Vampire and dragons

His light blue eyes travelled to her slender neck, Alexander's senses tingled when he glanced at her well-set shoulders and cleavage, he could feel his canines elongate and itching.

He felt like a thousands volts of electricity ran through his veins, for the first time, his heart skipped a beat. A wave of strange feelings ran through out his veins, he couldn't figure out what was happening to him anymore.

" Damn it, it's nothing big Alex, it's just lust. It has been long since you took a woman to bed." Alexander tried to reason out, he didn't want the feeling to get the better of him.

He had never concentrated on this goddess before, she's simple yet beautiful. Alexander rubbed his thick-slender tongue on his elongated canine soothingly.

" You look like a goddess in a fairy tale, Sam. Does one of your parents come from a royal family or something?"

Leon teased her, Sam rolled her eyes playfully upon hearing his teases. She likes Leon's personality because he's funny to be around him, he isn't boring and commanding like the Alexander.

" Just quit it already, don't flirt me because l won't fall for it." Sam chuckled lightly, shoving her long silky hair which hung on her waist gracefully.

" Yes, you are supposed to be a Princess of some unknown kingdom. Men would be dying to marry you l swear." Leon teased her even more.

Sam's lips curved into a disbelief smile, Alexander cleared his throat intensionally when he heard Leon's opinion.

They both shifted their eyes at him, to wait for whatever he was going to say, although Sam knew he was going to say harsh words to her, she still wanted to hear his husky voice.

Samantha was wearing a off shoulder gown that hugged the upper part of her body tightly, revealing her well-shaped body. lt was loose from her slim waist, downwards.

" I think he's agreeing with my opinion, Sam. What do you think about this gown Alexander? does it look good on her?"

Leonard raised his left brow at him, Alex flickered his eyelashes softly to have a good view of her body now that he had permission to access her gorgeous body.

He scanned her body carefully, from head to toe, part by part. He didn't want to miss anything, he tilted his head slightly, leaning on the high backed chair.

" It's not that bad." He uttered nonchalantly, crossing his masculine hands on the chest. Leon's eyes widened upon hearing his compliment. He heaved a slow sigh shifting his eyes back to Sam.

" Don't let his words get to you, Sam. He has no taste in fashion remember?" Leon peeked at Alexander from the corners of his eyes.

" You're right, l need to get changed." Samantha walked back to the changing room, she slid in Alexander's clothes she was wearing earlier. The blonde lady packed the clothes for her and handed them to Sam.

" What about the money? "

Sam furrowed her eyebrows when the lady didn't ask her about payment.

"lt has already been taken care of, don't worry." She smiled friendly at her, an assurance smile plastered on her plump lips.

Samantha's lips curved into a stiff smile, she doesn't recall Leon handing the blonde lady his credit card.

" Damn it, does this mean....." She ran her slender fingers through her, black silky hair.

" Who paid the bill Mrs? just curious." Lisa's lips curved into a stiff smile, a smile that didn't reach her eyes, she wanted to know who decided to take care of her shopping bills.

" The owner of this mall paid the bill, he's the one who asked me to pick the most expensive and beautiful clothes for you." The blonde lady elaborated to her briefly, her lips curving into half smile.

"Oh! l see. Thank you for letting me know." Sam nodded her head at her in understanding.

Leonard sauntered to Sam instantly when he saw her carrying heavy bags of clothes.

" I'll help you out." He gripped the bags from her hands, just like any other gentleman would do. Alexander stood from the chair.

" Will you just walk free handed man? help me carry these bags."

Leonard grumbled, breathing heavily. Alexander heaved a slow sigh, he turned around and grabbed the heaviest bag. He carried it as if the clothes inside are made of feathers.Sam's eyes widened.

" What did you expect girl? he's the leader of the Mafia. He can't be weak of course." Sam thought, trolling behind the musculine men, she enjoyed the moment because she wasn't carrying anything.

Alexander opened the trunk and placed the bags inside.

" Thank you for helping Leon carry the bags, thank you once again for paying my bills." She exhaled Calmly, her lips curving into a stiff smile, she never imagined thanking Alex in her entire life, she thought he would never do anything good for her.

" I'll pay you back once l get the money." The corner of her lips curved into a stiff smile, she clasped her hands together.

Sam was taught good Morals by her mother while growing up, she was taught how to say "thank you" whenever someone does something good for her.

She didn't want to quarrel with him this time, all she wanted to do was to appreciate his kindness. Alexander didn't utter any word to her, he opened the door of the backseat and got inside the car.

" Is he playing a silence game?" Samantha wondered, she exhaled deeply before getting inside the car. Sam glared outside the window, as usual, admiring nature and old beautiful paintings in the streets.

The car stopped outside the massive electronic iron gate, the guards opened the gate instantly when they learned their masters was back.

Sam's eyes sparkled when her eyes landed on the beautiful mansion, she didn't have time to walk around since she stepped foot inside Alex's villa.

Her eyes glared on the rooftop, she can't believe Alex is this rich. There was a helipad on his rooftop, she darted her eyes around when they landed on the beautiful fountain.

She wanted to run and place her hands on springing water, she giggled when she gave a taught. She glared further and saw the stream, the image of Alexander standing in the rain flashed in her head.

Her heart hammered foolishly when she recalled she didn't give him cold medicine, her eyes landed on him. He was busy helping Leon to offload the luggage from the trank.

" He's my responsibility, l have to make sure he's in good health." Sam sauntered to him hurriedly when reality hit her hard than before, she placed the back of her hand on his forehead to check his temperature. Sam glared at him with knotted eyebrows.

" How can someone stay in the rain for that long and have a normal temperature?" She wondered but....there was no one to give her an explanation.

Alexander and Leon glared at her, confusion plastered on their faces as if she were an alien or some kind of Zombie.

" Why aren't you having a fever? you stayed in the rain for too long." Sam's voice was full of worry, Alexander creased his eyebrows when he heard her question.

" I'm not weak." He uttered, picking the bag from the ground. He approached the mansion without glancing behind at her

" He's used to staying in the rain, Sam. " Leon backed up his friends, Sam nodded her head although she wasn't convinced by their explanation, she's a doctor for heaven's sake, and no one will ever lie to her when it comes to matters concerning health.

Many questions crossed her mind when she recalled the day she passed out in the woods. Alexander was drenched too.

" Is this even normal?" Samantha tilted her head, thinking deeply. " This is not possible, no one is immune to cold." She shook her head in denial, she isn't convinced.

She heaved a long sigh, continuing to tour around. She wasn't afraid of the darkness because the compound was illuminated by electricity light shining brightly from beautifully designed chandelier bulbs.

She tried to find the source of the stream water, her eyes sparkled instantly. She can't believe the stream water is coming from the waterfall at the far end of the compound.

" lt looks so beautiful."

She muttered, walking further to the waterfall. She can't believe Alexander is surrounded by such breathtaking scenery, he must be cheerful and happy.

She wonders why he's always cold like an ice rock. She was a few steps from the waterfall when she sensed someone trailing behind, she turned around stiffly.

She turned around slowly, reaching her waist to confirm if she has any weapon with her. Sam heaved a sigh in relief when she found out it was Leon.

" You startled me, l thought it's an ememy." she smiled timidly, waving her arm in the air jokingly.

" l never knew you're a coward." Leon teased her, Sam rolled her eyes upon hearing his teases.

" It's normal for anyone to be a coward in some circumstances, since l didn't know who was trolling behind me. l thought it was a vampire or even a dragon." Sam chuckled softly, she giggled when she gave it a serious thought, she finds the myth of those supernatural things amusing.

" Uhm....l see." Leon nodded his head in understanding, a naughty smile plastered on his lips.

" You're afraid of Vampires and dragons? so that means you don't watch horror movies?. You must be kidding me, l love horror movies like crazy."

Leon winked at her, letting out a throaty chuckle. Sam brushed hair strands from her face, tucking them behind her ear carefully.

" Uhm....l somehow love horror movies but not that much. l always stay awake the whole night whenever l watch it." She smiled timidly at him.

They sat on Bermuda grass beside the streams, the nice scent from the fresh roses which are planted along the stream lingered in Sam's nostrils.She closed her eyes slightly, sniffing the air.

" You love flowers, right?" Leon questioned her.Samantha nodded her head gently in agreement because she really love them.

" Yes, kinda of." A timid smile crept on her tender lips.

" Oh l see.Leon nodded his head, curving his lips.

" Back to horror movies." Leon brought back the scary story, he let out a throaty chuckle when he so that horror look on her face.

" Can you just stop talking about it already? it's nighttime for heaven's sake."

She rolled her eyes playfully, heaving a frustrated sigh. She didn't like where the story was going, she was not ready to scream at night because she was having nightmares.