
" What?" Sam asked in a lower voice because she couldn't believe that someone else had known what they do behind closed doors.

She had thought whatever they did with Alexander remained between them, beneath those white warm sheets and the heavenly bed.

" did you know that..." She stammered since she didn't know how to ask the question.

" You forgot to close the door yesterday. I was going to scold you yesterday night about the 'little secret'.Edward explained.

" I didn't mean to invade your privacy or something. It's just that...I didn't expect to find out something like that." He shrugged his shoulders.

Sam bowed her head in embarrassment and guilt because she didn't tell her friends that she was in a relationship with Alexander. 

How the heck did she forget to close the door?. She felt like punishing herself. However, it had already happened and there was nothing she could do about it.