CHAPTER 115: Friends become Lovers Too

Green and Ashen were both at the cafeteria eating along with Natal and Anared who seemed to be in a very good mood. It was obvious that Green also had the same happy feeling as he ate spoon after spoon of the chicken soup in front of him scoop of pieces of chicken along with it, completely ignoring Ashen whose attention was more on Green than the plate in front of him.

" there something wrong?" Anared asked, taking a break from the conversation he was having with Natal the moment he noticed Ashen's weird aversion to the food in front of him as he kept on looking at Green who didn't even spare him a glance.

"You're not eating, are you not hungry?" Anared pointed out, the moment Ashen turned to look at him with a slightly confused expression on his face almost like he had heard Anared's voice speaking to him but hadn't been paying attention to his words.