Family happy moments

Sam was snoring faintly when her phone which was resting on the bedside table began to ring.

" Damn it!" She cursed when she heard her ringtone which was too noisy in her ear.

She tossed on the bed lazily as she struggled to brush the sleep away by rubbing her heavy eyelid.

"Who is calling me at an ungodly hour?" She grumbled as she outstretched her arm to reach the phone.

" It's 5 am for heaven's sake." She received the phone before placing it on her ear and slamming back on the comfortable beddings.

" Oh my goodness! You finally picked up the phone." 

The person on the other end of the call screamed and Sam removed the phone from her ear for a short while before returning it.

" You're too noisy Leonard. Why the hell are you calling me this early?"

Sam asked with a cracky voice which made Leon chuckle softly. He wished she could be around so that he could see that sleepy face of hers.