
" Good morning." Sam gritted Edward who was cooking something on the pan. She yawned lazily and walked to the kitchen counter.

" Good morning too," Edward said as he flipped the egg on the pan.

She grabbed the glass jug and poured water into the glass. " How did things go yesterday night?" She asked as she took a sip of water and placed the glass back on the counter.

She turned around and leaned on the counter with a smile on her face. She prayed and hoped that everything went well.

The witch turned off the stove and turned around too.

" Great." He heaved a sigh as a smile flashed on his lips.

" You mean the two of you...Oh my goodness!" It was hard for Sam to believe it. She was so happy that her friends ended up together.

" Yeah. We're a thing now." A mischievous smile curled on his lips as he nodded his head in confirmation. 

" Congratulations!" She shouted and gave him a suffocating hug.