With You By My Side

Ben shook his head. "He'll be at the hospital with Gayle, and I very much doubt if they'll let me in to see them tonight. I'll wait until morning."

"When you see him, ask him if she knew the other two women. If Shirley is right and these kidnappings are based on revenge, then there has to be some connection among the three victims. We need to find out what it is."

"Then you don't think the vamp behind all this will give up and make a run for it?"

"No. There's too much planning gone into it."

Ben sighed. "Thought I might have been a little too optimistic. I'm heading off to bed before Seline decides to kill me. I'll see you two in the morning."

"Night Ben," Shirley said as Ethan pulled her into the elevator.

Ben waved a sketchy good night and disappeared up the stairs. Ethan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and drew her close.