubts if they'll get out of here alive.

" So she's your damn daughter? you're going to die, both of you." His lips twisted into a sinister smile as if he's the devil himself.

Those words sent chills down Sam's spine.

" You're going to die too, both of us are going to die." A stiff smile curved on Sam's lips, her finger travelled on the trigger.

She wanted to proof to him that, she isn't that scared though her mind was screaming at her.

" Your brother and Mother are going to die too. "

Sam's heart twisted inside her chest upon the mention of her mother and brother, and immediately. They were pushed inside the warehouse. Samantha couldn't believe her eyes, the gun dropped from her hands.

Falling on the concrete floor with a thud, she was held captive instantly.

" You thought you were brave woman? all your family is going to die, while you're watching." The mafia leader pointed his gun at Skylar and pulled the trigger.

" No! " Samantha closed her eyes tightly, yelling in pain.

She tried to pull her hands from the masculine men's grip but it was in vain. She waited to feel the blood splash in her face but it didn't.

She flickered her eyelashes softly to get rid of blurry vision, she was expecting to see his brother's lifeless body laying on the ground.

She heaved a sigh when her eyes landed on Skylar, he was still breathing. A wicked smile plastered on Mafia's leader lips.

" Scared? l thought you were strong enough to watch them die." The mafia leader chuckled softly.

" What do you want from us?" Sam questioned, " keep the damn questions to yourself, it's either you give me the money, or else, I'll take his life."

He pointed the gun at Skylar once again, Mrs Sarah hugged his son tightly upon hearing his words, unfortunately, he was pulled roughly from her grip.

Mrs Sarah fell on her knees, tears flowing from her brown hazel eyes.

" Leave my family out of this please, Alexander."

Mr Jason pleaded, he can't stand the pain of witnessing his family die. He'd swore to protect his family from Mafia, he didn't want them to ever get involved.

He cursed the day he encountered the fatal accident, he was taking care of Mafia's business because he used to be Alex's, right-hand man, he was forced to leave the group to nurse his broken leg.