Bittersweet memories

" Hmm..." Sam groaned lazily as she tossed on the comfortable bedding. 

She peeked the wall clock through the small opening she had created between the sheets and her eyes widened in surprise.

It was 10 am and she's used to waking up at 6 am.

It's not that she wakes up willingly, someone always wakes her up. The same person who prepares her breakfast.

" l think l overslept because of exhaustion." 

She concluded as she curled into a ball. No one was there to pester her and interfere with her peaceful sleep.

However, she missed hearing that husky voice early in the morning.

 It was like sweet music in her ear since that is the first voice she has been hearing each morning when she opens her eyes for the past eight months.

Sam shook her head vigorously when those thoughts crossed her mind.