CHAPTER 60: Betrayal

Shooting right past his face, Jenrik instantly went into fight mode, looking around as he mentally prepared himself to cast a spell as he watched a person covered from head to toe in black with only the eyes left uncovered, as he stepped into the almost empty room, looking at nothing else but Jenrik, 

"I can't believe someone would be foolish enough to try and kill me," Jenrik laughed out loud with extreme confidence as he spoke to the assassin in front of him without any semblance of fear.

"You're right, however...You should be scared since no one would dare to attack you if they weren't sure they could take you down," The assassin replied, not looking at Jenrik like he did before, moving his gaze back to look at Perison who was simply watching the events in front of him unfold without making any moves, having caught the arrow that had been aimed at Jenrik the moment it was shot.