
Samantha closed her eyes slightly and pretended she had fallen asleep. She didn't want to glance at the handsome face beside her, she was so mad at the moment.

Alexander's mind couldn't stop wondering all over. It was an unexplained feeling that he couldn't wrap his finger on.

He turned his head slightly to glance at the innocent girl who pretended that she was asleep. Samantha didn't dare to bat her eyelashes.

He tossed and slept on his sides. Alex glanced at her beautiful face, her long eyelashes were resting on her cheeks gracefully.

A sigh escaped his lips when he glanced at her beautiful features. He couldn't believe that was the last time for him to witness her sleeping peacefully.

His heart twisted inside his chest when he gave it a thought. Alexander stretched his trembling hand towards her face.

He brushed the dark hair strands which were covering half of her face.