Fight to the death

Mr Jason borrowed the money from Alexander to take care of his son's heart transplant when he was four years old.

Mr. Jason was scared to the core, he couldn't sit back and watch his son die, he had to find a way to get the money, that's why he decided to join the mafia, because he was desparate to save his son's life.

Samantha shifted her sky blue eyes from Alexander to his father, she can't believe his father was bowing to someone. Hot tears flowed from her eyes, her heart twisted inside her chest painfully.

" Shut your mouth, Jason," Alexander commanded, everyone inside the warehouse trembled slightly. His voice was cold, Alexander's men smelled blood in the air, they were expecting Alex to separate someone's head from the body.

The thunder roared while the rain continued to pour more heavily, Sam flinched in fear. She didn't expect things to turn out this way, she wished the ground under her feets could open and swallow her alive.

" l... I'm going to step in my father's position so that l can pay the debt, don't kill my brother please."

Samantha pleaded, she never imagined lowering her standards to anyone. She had one strict rule.

" Never bow to anyone." That was her rule, Samantha couldn't believe she was going to break the rule she set herself, she had no choice, her family's life was on stake.

Sometimes, you've to forget about your pride and beg for mercy, especially if your opponent is more strong.

Samantha knows it's hard to win over this villain, now that the whole of her family is held captive. She's ready to do anything and everything to save her family, even if it involves making a deal with the devil himself.

Alexander turned his head slowly to glare at the helpless girl, his lips twisted into a wicked smile. He wondered if Samantha was thinking straight.

" l don't allow women in my group." His piercing eyes made Samantha shiver slightly, his aura was intimidating.

" What if I proof I'm worthy working for you?" Sam asked him, his voice was bold and unshakeable. It took her courage to utter those words.

Everyone held their breath when they heard her words, does this naive girl has a death wish?. They wondered if she was in her right mind.

Samantha had no option, she was desperate to save her family from this savage man. She better die trying, than watching the whole members of her family die one after the other.

" Okay, it's a fight to the death, only the strongest one to survive." Alexander nodded to his men to let Samantha go. Alex's lips curved into a sinister smile, he has never come across such a hellbent woman.

Sam pulled her hands forcefully from their tight grip. she took a few deep breaths. She knows the decision she made is risky, she isn't sure if she'll survive. Her lips curved into a bitter smile.

Samantha turned slowly to glare at Skylar who was held captive, she felt like cutting the musculine hands that were holding his tiny arm. She turned her head gently, her eyes landed on her mother who was still kneeling on the concrete flow, sobbing lightly.

A timid smile flashed on her lips, she crossed her fingers hoping for the best. she turned to her father, his eyes were wide open. He shook his head in denial, he was trying to warn her daughter not to get involved with the mafia

Samantha nodded her head at him, in acceptance, she was proofing to him that.... she's ready to get involved with mafia.

Sam can't back off from this fight, she had to do this, she has to save her family. Her hand reached the scabbard, and she pulled her two daggers carefully.

" Just think about your family Samantha, you can't afford to lose them, they're the reason you're fighting." Those encouraging words echoed in her head, over and over again.

His opponent was tall and masculine, Samantha almost passed out, when her eyes landed on him.she exhaled deeply to calm her racing heart.

" You can do this Sam." She reminded herself, his opponent smiled sheepishly, licking his lower lip.

" What are you waiting for Samwel, finish her off."

Alexander commanded, Samwel attacked Samantha but she avoided it by a swift movement. She bend slightly, piercing his thigh.

" Damnit, what the hell! " Alexander punched the door angrily, he can't imagine the naive girl is dominating. Samantha ignored everything, she has to concentrate, she needs to be quick too.

If the fight goes for too long, she'll lose it because she isn't used to fighting for hours.

Samwel attacked her angrily but Samantha was good at avoiding his attacks, she recalled his father's rules.

" Never be angry while fighting with your opponent, always Calm down so that you can detect his next attack and movement." Her racing heart calmed instantly when she recalled his father's words.

Samwel's sharp dagger cut her hand slightly, she hissed faintly in pain. Samwel's lips curved into a mischievous smirk, licking his lips. Mrs Sarah held her breath when she saw blood dripping from her daughter's hand.

She was praying to the heavens silently to protect her daughter, she wanted to stand up on her feets so that she can help her daughter one is allowed to join the fight.

Samwel began to get weak with each passing second, his head throbbed mercilessly but he kept on moving. it's either you kill or be killed.

He can't let a woman walk away victorious, Samantha knew it was about time for her to attack seriously. She quickly avoided his attack and moved to the sides.

She stabbed him deeply on the ribs, Samwel tried to stand up but it was impossible. He fell on his knees, holding the dagger that had sunk in his ribs, a pool of blood flowed from the wound, scattering on the floor.

" You're just useless, it's better if you're dead." Alexander picked the gun from the table and shot the man, till his gun was left empty, without any bullet.

* * *


Samantha recalled his trick, she can't believe it worked perfectly. She smeared poison on the dagger when she got in her room, she knew she'll never win without using her brain.

She'd to come up with something, that's when she recalled the poisonous medicine. She can't believe she won the fight using her doctor's knowledge, it was not all about fighting.

She would probably lose everything, the fight and her lovely family. She'd to be smart, to use her brains, that's why she likes playing brain games with Edward.

Samantha heaved a long sigh in relief, She sauntered to her mother, hugging her tightly, Mr. Jason crawled to his family.

He can't believe her daughter made it, although he knew she was brave, he didn't think they would get out of this place safe and sound.

They joined into a group hug, Mrs Sarah cried even more. She hugged her Sam tightly as if she can disappear into thin air the next second.

" l did it mother, you're safe now, no more crying okay." Samantha planted soft kisses on her mother's face.

" I'm sorry Sam, please forgive me. You got involved in my mess." Mr Jason uttered, he was feeling horrible, a total failure.

He failed to keep her family away from the mafia, what hurt him the most is that....her daughter gave up her dream to work for Alexander. A tear dropped from Mr. Jason's eyes.

" It's okay father." Samantha hugged his father tightly, patting his back. Samantha got up and sauntered towards the men who were holding his brother captive.

Alexander's face was dark, he still couldn't believe a weak woman defeated one of his highly skilled men. It was such a shame, he gulped the wine, before crashing the glass on the concrete floor.

All his men shivered, they knew their boss is pissed off. They couldn't believe Samwel is gone, Samwel of all the people? the highly decorated Mafia?. It was hard for them to believe the damn truth.

" Let him go, now." Samantha commanded the men who were still holding the young boy captive."

Skylar is the reason why she choose to fight, Sam loves his brother so much. She couldn't allow Alexander to take his life away because he was given a second chance to live.

They released the young boy instantly, it's a deal already. Samantha is Alex's right-hand woman, she has occupied his father's place.

Skylar hugged her sister tightly, " sorry Sam, I'm the reason why you're going through all these." Hhe sobbed heavily

" Silly boy, what are you talking about? You did nothing wrong, okay." She patted his wet hair roughly, planting soft kisses on it.

" This is not the right place to have your silly conversation."

Alexander uttered, glancing Samantha with cold eyes that send chills down her spine. Alexander was about to walk outside the warehouse when one of his men came to hold an umbrella over his head so that he won't get drenched, instead, he pushed him away roughly.

The man fell on the concrete cold floor with a thud, he hissed faintly, gritting his teeth tightly to stand the pain.

Mr Jason held Alexander's hand, Alex glared down at him with his dangerous eyes.

" Please take care of my daughter." Mr Jason pleaded, he knows Alexander is not a bad person, he was the one who saved him that night.

Alexander didn't accept or refuse his plea, he pulled his hand and walked out of the warehouse.

" Take my family home." Samantha commanded the men who brought his brother and mother politely.

" Hold on, I'm not going home without you Sam."

Mrs. Sarah was about to protest but....she was already gone, Samantha has to protect his boss now that she's his right-hand woman.

Alexander's eyes glowed red, his nails elongated, he punched the tree trunk Which was close to him and it broke instantly.The thunder roared more loudly, as if nature was angry along with him.

" My goodness, l can't believe I'm a babysitter."

Samantha darted her eyes around, it was too dark outside. Her heart hammered wildly when she heard something hitting the hard ground with a thud.

" Sir, where are you." She shouted on the top of her lungs till her throat felt sore, she followed where the sound came from, to find out what's happening.

Alexander continued to move further in the woods, he was so angry. He needed to calm down, or else, he'll kill his men mercilessly.

" The rain got heavier with each passing second, Samantha couldn't see where she was going anymore. lt was too dark in the woods. She tried to call Alex over and over again but....there was no response.

She rested her back on large tree trunk, sliding on the muddy ground helplessly. It was like this world had lost meaning, she didn't know what to do with her life anymore.

" why does this world has to be this ruthless to me? did l do anything that made the heavens angry."

She sat on the muddy ground, curling her legs up. She hugged herself tightly, burying her face between her knees. She didn't know what to do, all she could do is to cry her heart out.

She sobbed heavily, especially when she realised her dreams of being a doctor had already crashed into a million pieces.

She wanted to run somewhere far, where nobody knew her name so that she can forget about everything and start a new life.