How do l look

Edward stood up from the seat, and Mrs Sarah sauntered to him hurriedly.

" There's no need for you to worry aunt." A broad smile plastered on his lips.

" Okay, if you say so." Mrs Sarah was convinced when she saw the smile on his lips.

" I'll go to take the medicine at home, say hello to uncle and Sam." Edward's lips curved into a little smile, he heaved a slow sigh.

" It's okay, don't forget, okay!" Mrs Sarah smiled back a him, she's thankful her daughter found good friends, although she's going through a tough time, she knows Sam would fine someday, she's such a strong soul.

"You're leaving? can l go with you, Edward?" Skylar pouted his lips.

" Silly boy, I'll come to pick you up soon, okay." He patted his already messy hair playfully, he loves sky believe he's such a good boy.

" Okay, l'll waiting for you" Sky nodded his head gently, he doesn't want to stay at home anymore. He misses her dear sister so much, everything his eyes stared at reminds him of Samantha.

That's why he wants to run somewhere far, where nobody knows his name or identity. Although Skylar is seven years old, he can tell the people who took her sister from them are not nice.

He exhaled sharply, for the first time in Skylar's eyes, he wished he could be older that Sam so that he would protect her from those heartless people.

"Goodbye aunt, you too Skylar." Edward turned back to wave to them before getting inside the car. They waved back at him.

"Goodbye, take care of yourself on your way home." Mrs Sarah reminded him politely, her lips curving into a little smile.

" Sure, l will." Edward nodded, he got inside his luxurious car and grabbed the steering wheel, he ran his fingers through his jet-black hair roughly, biting his lower lip.

" Damn it!"

He punched the middle of the steering wheel angrily, gritting his teeth. He leaned his head on the steering wheel helplessly, his breath was uneven, he felt like someone was squeezing his heart mercilessly.

" What's happening Sam? what are you up to? are you in some kind of trouble?" He questioned, but.....there was no one to answer his questions.

" It's about time." He exhaled heavily, caressing his chin, he nodded his head gently, agreeing with the thoughts that flashed in his mind.

"l need more training so that l can know what's going on, I'll save you, Sam. I'm ready to do anything and everything, just for you." The corner of his lips curved into a bittersweet smile, he closed his eyes slightly.

" I'll unleash the other side of me which has been inactive for years, l have no choice but to reveal it."

He exhaled heavily, running his fingers through his jet-black hair once again. His hands found their way to the steering wheel and the car pulled off instantly.

* * *

Meanwhile, Leon's car pulled into the basement of the most luxurious mall in the city, Sam's eyes brightened instantly. She was excited and nervous, she has never been to such an expensive mall before.

" The mall is so big, who owns it?" Sam was eager to know the owner, he/she must be a billionaire. Leon turned his head to the backseat. Sam knotted her eyebrows, glaring at Alexander.

"Don't tell me this bastard owns this luxurious mall." She whispered, she leaned towards Leon slightly, whispering in his ear. She didn't want Alex to hear what they were talking about.

" You're right, he owns the mall and everything in it." Leon nodded his head at her, confirming it.

" My goodness, does he own the whole universe too?" A stiff smile plastered on her lips, she never knew Alexander owned such big building, it was a skyline building.

She wanted to climb to the rooftop, so that she could glare the whole city, especially in the night, she tried to imagine how breath taking it might be.

She didn't know Alexander runs a legit business also, she should to think she deals with dirty business only, drag trafficking, human trafficking and all sorts of dirty business.

" So this villain is a billionaire? no wonder he's the leader of the most powerful mafia in the whole world." She thought, heaving a slow sigh.

Leon chuckled upon hearing her words.

" The whole world?" He shook his head in amusement, he found Sam's thoughts amazing.

" Alexander can own the whole world if he wants to." Leon shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, he knows no one is able to control the great Alexander Hernedez, especially when he goes berserk.

Sam rolled her eyes playfully when she heard his words, she crossed her hands on the chest. Alexander remained quiet though he heard their conversation.

" We need to get going, it's turning dark outside." Leon stepped out of the car, he sauntered to the other side of the car and opened the door for Sam, he outstretched his hand and helped her out of the car.

Alexander trolled behind them lazily, the mall was empty as if haunted.

" What's happening? " Sam creased her eyebrows when she couldn't see people walking around with handbags full of shopping.

" We asked them to block people from entering the mall because the owner is visiting the mall." Leon glared at Alex over Sam's head, Alexander raised his eyebrows at him, giving him the most scary look.

" You didn't have to stop them, you'll incur a big loss." Sam grumbled, she wondered if Leon and Alexander are thinking straight.

" It's not a big deal, they'll recover the money anyway." Leon shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as if it was nothing.

Sam shook her head in disbelief, Leon pressed the private elevator button and it slid open instantly. Alexander was about to step inside the elevator but....the door closed on his face.

" Damn it." He cursed underneath, he doesn't like the idea of Leon being close to Sam.He felt like jumping to the staircase like a lunatic, he closed his eyes tightly to calm his nerves.

He doesn't want to scare anyone, he entered the elevator calmly when it came back, his hands dipped inside the pockets of his pants.

The blonde lady walked toward Samantha and Diana instantly when they stepped foot inside the lounge room, many clothes were brought for her to try them.

Sam walked inside the changing room, she slid into a black leather shorts, a white off-shoulder top and white sneakers.

She bumped into a hard substance on her way out of the changing room, she wondered if her eyes missed the pillar earlier.

" Ouch! did l just hit the pillar? that hurts like hell!"

She lost her balance and stumbled backwards, a strong hand wrapped on her slim waist, preventing her from hitting the tiled concrete floor.

She raised her head slowly, to see who was her knight in shining armour. Her lips curved into a stiff smile when she glanced into his blue eyes, it reminded her of cool ocean water.

" Watch your steps, Samantha. l won't be there to save you next time." Alexander glared down on her, he gave her waist a slight squeeze.

" Ouch! you're hurting me, asshole. " Samantha hissed through her gritted teeth, pinching his hand on her waist.

" I thought he'll take good care of you." Alexander glanced at Leon with deadly eyes. Leonard raised his eyebrows at Alexander, dumbstruck! confused.

" Wow, Mr. perfect." Samantha got out of his hold, brushing his hand away in a disgusting way.

" So, I'm the one at fault again? this wouldn't happen if you could stay at home. We didn't invite you to accompany us in the first place."

She rolled her eyes at him, Leon was stunned by Samantha's action. He chuckled softly, nodding his head as if agreeing with Sam's thoughts.

" How do l look, Leon?" She paused like a model, waiting for his compliment.

" You look awesome, Sam. l think that outfit was made just for you." His lips curved into a satisfactory smirk.

" l don't think so, it shows too much of your skin. especially your thighs."

Alexander complimented, heaving a slow sigh. Sam glanced at him with cold eyes, a stiff smile curving on her face.

" Who asked for your opinion? it's summer season for heaven's sake, will you be happy to see me wearing a blanket or something of the sort?. Just keep those opinions to yourself Mr."

Leon was over the moon when he heard her words, Alex just got the taste of his own medicine. He could tell he was trying hard to control his anger.

" He doesn't know anything to do with fashion Sam, don't blame him. He wears suits always, no matter the occasion."

Leon chuckled, he was thankful for Samantha joining their group. It gave him the chance to joke with his best friend more, Alexander has been cold and emotionless for way too long.

"Oh, l see. What did l expected anyway? his taste for fashion is suffocating, ugh."

Samantha nodded her head in agreement, scanning his well-designed tuxedo suit on his body. Leon and Sam glared at each other, they bursted into a laughter which made Alex more furious.

Sam tried more clothes, and Leon helped her to choose the most beautiful designs in the entire universe.

" It's about time Leon, I'm asking for your help, l need to choose the most beautiful gown for the graduation ball."

She exhaled deeply, a small smile plastering on her lips. She was excited and nervous at the same time, her eyes sparkled with tears.

" You don't need to ask me, I'm more than willing to help you." Leonard nodded at her.

Alexander peeked at her through his long eyelashes, although he was seating far away from them. He heard what they were talking about.

Sam tried several gowns, pausing in different styles to make sure it looks perfect to her, Leon kept on shaking his head in denial, implying he doesn't like any of them.

Sam's shoulders dropped, she never knew it was this tiresome to try countless clothes. She isn't used to this kind of life, she's just an ordinary girl coming from a middle-class family.

" One more shot then we're done Leon, this stiletto heel are hurting my feet."

She grumbled nonstop, walking back to the changing room lazily. She heaved a frustrated sigh before picking up another gown.

" Hello Mrs., you can try this one. It'll suit you perfectly, with your fair skin and thick black hair. " The blonde lady smiled broadly at her.

" Thank you." Sam smiled back at her, grabbing the gown carefully from her hands. She sauntered to the changing room and tried it.

"You look so beautiful Mrs, just like the goddess in a fairy tale." She exclaimed, darting her eyes all over her body. She nodded her head in satisfaction.

" Finally," Samantha mumbled, he knows Leon will love the gown too. She walked back to the lounge.

Leon's eyes widened when she saw her goddess features, he blinked his eyes countless times to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

" You look beautiful Sam, no, look breathtaking." He stammered, Sam's lips curved into a broad smile.

Alexander flickered his eyelashes softly to confirm for himself, his eyes landed on her goddess's face, although she didn't apply any makeup, she still looked crazily beautiful.

Her brown hazel eyes were captivating, his eyes moved to her perfectly moulded nose, then her pink thin lips, he didn't miss the dimple on her left cheek which sank deep whenever the killer smile plastered on her lips.