
Edward and Leonard decided to go back to their respective homes when they finished watching movies.

Leon congratulated Sam for doing such an amazing job. He had never seen the mafia leader that happy in his life.

Now Alexander and Monalisa were sitting all alone on the ground floor. Silence had reigned the room, a drop of a pin would be heard.

" Would you like us to watch the stars from the rooftop?" She asked with a raised brow.

Since Sam wasn't feeling like falling asleep anytime soon. She wanted to do something that would distract her mind.

" Yes." Alexander nodded his head almost immediately. He was willing to do anything and everything, as long as they would do it together, that was perfectly fine.

" Okay, just wait right there." She commanded him politely, turned around and ascended the grand staircase lazily.

The mafia leader respected her orders like the good boy she had turned him into.