
Sam slid into the jacuzzi bathtub, she closed her eyes slightly when the warm water came in contact with her skin. The warm water was soothing on her flawless skin, she stayed inside the tub till the water began to turn cold.

She got out of the bathtub and sauntered back in her room. She had tied a white towel to her head and body.

" What should l wear?" Sam asked herself, she already bought clothes but she feels like wearing Alex's shirt and boxers, his clothes feel so comfortable compared to hers.

Sam picked up Alexander's boxers and black shirt, and she slid into them. She walked to the wooden mahogany door, twisted the metallic doorknob and walked outside of her massive room. She descended the grand staircase lazily.

She creased her eyebrows slightly when she didn't see anyone around.

" Good morning Mrs?" The butler greeted her instantly when the wooden mahogany door slid open.

" Good morning Mr David." Sam smiled warmly at him and he reciprocated her smile.

" Your breakfast is ready, young master said l should give it to you instantly when you wake up, it's a good thing you're already awake." 

The old David sauntered towards the kitchen but Sam stopped him midway, she isn't used to princess treatment, she's just an ordinary girl, she is used to doing everything for herself.

"  Mr David, you don't need to bring me breakfast, l can do it myself." Sam walked hurriedly and stood on his way to the kitchen.

" It's my duty to serve you Mrs. This is my job." The old man smiled timidly, he wondered what the hell was happening with the young beautiful girl.

" Hmmm....l know it's your duty but, l can do it on your behalf, l don't want to disturb you, you don't need to worry."

Sam raised her arms in the air, explaining to him briefly. Mr David was flattered when Sam told her those words, he could tell she was a young beautiful girl who had a pure heart.

" What's your name again little angel? I'm too old to recall everything, don't mind me asking it again." 

Sam giggled when she heard his words, what caught him is the word angel, why did he call her an angel? Why is he being so friendly towards her?.

" My name is Samantha Salvador, you can call me Sam, that's pretty easy to recall, right?" 

Sam raised her left eyebrow at him, eagerly waiting for his response, Mr. David nodded his head gently.

" Samantha Salvador, Sam." He repeated the name two times to make it more memorable.

Sam had found a new friend once again, Mr. David was very nice. She had already liked him the day she bumped into him the next morning when she woke up when she was brought here with Alexander, she could tell he was a friendly person.

"Mr David, how well do you know Alexander? have you been working for him since he was a young boy or something?"

Sam walked to the oven to take the fried eggs and pancakes while Mr David was busy preparing coffee. Mr David stopped whatever he was doing at for a  moment to glance at Sam.

" Who are you talking about, young lady? Do you mean the young master?" He asked her, Sam nodded her head.

" Well, how well do you know him? let's start with you first, I'll tell you whatever you don't know." Mr David muttered, he didn't want to tell her extra information, she isn't supposed to know what Alex didn't allow her to know.

" l don't know that much about Alex, all l know is that he's a mafia leader and he's heartless too. He behaves like a villain, l wonder if he has a heart." 

Sam's lips curved into a bitter smile when she recalled how Alex treats her. He thinks he owns the whole universe, and it takes Sam her whole courage to stop himself from killing that bastard.

Mr David chuckled lightly when he heard Sam's words. She creased her eyebrows when he heard his soft chuckles, she turned around swiftly to stare at him.

" What's wrong Mr David? " Sam questioned him.

" You're a funny young girl, l thought you were his new girlfriend, why are you complaining so much? "Mr David looked at Sam with a confused look.

" Wait! me, his girlfriend? that can't be. I'm his right-hand woman." Sam protested.

She'll'll never fall in love with such a heartless person. She would rather stay single for the rest of her life.

Sam grabbed the pancake from the tray, and bit it mercilessly, the thought of being Alex's girlfriend made her more furious.

" Okay, l didn't know you're his right-hand woman, but....you seem to be quite young." 

Mr David's heart sank when he heard Sam's words, he wondered what the hell was she doing in the mafia group, is she out of her mind? he wondered.

" Yes, I'm young but l had no choice." Sam shrugged her shoulders slightly. 

She didn't know how to explain it to Mr David, the thought of it made her emotional.

She picked up the cup of coffee and sipped it twice before placing it back on the counter carefully. Sam was about to explain the whole story when Alex walked into the kitchen.

His upper body was shirtless. Sam swallowed hard when her eyes landed on his broad and well-defined abs, her eyes travelled down to the V line.

 She blinked her eyes slightly. Alexander looked like the models she usually sees in magazines.

Mr David walked out of the kitchen unnoticed, leaving the two of them alone.

Alexander glanced at Sam with raised eyebrows when he saw her wearing his clothes, he sauntered toward her and Sam stepped backwards till her back touched the wall.

" Don't you dare come any closer?" She warned him in a weak voice.

 Alex chuckled softly. He placed his hands on each side of her body, trapping her in the middle.

" Is that how you command someone, Sam? Are you begging or commanding?" 

He moved his face close to hers, their faces were inches away, and their breaths mingled.

Sam breathed heavily, she clenched her hands into a fist till her knuckles turned white. 

" I don't care what you think!. So, get the hell out of my sight." 

Sam uttered through gritted teeth, that she wanted to skin Alex alive.

" Not that quick, Samantha. Why are you wearing my clothes anyway? What's wrong with your brand new clothes? Or.... are my clothes sexier than yours? Or..... maybe you would like to smell my cologne?" 

Alex tilted his head slightly and mischievous smirk plastered on his lips. 

His eyes travelled from her angelic face to her cleavage. He swallowed hard when he saw the well-shaped cleavage, his shameless eyes didn't stop there, they travelled further to her chest.

 Sam closed her eyes in frustration, two top buttons were unbuttoned, revealing her pink lacy bra.

 Alexander bit his lower lip, when he saw the upper part of her breast.

He turned around and walked towards the wooden mahogany door since he was aroused, he might end up doing something that he would regret for the rest of his life. 

Sam glanced at him in confusion because he didn't understand what was happening.

" What's wrong with him?" She wondered, heaving a slow sigh in relief. She was planning to bite Alex's chest if he could stay any longer.

" You'll come to the gym once you finish eating breakfast, you need more training. You're not yet perfect and you have a long way to go."

 Alexander informed her before he opened the wooden mahogany door and sauntered away instantly.

He didn't dare to look at Sam when he was talking to her.

" Damn it." Alexander cursed when he realised his manhood was already hard in his pants.

He walked towards the gym to calm down by exercising. It has been a long time since he took a woman to bed, that's why he's behaving strangely.

*  *  *  *

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, Sam whined when she recalled she needed more training.

" This is tiresome, another day of exercise? l wish the villain could know how much l hate exercising." 

She breathed heavily, gulping the remaining coffee.

She picked a pancake and walked out of the kitchen. She opened the main door and headed towards the glass wall building.

He found Alex doing some press-up. Sam glanced at him lazily.

" Will you keep on standing there like a mannequin?" 

He asked her, raising his eyebrows. His voice thundered inside the quiet glass wall building.

" You don't need to yell at me." Sam broke down. 

She sobbed heavily. Sam didn't want to stay with Alexander anymore. She wanted to see Leon, he's the one who trains her without insults. 

Alexander stood up instantly wondering what was going on with the stubborn girl, he stared at her with creased eyebrows.

" What's wrong with you, woman? Why do you keep on crying without a valid reason?" 

Alexander walked toward her, he didn't know what to do with the girl anymore.

Samantha had become emotional lately with everything going on in her life. It was just yesterday, all her dreams crashed and she said goodbye to her family.

It was more than hard for her to cope up with the situation, that's why found herself crying without a reason.