
Alexander stared at the naive girl crying and shook his head in disbelief. He wrapped his masculine hands around her, that's what he saw Leon doing whenever Sam cried.

Sam sobbed even more. She rested her head on his shirtless chest, he smelled pure man scent. Sam's hot tears dropped on his bare chest.

" What's wrong crying baby?" Alexander glanced down at her and she bit her lip when she heard his words.

" You're such an asshole, let me go. Don't you dare touch me again, I'll kill you the next time you come any closer."

Sam pushed him away roughly and poked his chest countless times. She was angry at him.

Sam wondered if Alex is related to Lucifer in any way.

" Why are you treating me like this Alexander? Did l do something wrong to you? Are you even human? you're so heartless, l rather wait for Leon." 

Sam stormed out of the room angrily because she couldn't stand Alex.

" Are you even human?" Those words echoed inside Alex's head over and over again.

Those words were like sharp daggers, piercing his heart countless times.

For the first time in his life, Alexander questioned himself.

" Am I even human? Do l belong to a category called human?" 

Many questions flashed in his mind abd he couldn't stop himself from feeling unwanted. He felt like he was left alone in the universe.

" What am I supposed to do so that she can understand I'm not doing this to hurt her? it's because l need to keep her on toes, we can't go on like this." 

Alexander sat on a wooden chair and leaned his head foreward slightly. He recalled her crying helplessly.

" What the hell is happening with you man? you have to protect her for heaven's sake, not to make her cry." 

Alexander raked his hair when those thoughts crossed his mind, he couldn't help but wonder how to deal with the whole situation.

" Damn it! this oath makes me a slave for sure! l won't allow her to do whatever she wants, she needs to obey me, only me." 

Alexander couldn't accept defeat, he didn't want to lower his ego just because of a naive ordinary girl. 

She needs to be afraid of him, to give him all the respect he deserves.

" You're something else, Sam. No one has ever dared to disrespect me! Who are you to do so?" Alexander questioned the quiet room.

* * *

Sam couldn't stop herself from shedding tears She walked towards the stream so that she could calm her nerves down.

She sat beside the stream and dipped her feet inside the cold water. She shivered slightly when the cold water came in touch with her skin.

Sam was still sobbing when she sensed someone's presence and raised her head slightly.

" You have come once again?"

 Her lips curved into a smile since she couldn't believe Edward came to check on her.

" Yes, l sensed you need me. What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? I'm going to punch him right now." 

Edward walked away instantly but Sam ran after him and wrapped her hands around his waist tightly.

" please don't do it because it'll only cause problems."

Sam hugged Edward fron behind, more tightly.

She didn't want Edward to get involved in their little fight, he'll only get injured if he tries to fight with Alexander since he's a well-trained mafia, and he has never lost against his rivals.

Edward exhaled in frustration and ran his fingers through his jet-black hair.

" Sorry, l let the anger rule me, l forgot to comfort you, Sam. it's just that, l can't stand the sight of seeing you cry." He heaved a profound sigh.

" I would like to punish anyone who made you cry, Sam." 

They hugged each other tightly and Edward rubbed her back soothingly to help her calm down. 

Her sobs subsided, all she wanted was a tight hug to remind her she isn't in this alone.

" Thank you for coming, Edward." 

Sam's lips curved into a timid smile and her heart calmed down instantly. She didn't know how Edward knew whenever she was going through hard times.

" Close your eyes, Sam." Edward commanded her politely and she closed her eyes without protesting.

" You can now open." 

Samantha's eyes widened. She couldn't believe they were to their peace stop. 

It was on the rooftop. The skyline building is owned by Edward's family.

Edward, Diana and Sam used to come there whenever their lives turned upside down and they could find the peace and relaxation they were looking for.

" But how? How are you able to do this things Edward? Don't tell me you're a magician. l believe this is not an illusion, right?" 

Sam turned around to stare at him and Edward chuckled softly when he heard her endless questions.

" You never showed this side when we were in university. Why have you decide to unleash it now? Is there something you hid from us buddy?" 

Sam glanced at him with furrowed eyebrows.

She didn't question him yesterday when he materialised in her room back in Alex's mansion because she didn't want to know how he managed to do it at the moment, all she needed was a tight hug.

That's why she jumped out of the bed and hugged him tightly. That was all she needed, a tight hug and a pat on the back.

She wanted a shoulder to lean on abd someone who would understands her better than anyone else.

" Well, l thought you would never ask. That's why I didn't bother to tell you." 

Edward chuckled softly and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly as if it was not a big deal.

" l didn't unleash this side of me because it wasn't that useful. But.....l think it's about time to unleash it Sam. You're the reason why I decided to unfreeze it." 

Edward exhaled sharply. He shifted his eyes from Sam and glanced at the beautiful city, it looked so breathtaking at the moment.

" Wait! What are you talking about? What did l do that forced you to unleash that hidden side?" She creased her eyebrows in confusion.

 " So that means you had all these powers all along?" Sam asked.

Edward retrieved his eyes from the beautiful city, his lips curved into a half-smile and nodded his head slightly at Sam.

" Oh no, this can't be! Where did you get the powers from anyways? Why don't I have such powers? Disappearing and appearing like a ghost?" 

Sam glanced at him, confusion plastered on her angelic face. Edward couldn't stop his lips from curving into a small smile when he heard her endless questions.

" It's because you can't do it, Sam," Edward answered politely.

Sam's eyes widened even more when she recalled something. She creased her eyebrows.

" Wait! Are you the one who saved me three years ago when I fell into that deep pit?" Sam looked at him doubtfully.

" l kept on calling for help till my throat felt sore." Sam paused, goosebumps aroused on her skin when she recalled that night.

It was a rainy evening. Sam was coming from the market, she couldn't find a taxi because it was raining heavily. 

She came across a group of four boys who wanted to assault her and and escaped from them by running into the dark forest.

It was too dark inside the forest. Sam didn't notice there was a pit where she was heading to. She slid in the mud and fell inside the dark pit.

She cried and shouted at the top of her lungs but there was no one to save her. 

Sam kept on trying to climb out of the slippery pit but she continued falling back. She passed out because she couldn't take it anymore.

The next day she woke up and found herself in her room. She didn't want to question who saved her because she didn't want to recall that nightmare.

" Yes, l was the one who saved you, Sam." 

Edward nodded his head and the corner of his lips curved into a smile.

" How did you know l was in danger? l didn't have the cellphone with me, how did you know my location?" 

She asked endless questions because she was eager to know how Edward was able to find out. Edward walked to her, his steps were light and fast.

" It's because of this." 

He touched her neck and the invisible necklace glowed green. Sam's eyes widened when Edward unhooked the necklace from her slender neck.

" How long have l been wearing that thing? What is that? Are you the one who put it on my neck?"

Sam questioned him, closing her eyes slightly because she couldn't take the information at the moment because it was too much for her.

" Come on. Let's sit down so that l can explain it to you." 

Edward held her wrist gently and led her towards the wooden chair. Sam followed him without saying a word, she needed to know the whole truth.

" Would you like to see the real me? The real Edward behind this disguise?"

Authors Note.

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