Edward materialised in Sam's room.

Leon kicked the wooden mahogany door violently when Sam couldn't open the door, the act brought her back to reality.

Sam stood from the cold floor and twisted the metallic doorknob, Leon heaved a sigh of relief but....his heart sank when he looked at the helpless Sam.

" I want to be alone Leon." She uttered in almost a whisper.

" l know where you're coming from Sam, l hope everything will be fine soon. Call me in case you need anything." Leon nodded his head in understanding, heaving a slow sigh.

" I'm only one call away." The corner of Leon's lips curved into a small smile.

Sam nodded her head before closing the door when Leon turned around and descended the grand staircase.

Leon walked straight to the kitchen, he found Alex preparing dinner. He stared at Alex's serious face before parting his lips.

" Don't disturb her man, she wants to be alone in the meantime. She needs a cool environment so that she can heal her inner wounds." Leon heaved a sigh.

" She's hurting so much, her dreams already crashed into tiny pieces. She's finding it hard to believe." Leonard tried to explain to Alex.

" That's none of my business Leon, you should know that. All l care about is money." Alexander shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, stirring the soup inside the pot.

" You're something else, Alexander. How dare you say that? she's a woman for heaven's sake." Leon exhaled heavily.

" She needs a shoulder to lean on now that she is going through a tough time." Leon walked towards Alexander angrily, moving his face close to him.

" Tomorrow l won't be around, l need to take care of my father's business. I'll skin you alive if you dare hurt her." Leonard grabbed him by the collars, trying to speak some sense into his damn head.

Alexander's lips curved into a mischievous smirk.

" Do you have feelings for her? man." Alexander questioned Leon, pulling Leon's hands off his collars.

" No! l care about her because you're an asshole, l don't mind making her my girlfriend someday." Leon's lips curved into a mocking smile.

Alex's heart twisted inside his heart for the first time, he felt like the most precious jewellery is being snatched from his tight grip.

" Don't you dare hit on her man. I'll kill you for sure?. I'm the one protecting her, l can't allow Sam to date a playboy." Alexander glared Leon with deadly eyes, Leon raised his eyebrows.

" Wow Alexander!" Leon clapped his hands in amusement, nodding his head slightly. " I thought you said.....you don't care about her?." Leon tilted his head slightly.

" Why are you angry at me all of a sudden? is there something wrong if l date her? "

Leon continued to tease him even more, he already found what he was looking for. He wanted to know if Alexander cares about Sam.

Leon couldn't believe Alexander cared about someone for the first time in his life.

He has been waiting to witness this his entire life, Alex has been cold for years. It's surprising because he changed since he met Sam. He's somehow warm, although sometimes he might act irrational, it's better than before.

" Just get out of my sight Leon, l don't need you here." Alexander waved his hand at him.

" Okay! fine. See you the day after tomorrow." He chuckled before turning around and walking to the wooden mahogany door, he twisted the doorknob and walked out of the mansion.

Leon glared at the mansion for one last time, " l hope you'll be fine, Sam." He muttered before he got inside his luxurious car and drove away.

* * * *

Sam climbed the king-sized bed and covered her body with warm sheets. She was still sobbing heavily, curling into a ball. Sam held on to the sheets tightly, trying hard to calm down.

She sensed someone in the room, how could that be possible when she closed the doorknob tightly? she ignored it and continued crying her heart out.

She tried to ignore the feeling for sometime but....it felt so real. She flickered her eyelashes softly to get rid of the blurry vision, Sam tossed on the bed lazily.

Samantha's eyes widened in surprise when they slid open.

" No! no! no! you're just being paranoid Sam." She blinked her eyes countless times to confirm it was not an illusion. She glared down at his white familiar sneakers, her eyes travelled to his black sweat pants and white shirt.

Her eyes got stuck on his broad chest. Samantha didn't want to glare him directly in the face. She was afraid, Sam thought she was going crazy.

" You need to confirm if he's the one, Sam." She exhaled deeply before raising her head, their eyes locked. She looked deep into his crystal grey eyes, he wanted to confirm she wasn't dreaming.

Sam jumped from the bed when she saw him blink his eyes, that meant it was real. She wrapped her hands around him tightly, she didn't want to know how he managed to get in, that was less of her concern. All she wanted was a tight hug at the moment.

Edward wrapped his strong arms around Sam tightly and stroked her back gently to calm her down. Sam couldn't stop the loud sobs escaping from her lips, she cried out loudly.

" Y- you came to..." Sam could barely utter a word.

" Shh, you don't need to say anything Sam, it's okay." Edward pulled her into a tight hug. His stomach swirled countless times when he saw how vulnerable Sam was.

He wanted to take her away with him, somewhere far from this place. But as always, she'll choose to stay no matter how much she's hurting.

Sam cried in Edwards's arms, holding onto his shirt tightly. Her warm tears wetted Edward's white shirt, making it stick on his chest muscles.

" Enough with the crying Sam, I'm here now. l came to check on you, l couldn't let you deal with this alone." Edward wiped tears from her eyes.

He tried to be strong because Sam needed him more than ever. Edward stared deep into her captivating eyes, holding her face between his palms.

" Your head might hurt from all this crying, l don't want you to wake up with your eyes puffed." He caressed her eyes slightly, Sam cried even more.

" It's past midnight Sam, you need to get some rest." Edward raised his left eyebrow at her. Sam held onto his arms on her cheeks.

She wondered how Edward managed to get inside this massive mansion, not to mention the gate is heavily guarded.

She didn't want to question him at the moment, all she needed was his presence.

" Did you have dinner?" Edward questioned her with a concerned tone. He could tell she hasn't taken anything, but he wanted to confirm it so that he can be sure.

Sam shook her head in denial.

" l don't feel like eating." She answered. Edward's shoulders dropped when he heard her words.

" This is not healthy at all, you need to take something." He creased his eyebrows slightly.

" Come here, close your eyes." Edward gripped her wrist gently, leading her towards the king sized bed.

" Wait for me till l come back, that's when you're allowed to open your eyes." Edward chuckled, he helped her sit on the bed. Samantha stared at him confusion plastered on her face.

" Trust me okay, close your eyes." Sam heaved a slow sigh before closing her eyes, just as instructed.

Edward was gone for a few seconds. Sam couldn't feel his presence but again, he felt someone inside the room once again.

" Open your eyes, Sam." Edward's lips curved into a smile when he saw the surprise look on her face, he was holding a tray of food in his arms.

Edward placed the food on the bed, it was Sam's favourite dishes. She heaved a slow sigh, trying to figure out what was happening. She couldn't think of something reasonable at the moment, her mind was a mess.

" Who's this man? is he some kind of a magician or something?" Sam wondered.

" You need to eat Sam, let me help you out." Edward grabbed the knife and fork from the tray and sliced the steak into tiny pieces, he picked the piece of steak and directed it towards her mouth.

Sam parted her lips. She chewed the meat lazily since didn't feel like eating at all. Edward scooped the delicious mushroom soup from the bowl.

" Open your mouth, Sam. l would like you take six spoons of mushroom soup, okay." Edward stared at her with pleading eyes, Sam exhaled heavily before nodding her head.

" Okay." She muttered. Edward fed her six spoons of mushroom soup, he was glad she tried hard to swallow.

" You need to take three spoons of vegetables and fruit salad." He told her.

" That's too much." She stared him with pappy eyes, " Can you just listen to me this once please....."

Edward looked at her with the most pleading eyes, how could she resist? She nodded her head slightly.

" Okay," She agreed, Edward fed her the vegetables and fruits salad. He placed the food tray on the wooden table beside the bed when he was done feeding her.

" Thank you for everything Edward." Sam's lips curved into a little smile. She clasped her hands together, placing them on her laps.

" It's nothing, you need to rest now." He smiled back at her, sitting on the king-sized bed.